126 Test All Things And Keep What Is Best Part 1

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
6476 Spiritual decline due to error and falsehood.... Feb 15, 1956 358  Print view
Intellectual knowledge
2375 'The wisdom of the wise will be destroyed....' Jun 20, 1942 398  Print view
3192 Scrutiny of spiritual results by worldly researchers.... Jul 18, 1944 405  Print view
6488 Intellectual knowledge.... Study.... Revelations.... Feb 29, 1956 377  Print view
6931 Earthly knowledge is not 'wisdom'.... Sep 30, 1957 787  Print view
The adversary’s work through error and distortion of truth
4560 Mental knowledge of worldly origin.... Truth - Error.... Feb 7, 1949 373  Print view
6493 The masses never support the truth.... Distribution - Adversary.... Mar 6, 1956 405  Print view
8407 Examining spiritual information.... Feb 9, 1963 611  Print view
8448 ‘Correcting’ God’s Word.... Corruption of truth.... Mar 25, 1963 575  Print view
8480 Distortion of truth.... Apr 27, 1963 389  Print view
8962 'Test the spirits whether they are of God....' 1 John 4:1-3.... Apr 13, 1965 448  Print view
Precondition for testing: Serious will and desire for truth
3686 Serious scrutiny and will for truth.... Feb 14, 1946 572  Print view
6874 The blessing of doubting.... Truth.... Jul 18, 1957 572  Print view
7629 Sincere desire for truth guarantees truth.... Jun 22, 1960 566  Print view
Precondition for testing: Heartfelt contact with God
6075 Connection with God guarantees truth.... Oct 10, 1954 402  Print view
6287 Scrutiny of spiritual knowledge advisable.... Jun 18, 1955 376  Print view
8828 Scrutiny of spiritual knowledge presupposes bond with God.... Jul 11, 1964 454  Print view
The Word of God – Purest Truth
4726 'My sheep know My voice....' Resistance.... Aug 28, 1949 810  Print view
7152 The Word of God: Unadulterated truth.... Jun 23, 1958 424  Print view
8830 God wants His Word understood differently.... Jul 16, 1964 435  Print view
Scrutinising spiritual knowledge for divine origin
3544 Scrutinising the source of spiritual knowledge.... Sep 10, 1945 407  Print view
7311 Answers to questions.... Serious examination of the origin.... Mar 18, 1959 567  Print view
Criterion of truth: God of Love and Illumination
5023 Characteristic of truth of the proclamations: Love, grace, mercy.... Dec 18, 1950 393  Print view
5424 Attribute of truth: Emanation of light .... Jun 29, 1952 396  Print view
7499 Scrutiny of spiritual knowledge.... Calling upon the spirit.... Jan 13, 1960 384  Print view
Criterion of truth: Emanation of love
2849 Characteristic of truth.... Meaning of the letter.... Scrutiny and ability.... Aug 13, 1943 393  Print view
3698 God's Word reflects the spirit of love.... Feb 26, 1946 589  Print view
Criterion of truth: Jesus Christ
4601 Test the spirits.... Act of Salvation.... Criterion Jesus Christ.... Mar 30, 1949 378  Print view
6486 Characteristic of truth: Jesus Christ.... Love.... Feb 27, 1956 591  Print view
8479 Touchstone of divine revelations: Jesus' act of Salvation.... Apr 26, 1963 403  Print view
Criterion of truth: The working of God’s Spirit
2877 The working of the spirit.... Guarantee for pure truth.... Sep 10, 1943 390  Print view
5320 Scrutiny of genuine revelations.... Feb 19, 1952 434  Print view
5446 Spiritual compulsion.... Doctrines.... Truth.... Jul 23, 1952 370  Print view
7829 ‘Work of the spirit’ and the work of the spirit world.... Feb 18, 1961 941  Print view
Condition for truthful recognition: Life of love
7918 Scrutiny of spiritual knowledge.... Jun 13, 1961 547  Print view
7947 Life of love protects from error.... Jul 22, 1961 704  Print view
4587 Warning against rejecting the divine Word.... 'Test all things and....' Mar 13, 1949 520  Print view
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