135 Faith In God In Jesus Christ

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
7842 Right enlightenment about Jesus Christ.... work of redemption.... Mar 5, 1961 364  Print view
8618 Faith in Jesus Christ is in danger, therefore revelations.... Sep 16, 1963 792  Print view
8634 Historic evidence of Jesus and His act of Salvation does not exist.... Oct 3, 1963 624  Print view
Original sin - the occasion of the creation
6954 Lucifer and his apostasy from God.... Oct 25, 1957 584  Print view
7770 Cause and origin of creation.... Dec 12, 1960 603  Print view
Occasion of the mission of Jesus
6438 Occasion and purpose of the descent of Jesus.... Dec 29, 1955 760  Print view
6926 Justification of the redemptive work of Jesus Christ.... Sep 23, 1957 389  Print view
8537 'God sent His Son to Earth....' Jun 22, 1963 924  Print view
Problem of the incarnation of God in Jesus
3443 Personification of God.... Feb 22, 1945 405  Print view
5213 Jesus Christ.... redeemer - God-man.... Sep 16, 1951 182  Print view
6999 Incarnation of God in Jesus.... Dec 22, 1957 558  Print view
8156 Agonizing sufferings of Jesus Christ.... Incarnation of God.... Apr 20, 1962 365  Print view
God Himself, love, accomplished the work of redemption
5215 Love has accomplished the act of salvation.... Sep 21, 1951 757  Print view
7864 Redemption of guilt through death on the cross.... Apr 3, 1961 361  Print view
8222 Jesus has satisfied God's justice.... Jul 24, 1962 850  Print view
Graces of the work of redemption
2902 This document has not yet been translated      
6176 No one will be blessed without Jesus Christ.... Jan 26, 1955 221  Print view
7660 Forgiveness through Jesus Christ.... Degree of light and love.... Jul 30, 1960 550  Print view
Faith in Jesus Christ
5844 Acknowledgment or rejection.... Jesus Christ.... Jan 3, 1954 906  Print view
5847 Belief in Jesus Christ.... Christ's suffering.... Jan 7, 1954 561  Print view
6485 Belief in the existence of Jesus.... Feb 26, 1956 796  Print view
7084 Faith in a mission of the man Jesus.... Apr 5, 1958 374  Print view
7250 Evidence of Jesus' existence on earth.... Jan 8, 1959 998  Print view
7352 "He who believes in Me...." May 2, 1959 921  Print view
Belief in God in Jesus Christ
3787 Confessing Jesus and the act of Salvation.... Jun 1, 1946 566  Print view
6098 God in Jesus Christ.... Nov 4, 1954 493  Print view
8541 Belief in God in Jesus.... Jun 26, 1963 1178  Print view
Call out to God in Jesus Christ!
5925 In My name you should ask the father.... Apr 9, 1954 227  Print view
7066 Redeeming strength of Jesus' name.... Mar 14, 1958 939  Print view
Following Jesus
5577 God's spirit in the man Jesus.... following.... Jan 14, 1953 339  Print view
6333 Jesus Christ means everything.... Aug 15, 1955 546  Print view
8019 Change of nature into love with the help of Jesus Christ.... Oct 15, 1961 951  Print view
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