134 Love To God

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
5290 Love for visible God.... cause of the revelations.... Jan 6, 1952 134  Print view
4932 God's will: Fulfilment of the commandments of love.... Jul 12, 1950 568  Print view
5067 Will directed towards God.... shackles of love.... Feb 20, 1951 182  Print view
Demonstrate the love to God by charity
3697 Human commandments.... Neighbourly love.... God's commandment.... Feb 25, 1946 1147  Print view
4650 God's overflowing love.... How should love for God be like?.... May 24, 1949 110  Print view
4664 Demonstrating the love of God through labouring charity.... Jun 10, 1949 107  Print view
5039 Love of the world - Satan's followers.... Love of God - Overcoming matter.... Jan 11, 1951 613  Print view
6935 Those who love God.... Oct 5, 1957 394  Print view
6997 Love of God must be demonstrated through love of neighbour.... Dec 19, 1957 374  Print view
7817 Love for God must be demonstrated.... Feb 5, 1961 389  Print view
5886 "What you do to the least of My brothers...." Feb 24, 1954 212  Print view
God's gift in return: His word
3959 Love for God.... most delicious gift in return - His word.... Jan 21, 1947 83  Print view
4591 Love condition to be able to believe God’s word.... Mar 20, 1949 108  Print view
8514 Where God's Word is recognised, that is where He is present.... May 30, 1963 865  Print view
Love is the key to knowledge - Increased knowledge increases the love to God
4625 Right knowledge awakens faith and love for God.... Apr 29, 1949 102  Print view
7251 Love is the key to wisdom.... Jan 10, 1959 570  Print view
7507 Is knowledge necessary on Earth?.... Commandments of love.... Jan 24, 1960 590  Print view
8666 Only love helps to knowledge and bliss.... Nov 7, 1963 533  Print view
8924 Spiritual knowledge should ignite love for God.... Feb 2, 1965 407  Print view
Love is the key to truth
2218 Love is the key to truth.... Jan 21, 1942 589  Print view
7658 Truth not without love.... Jul 28, 1960 415  Print view
Love is the key to faith
4827 Strong faith result of love.... Jan 31, 1950 106  Print view
5371 Strengthening of faith through love work.... Apr 21, 1952 240  Print view
7436 Love life.... living faith.... Oct 25, 1959 363  Print view
Love is the key to redemption
2378 This document has not yet been translated      
3338 Love work.... beginning redemption.... Nov 21, 1944 48  Print view
3555 Only love redeems on earth and in the hereafter.... Sep 22, 1945 60  Print view
Love is the bond with God
3645 Constant longing for God.... love - happiness.... Jan 2, 1946 69  Print view
6381 Voluntarily turning to God.... Bond of love.... Oct 20, 1955 539  Print view
8040 Bonding with God.... thoughts.... prayer.... work of love.... Nov 14, 1961 527  Print view
Union with God by love
2147 ‘He who remains in love remains in Me and I in him....’ Nov 11, 1941 731  Print view
5357 Union with God through love.... Apr 8, 1952 164  Print view
6225 "God is in me...." loving activity.... Apr 1, 1955 463  Print view
8973 Faith and love lead to unification with God.... May 9, 1965 791  Print view
Advertise to the love of God
4109 God as a Father, friend and brother seeks to attract love.... Aug 22, 1947 582  Print view
5124 God's courtship of the love of His creatures.... May 4, 1951 122  Print view
6788 God's everlasting soliciting for love.... Mar 20, 1957 375  Print view
God requires only love
5068 Practicing love the only task on earth.... Feb 21, 1951 182  Print view
6183 Commandment of love.... Feb 3, 1955 136  Print view
8916 Love is all that God requires of mankind.... Jan 23, 1965 357  Print view
7516 Redesign to love.... Feb 7, 1960 352  Print view
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