142 Where Do I Come From? What Is My Duty On Earth? Where Do I Go?

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
Lk 15,11-24
6586 Reason of the enlightenment on the plan of salvation and the purpose of life on earth.... Jul 2, 1956 527  Print view
Where do I come from?
7700 The word was in the beginning.... Sep 15, 1960 375  Print view
8566 Process of creation and apostasy of the beings.... Jul 22, 1963 1344  Print view
How important is the creation?
7158 Cause and origin of Creation.... Jul 3, 1958 1007  Print view
8564 Process of return.... Jul 20, 1963 919  Print view
5800 Creation of the human being.... The fall of man.... Oct 31, 1953 1177  Print view
5967 Hereditary sin.... May 29, 1954 1369  Print view
What was Jesus Christ’s mission?
8141 And the Word was made flesh.... ' Apr 3, 1962 1300  Print view
6513 Atonement of guilt through Jesus Christ.... Mar 30, 1956 1086  Print view
Why am I on earth? What is my duty on earth?
8020 Information relating to purpose and reason of earthly life.... Oct 16, 1961 782  Print view
3226 "Seek ye first the kingdom of God...." Aug 20, 1944 51  Print view
7153 Man's conscious work of improving his soul.... Jun 25, 1958 1248  Print view
7215 Allurements of the world and overcoming.... Nov 25, 1958 566  Print view
8590 God demands only love from human beings.... Aug 19, 1963 416  Print view
7157 Suffering as means of purifying the soul or love.... Jul 1, 1958 745  Print view
7184 Painful teaching methods.... Aug 7, 1958 901  Print view
7321 The divine cross-bearer Jesus Christ.... Mar 30, 1959 697  Print view
7228 The way under the cross.... Dec 12, 1958 543  Print view
8453 Why is Jesus' recognition necessary?.... Mar 30, 1963 373  Print view
4654 "Become like the children...." May 31, 1949 163  Print view
7280 Conditions for attaining childship to God.... Feb 11, 1959 610  Print view
7303 Sincere longing for unification with God.... Mar 10, 1959 661  Print view
7367 Purifying the heart.... May 19, 1959 1085  Print view
Where do I go?
8790 Immortality.... Mar 25, 1964 560  Print view
7445 Thoughts of death are favourable for the soul.... Nov 3, 1959 714  Print view
4801 Blissful condition of mature souls and the state of imperfection in the beyond.... Dec 24, 1949 588  Print view
5318 The souls' hardship in the beyond.... Intercession.... Change of will.... Feb 16, 1952 752  Print view
7309 Power supply in the hereafter requires loving will to help.... Mar 15, 1959 526  Print view
8339 Twilight in the afterlife.... faith in God.... Nov 26, 1962 391  Print view
5624 Blessed lot and activity in the spiritual realm.... Mar 13, 1953 134  Print view
6312 Reunion in the beyond.... Jul 15, 1955 1073  Print view
5449 In My Father's house are many mansions....' Jul 26, 1952 1082  Print view
7377 Bond with God.... Jun 29, 1959 499  Print view
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