127 Test All Things And Keep What Is Best Part 2

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
1134 Faith is the first condition for truth.... Oct 12, 1939 393  Print view
Scrutinizing the truthfulness of the Holy Bible
2203 Book of Books.... Lamp without oil.... Jan 5, 1942 423  Print view
7103 Wrong interpretation of the Scriptures.... The working of the spirit.... Apr 26, 1958 729  Print view
8054 Is the Bible completed.... Dec 3, 1961 1240  Print view
8963 Do the Gospels correspond to truth?.... Apr 15, 1965 664  Print view
Scrutinizing revelations
4169 Divine revelations can be accepted without scrutiny.... Love.... Nov 17, 1947 408  Print view
8050 Doubting the transfer of pure truth.... Nov 28, 1961 399  Print view
8460 Two different kinds of revelations cannot be true.... Apr 6, 1963 570  Print view
8724 Scrutinising the origin of a revelation.... Jan 13, 1964 442  Print view
Scrutinizing mental attitudes
2091 Danger of accepting established traditions.... Examination.... Sep 30, 1941 436  Print view
3328 Concord of spiritual results.... Truth.... Nov 13, 1944 403  Print view
3366 New school of thought.... Human work.... Dec 13, 1944 707  Print view
4786 There is only one truth.... Feeling of heart.... Nov 23, 1949 362  Print view
5546 Spiritual compulsion.... Doctrines.... Truth.... Dec 2, 1952 371  Print view
7072 The true church.... Sects.... Working of the spirit.... Mar 24, 1958 715  Print view
8615 Wrong portrayal of God.... Error.... Sep 13, 1963 611  Print view
8990 Various schools of thought.... There is only one truth.... Jun 6, 1965 471  Print view
Scrutinizing psychic communications
6468 Dangers of psychic communication.... Feb 5, 1956 757  Print view
8416 Difference between the 'working of the spirit' and 'psychic' receptions.... Feb 19, 1963 1085  Print view
Scrutinizing prophets
2566 False prophets.... Test the spirits.... Nov 29, 1942 426  Print view
4675 'That day and hour knoweth no man....' False prophets of the last days.... Jun 24, 1949 551  Print view
5778 False Christs and prophets.... Sep 28, 1953 778  Print view
7841 The adversary's disguise as a spirit of light.... Miracles?.... Mar 4, 1961 530  Print view
8521 False Christs and prophets.... Characteristic: Salvation.... Jun 7, 1963 565  Print view
Scrutinizing teachers and teaching material
2800 Professional missionaries.... Academic knowledge.... Jul 6, 1943 374  Print view
2894 Suitability for scrutinising spiritual gifts.... Sep 24, 1943 350  Print view
4534 The right kind of teacher.... Truth - Error.... Jan 7, 1949 522  Print view
4968 Test the spirits.... Satan's great power before the end.... Doubts.... Sep 17, 1950 698  Print view
5150 Whoever is taught by God requires no further external knowledge.... Jun 13, 1951 738  Print view
6728 A teacher’s duty: to examine teaching material.... Jan 4, 1957 909  Print view
8037 Test all things and keep what is good.... Nov 9, 1961 381  Print view
8783 A mediator's introspection.... Mar 18, 1964 536  Print view
Spreading the truth
2247 Recognising the truth is a duty to advocate it.... Mar 1, 1942 519  Print view
5805 Prayer for strength and grace.... Nov 14, 1953 543  Print view
8534 Holding on to misguided spiritual knowledge.... Desire for truth.... Jun 19, 1963 352  Print view
8842 Study does not guarantee spiritual knowledge.... Aug 21, 1964 708  Print view
6676 'Test all things and keep what is good....' Oct 24, 1956 892  Print view
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