138 Predictions – The Last Judgment

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
6023 God's end-time revelation.... Aug 14, 1954 1427  Print view
5291 Last Judgment.... Prior wake-up call.... Jan 8, 1952 539  Print view
Confess and deciding in the battle of faith
3166 This document has not yet been translated      
3276 Time of grace.... Speaker - Forerunner of the Lord.... Oct 1, 1944 791  Print view
5271 Large numbers of deaths.... Recalling the weak.... Decision.... Dec 13, 1951 728  Print view
6083 Struggle of faith.... deny God.... end.... Oct 19, 1954 220  Print view
6201 Decision of faith.... confessing before the world.... Feb 28, 1955 309  Print view
8699 Final decision in the battle of faith.... Dec 14, 1963 725  Print view
The adversary and shortening of days in the battle of faith
3958 Satan's raging during the last days.... Apostasy from faith.... Jan 20, 1947 589  Print view
5471 Shortening of the days.... No shortage for people.... Aug 25, 1952 115  Print view
6039 Signs and wonders of the end time.... false christs and prophets.... Aug 31, 1954 139  Print view
8558 Exceeding the power of the opponent and end.... Jul 14, 1963 532  Print view
Separation of Spirits - The last judgement
2897 This document has not yet been translated      
3617 Spiritual turning point.... divorce of the spirits.... Dec 1, 1945 59  Print view
5398 Last Judgment.... May 23, 1952 574  Print view
5589 Sudden end amid the ecstasy of worldly pleasure.... Jan 29, 1953 541  Print view
6052 Last Judgment.... Act of love and righteousness.... Sep 15, 1954 582  Print view
7403 The last judgment.... Sep 3, 1959 712  Print view
The return of Christ
4847 The process of Christ's return.... Ascension.... Feb 26, 1950 873  Print view
6037 The Coming of the Lord (to be understood literally).... Aug 29, 1954 760  Print view
Rapture the steadfast in the battle of faith
4531 Coming in the clouds.... Rapture.... End.... Jan 4, 1949 787  Print view
5607 Rapture.... Feb 20, 1953 921  Print view
6681 Rapture.... Oct 30, 1956 960  Print view
Close the gates to the beyond
4432 Judgment day.... closed gates to the afterlife.... Sep 13, 1948 141  Print view
4496 Closing the gates into the spiritual realm at the end.... Nov 25, 1948 136  Print view
Binding of satan
3181 Binding the adversary of God.... abuse of power.... Jul 7, 1944 37  Print view
3252 Acknowledging Jesus Christ.... binding satan.... Sep 13, 1944 35  Print view
Banishment of the spiritual
2837 This document has not yet been translated      
4688 Devils of the end time.... beyond closed.... new banishment.... Jul 12, 1949 151  Print view
4836 Spiritual death - new banishment in matter.... Feb 12, 1950 155  Print view
The day of judgment
4984 Accountability on the Day of Judgment.... Redeemer Jesus Christ.... Oct 17, 1950 582  Print view
5305 The last day will come suddenly and unexpected.... Jan 28, 1952 1070  Print view
5383 Serious admonition.... The final phase of the earth.... May 6, 1952 697  Print view
5729 Utilizing the time of grace before the end.... Jul 21, 1953 776  Print view
6291 Time of end.... Jun 22, 1955 293  Print view
8066 2 Peter 3:10.... Dec 21, 1961 1217  Print view
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