113 Illness And Suffering

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
0818 God's work of education.... spiritual inertia.... purpose of sufferings.... Mar 20, 1939 195  Print view
7223 Love and suffering - way up.... Dec 7, 1958 564  Print view
5647 'Whoever is loved by God....' Apr 9, 1953 936  Print view
3230 Helping or fighting.... Different purposes for suffering.... Aug 24, 1944 609  Print view
4957 Love for the world - disease.... No-one can serve two masters.... Aug 27, 1950 580  Print view
6701 Love and suffering as means of purification.... Nov 29, 1956 547  Print view
7732 Love and suffering purify the soul.... Oct 28, 1960 734  Print view
0828 Depressions.... suffering is the father’s love.... Mar 25, 1939 253  Print view
8273 Reason for deformed births.... Sep 15, 1962 785  Print view
6989 Blessing of sickness.... sudden recall grace.... Dec 9, 1957 379  Print view
3352 Childship to God.... Tremendous suffering on Earth.... Dec 1, 1944 773  Print view
3733 Cup of suffering.... God’s love.... Apr 2, 1946 576  Print view
0992 Helping to bear the suffering of others.... work of redemption.... Jul 3, 1939 18  Print view
8852 Can man suffer vicariously?.... Sep 13, 1964 413  Print view
1806 This document has not yet been translated      
5995 Afflictions of the body.... suffering for the soul.... Jul 7, 1954 256  Print view
2914 This document has not yet been translated      
5767 The souls' great hardship in the beyond.... Sep 11, 1953 774  Print view
2138 This document has not yet been translated      
8366 God applies painful means.... Dec 30, 1962 536  Print view
2835 This document has not yet been translated      
8511 Are dissolved particles capable of suffering?.... May 28, 1963 581  Print view
3422 Suffering - means of grace.... Jan 30, 1945 55  Print view
4459 Hard struggle and suffering before the end.... safest help God’s word.... Oct 13, 1948 92  Print view
7321 The divine cross-bearer Jesus Christ.... Mar 30, 1959 697  Print view
5279 Saviour and Physician.... Dec 24, 1951 363  Print view
6844 The right physician and the right medicine.... Jun 3, 1957 652  Print view
7980 God's strength can also grant physical recovery.... Aug 31, 1961 622  Print view
0648 Patiently bearing the cross.... 'Lord, Your will be done...' Oct 31, 1938 624  Print view
1944 This document has not yet been translated      
3472 Blessing of suffering.... Apr 28, 1945 85  Print view
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