139 Jesus' Promises - "I Am With You Always!"

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
3326 God reveals Himself.... promises.... Nov 11, 1944 38  Print view
God's presence in the Word
3596 God is the Word.... God's presence.... Different conveyance of the Word.... Nov 7, 1945 1117  Print view
5001 God speaks again and again.... Nov 18, 1950 116  Print view
8522 God's Word will be heard eternally.... Jul 8, 1963 797  Print view
Presence of God in the Spirit
6195 Hearing the word only after the death on the cross.... Feb 22, 1955 189  Print view
7037 Jesus' promise of the spirit.... Feb 8, 1958 360  Print view
7681 'I Am with you always, even unto the end of the world....' Aug 24, 1960 735  Print view
7822 Prerequisite for the 'outpouring of the spirit'.... Feb 10, 1961 941  Print view
Apartment acceptance of God in the heart
4736 God speaks to man through the heart.... Sep 11, 1949 179  Print view
5758 Shaping the heart to the temple of God.... Aug 31, 1953 130  Print view
7336 Dwelling of God in the heart.... childhood of God.... Apr 15, 1959 716  Print view
Connection with God by mental communion and prayer
4343 Inner life.... Withdrawing into seclusion.... Jun 20, 1948 965  Print view
5616 Comforting Fatherly Words.... Mar 8, 1953 599  Print view
6116 God's reply to thoughts.... Presence.... Nov 22, 1954 588  Print view
God's presence by works of love
6145 Jesus heard the Word of God.... Mediator between God and people.... Dec 25, 1954 580  Print view
6225 "God is in me...." loving activity.... Apr 1, 1955 463  Print view
7446 The spirit of Jesus Christ is love.... God's presence.... Nov 4, 1959 896  Print view
8409 "He who abides in love.... " Feb 11, 1963 905  Print view
8515 Presupposition of the presence of God: love.... Jun 1, 1963 346  Print view
Living faith in God's presence in man
5081 "Faith moves mountains...." Mar 7, 1951 124  Print view
7099 Faith in God's presence.... light from eternity.... Apr 21, 1958 537  Print view
7256 Living christians.... power of faith.... presence of God.... Jan 15, 1959 524  Print view
"Where two or three are gathered in My name, there I am in their midst"
2107 ‘Where two or three are gathered together in My name....’ Oct 10, 1941 587  Print view
7075 'Where two or three are gathered....' Mar 28, 1958 732  Print view
God at work in people
3517 God's work in man.... power.... Aug 19, 1945 82  Print view
7639 Working of God directly or through messengers of light.... Jul 3, 1960 364  Print view
8095 God is in us.... He is present to us.... Feb 6, 1962 670  Print view
God's work in vineyard workers
4647 "You will be able to accomplish even greater things...." promise.... May 21, 1949 98  Print view
4716 Gift of speech testimony to the work of the spirit.... Aug 17, 1949 168  Print view
6292 God's presence and expression.... Jun 23, 1955 279  Print view
God's presence in times of adversity
1004 "Behold, I am with you always...." Jul 13, 1939 33  Print view
6124 Words of comfort.... Suffering - Illness.... Connection with God.... Dec 2, 1954 793  Print view
6275 Power and effect of the divine word.... Jun 4, 1955 186  Print view
Visible presence of Jesus in the end time
2734 This document has not yet been translated      
4847 The process of Christ's return.... Ascension.... Feb 26, 1950 873  Print view
7713 Visible presence of Jesus.... Sep 28, 1960 704  Print view
2762 This document has not yet been translated      
5480 Behold, I am with you on all the days.... Sep 5, 1952 164  Print view
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