110 Jesus Christ Is The Love

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
8428 God Himself inclines to His creatures.... Mar 3, 1963 552  Print view
8082 God is love.... Jan 19, 1962 969  Print view
8888 Process of love power exchange.... Nov 28, 1964 382  Print view
6130 Reason for Christ's birth.... Act of mercy.... Dec 9, 1954 590  Print view
5832 Birth of Jesus.... light.... (Christmas.... ) Dec 21, 1953 141  Print view
7872 Jesus' battle as a 'human being'.... Apr 14, 1961 543  Print view
6045 Immeasurable sufferings of Jesus Christ.... Sep 9, 1954 119  Print view
7083 Good Friday.... Apr 4, 1958 799  Print view
7986 Love accomplished the work of redemption.... Sep 7, 1961 577  Print view
6810 Resurrection on the third day.... Apr 20, 1957 942  Print view
4997 Death is conquered.... power of satan broken by death on the cross.... Nov 9, 1950 207  Print view
6512 Way to the cross over Golgotha.... Mar 29, 1956 766  Print view
7446 The spirit of Jesus Christ is love.... God's presence.... Nov 4, 1959 896  Print view
8019 Change of nature into love with the help of Jesus Christ.... Oct 15, 1961 928  Print view
4474 Working charity.... union with God.... Nov 2, 1948 96  Print view
3317 God's love determines people's destiny.... Nov 4, 1944 735  Print view
6378 Walk to the cross.... cross bearer Jesus Christ.... Oct 15, 1955 281  Print view
2752 Fatherly Words of love.... May 24, 1943 974  Print view
7472 Call of Jesus Christ.... serious address of God.... Dec 6, 1959 553  Print view
7272 God's love pursues man until he himself opens his heart.... Feb 1, 1959 545  Print view
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