112 Lucifer – His Case - His Work - His Return

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
7067 Act of creating the spiritual beings.... Mar 17, 1958 1466  Print view
8883 Regarding the question of the origin of evil.... Nov 20, 1964 573  Print view
6245 Redemption of Lucifer.... resistance to the test of will.... Apr 24, 1955 179  Print view
5802 Adam.... Original spirit.... Lucifer's test.... Bursting the form.... Nov 9, 1953 982  Print view
5361 Fall of the angels.... good friday message.... Apr 11, 1952 179  Print view
6531 Descent into hell.... Lucifer's opposition.... Apr 25, 1956 913  Print view
5136 Satan's power.... May 25, 1951 1007  Print view
6335 Work of satan II. Aug 18, 1955 221  Print view
1815 The opponent’s intentions to portray everything of a mystical nature as error.... Feb 16, 1941 589  Print view
6182 Working of the adversary: defence against God's word.... Feb 2, 1955 189  Print view
6447 Hoarding the matter.... stimulating the opponent.... Jan 8, 1956 766  Print view
6971 Target of the opponent: destruction.... Nov 18, 1957 546  Print view
7315 The adversary's temptations by means of worldly enticements.... Mar 24, 1959 731  Print view
6443 Work of dark forces.... Jan 4, 1956 373  Print view
6478 Apparitions of Mary.... Signs and miracles.... Satan's activity.... Feb 17, 1956 409  Print view
7045b The adversary’s works of deception.... Apparitions.... Feb 20, 1958 970  Print view
8623 Deceptive works of the adversary.... (UFOs) Sep 22, 1963 1000  Print view
3603 Satan knows he doesn't have long time.... devil in the end time.... Nov 15, 1945 111  Print view
4472 Abolishing the laws of nature.... satan’s power at the end.... Oct 29, 1948 91  Print view
2856 This document has not yet been translated      
5769 Satan bound.... The new earth.... Sep 14, 1953 723  Print view
3632 Bondage under satan and damnation.... Dec 21, 1945 65  Print view
4997 Death is conquered.... power of satan broken by death on the cross.... Nov 9, 1950 207  Print view
3187 Love is the most effective weapon against evil.... Jul 11, 1944 544  Print view
7340 Bondage of divine love.... freedom from the adversary.... Apr 18, 1959 529  Print view
7519 Victory over the adversary with Jesus Christ.... Feb 10, 1960 532  Print view
6459 Intercession for Lucifer.... Jan 24, 1956 557  Print view
7503 Premature return of Lucifer.... Jan 19, 1960 357  Print view
6276 Redemption of Lucifer.... homecoming of the prodigal son.... Jun 5, 1955 179  Print view
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