104 Sin And Forgiveness Part 1

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
Primal sin - Original guilt
8566 Process of creation and apostasy of the beings.... Jul 22, 1963 1344  Print view
8880 Rejecting the strength of love was the 'sin'.... Nov 8, 1964 1121  Print view
8921 God is love.... great question about "guilt".... Jan 30, 1965 424  Print view
7136 Original sin and significance of the act of Salvation.... Jun 1, 1958 830  Print view
8806 Knowledge of the original sin is necessary in order to understand the act of Salvation.... in order to acknowledge Jesus Christ as the 'Redeemer'.... May 26, 1964 1203  Print view
Inherited sin – Fall of man
1447 This document has not yet been translated      
5800 Creation of the human being.... The fall of man.... Oct 31, 1953 1177  Print view
5967 Hereditary sin.... May 29, 1954 1369  Print view
9005 What would have happened if Adam had not failed?.... Jul 1, 1965 861  Print view
9006 Why do we have to do penance for Adam's sin?.... Jul 2, 1965 655  Print view
Atonement of guilt by Jesus Christ
8504 God's justice demands atonement for guilt.... May 21, 1963 583  Print view
3278 Guilt of sin.... God's mercy.... atonement.... Oct 4, 1944 46  Print view
6513 Atonement of guilt through Jesus Christ.... Mar 30, 1956 1086  Print view
8864 God cannot 'excuse' the sins.... Oct 8, 1964 433  Print view
9010 Recognition and admission of guilt.... Jul 7, 1965 975  Print view
The sins of the people
2059 This document has not yet been translated      
3293 Sin.... will.... prayer.... Oct 14, 1944 49  Print view
4791 Sin of omission.... repentance.... change in the afterlife.... Dec 3, 1949 114  Print view
5181 Violation against the divine order.... sin.... confession - forgiveness.... Jul 31, 1951 131  Print view
6071 Sin is an offence against love.... Oct 6, 1954 145  Print view
4853 Prevalence of sin.... Mar 7, 1950 310  Print view
The "sin against the spirit"
4053 Sin against the spirit.... May 31, 1947 99  Print view
4617 (Easter Monday) Apr 18, 1949 109  Print view
7725 Sin against the spirit.... Oct 14, 1960 529  Print view
4039 Weakness of people.... sin.... love.... May 14, 1947 96  Print view
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