136 Unselfish Charity

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
6668 The way to God is the way of love.... Oct 13, 1956 373  Print view
8032 What is love?.... Changing selfish love into neighbourly love.... Nov 4, 1961 1133  Print view
6984 Meaning of a love life.... Dec 4, 1957 595  Print view
Fulfill the commandments of love
1595 This document has not yet been translated      
3356 Preaching love for its own sake.... Dec 4, 1944 51  Print view
3991 Fulfilment of the divine will - fulfilment of the commandment of love.... Mar 5, 1947 87  Print view
4961 Love for God and one's neighbour.... Sep 2, 1950 791  Print view
6751 Every human being knows about the divine commandments of love.... Feb 1, 1957 384  Print view
7661 Importance of the love commandments.... Jul 31, 1960 395  Print view
"Love your neighbour as yourself!"
4105 Selfish love.... Love your neighbour as yourself.... Aug 14, 1947 915  Print view
4403 Measure of charity: self-love.... Aug 12, 1948 107  Print view
7411 Compassionate charity.... Sep 18, 1959 743  Print view
Unselfish charity
1000 Charity motif.... Jul 9, 1939 17  Print view
2548 This document has not yet been translated      
2783 Sacrificial love.... Jun 22, 1943 596  Print view
3653 Think and act justly.... Jan 11, 1946 62  Print view
1556 This document has not yet been translated      
1360 This document has not yet been translated      
2391 This document has not yet been translated      
5432 Thinking and acting righteously.... Love your enemy.... Jul 8, 1952 909  Print view
7711 Love for "sick souls".... Sep 27, 1960 723  Print view
6716 Selfless love.... collaborators.... transformation.... Dec 16, 1956 359  Print view
7708 True neighbourly love: Passing on the divine Word.... Sep 24, 1960 1135  Print view
Serving charity
1847 This document has not yet been translated      
2819 This document has not yet been translated      
3310 Love.... wrong.... divine.... from human to human.... Oct 28, 1944 58  Print view
6342 Distress should inspire love.... Aug 31, 1955 384  Print view
8601 Only servant love leads to perfection.... Aug 30, 1963 528  Print view
Work of love in the end time
3343 Working together in love in the end time.... Nov 24, 1944 76  Print view
6763 Loving help for fellow human beings in distress.... Feb 16, 1957 540  Print view
7233 Love work - power supply.... self-love - powerlessness.... Dec 18, 1958 341  Print view
Loving intercession for others
6517 Loving help.... Free decision of the individual.... Apr 7, 1956 469  Print view
6577 Loving intercession for worldly-minded people.... Jun 19, 1956 528  Print view
6582 Intercession for fellow human beings.... Jun 28, 1956 696  Print view
Loving intercession for souls in the beyond
2165 Prayers for souls in the beyond which had not acquired love on earth.... Nov 24, 1941 921  Print view
5203 Help for poor souls.... Love redeems.... Sep 4, 1951 735  Print view
Consequences of charity
1453 This document has not yet been translated      
1479 This document has not yet been translated      
5358 Strength of love.... Healing the sick.... Performing miracles.... Apr 9, 1952 925  Print view
6225 "God is in me...." loving activity.... Apr 1, 1955 463  Print view
Life of unselfish charity
3920 Following Jesus.... A life of love and self-denial.... Nov 1, 1946 1392  Print view
4096 Serious admonitions about Christian neighbourly love.... Aug 3, 1947 756  Print view
4868 Neighbourly love.... Mar 29, 1950 1079  Print view
5690 Maturing only through love.... Jun 1, 1953 273  Print view
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