2488 Misfortunes of life are graces....

October 1, 1942: Book 33

Whoever has decided in favour of God also remains in His grace, because every adversity in life is grace, which should promote his ascent to the heights. Only through constant struggle can a person mature until his life has become one of uninterrupted service in love. Every resistance increases his willpower if he tries to overcome it.... it increases his urge to be active, without which life would be a decline, because activity alone is the epitome of life. Without resistance, however, the urge to be active would also slacken and earthly life would not lead to the success which is its ultimate purpose.... to the maturity of the soul, which can only mature through struggle and constant activity.... provided that the activity is a service in love and is not carried out in a destructive sense. But anyone who strives for God will never disregard the commandment to love his neighbour and thus also try to overcome every adversity in life without harming his neighbour.... thus his struggle for life will be carried out in compliance with the commandment to love one's neighbour. And this is decisive as to whether all hardships and adversities of life, which God imposes on people out of grace, also work as grace, whether they are overcome as touchstones on the path of earthly life and therefore benefit the human being's soul. For grace must also be recognized as grace. However, anyone who strives towards God will humbly accept everything imposed on him by God, and for him every suffering will only be a proof of God's love, which should bring him maturity of soul....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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