5435 ‘What you ask for in My name....’
July 11, 1952: Book 60
Every call which ascends to Me from the abyss shall be heard if it emerges from the human being's heart in spirit and in truth, that is, if it is not merely a formal prayer which will never reach My ear. Consequently, all My living creations have the fullest guarantee that I will help them if they ask Me for it. And therefore there need not be any misery or hardship, neither spiritual nor earthly, neither on earth nor in the spiritual kingdom.... For I gave you the promise: ‘Whatever you ask in My name, I will give you....’ Yet how rarely such a prayer rises up to Me to which I can give fulfilment.
As long as My living creations do not have the right living faith in Me they will not be able to pray to Me sincerely, and they will only attain this faith when they live a life of love.... This is why their requests are timid, they lack the conviction that the Father is willing and able to help them, and the prayer is therefore not as fully effective, it is expressed hesitantly and doubtfully, and My love cannot bestow itself to the extent it would like to.... I Am not fully alive in people's hearts and therefore they do not speak to Me in the way they need to in order to experience My merciful help. People themselves prevent Me from helping them because they would not recognise help as My working without the right faith and thus would not be able to gain any advantage for their souls which, however, every spiritual or earthly adversity should bring them. I fulfil every heartfelt prayer and no being, be it on earth or in the beyond, calls upon Me in vain for help. Yet in order to be able to call sincerely, the being has to believe.... It has to believe in a supremely perfect Being Which, in Its immense love, wants to help and, in Its immense strength and might, is also able to help. This faith has to be won at all costs, otherwise the adversity cannot diminish. The adversity, however, was not imposed on the being by Me Myself but is only ever the result of its imperfection, which can be remedied through adversity and suffering if the being itself endeavours to become free from the adversity. The being has sunk into the abyss of its own free will but can ascend at any time if only it sincerely appeals for help to the One Who has the power and the will to help it if the being recognises Him and wants to ascend to Him.... And no matter how great the adversity, there is One Who can banish every adversity if He is called upon from the bottom of the heart, there is One Who only waits for this call from the abyss, Who hurries to help every being which longs for Him, Who stretches out His hands to every being in order to pull it up if only the being grasps His hand with faith in Him Who can save it.... I only demand My living creations' faith in My infinite love and might in order to then let them participate and distribute the gifts of My love unmeasured.... Yet without faith I cannot give fulfilment to any being. And therefore I try everything to revive faith in My living creations.... I Myself approach them all at one point, I help everyone to be able to believe, for I will not demand anything from people which would be impossible for them, but they must do one thing themselves.... they must want to believe, then they will also be able to because I cannot force them to believe against their will.... But then all hardship will also be over, for then there will no longer be anything they could not ask for from the One in Whom they believe and Whom they now call upon in their hearts, to Whom they send up a prayer in spirit and in truth, in convinced faith in His love, His wisdom and His power....
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