102 Correcting An Error About Speaking In Tongues

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
7897 Whitsun experience.... May 21, 1961 525  Print view
7365 The outpouring of the spirit.... May 17, 1959 370  Print view
7637 Clarification regarding the working of the spirit.... Jul 1, 1960 373  Print view
7829 ‘Work of the spirit’ and the work of the spirit world.... Feb 18, 1961 941  Print view
5569 When is pure truth guaranteed through the working of the spirit?.... Jan 3, 1953 389  Print view
6013a Various gifts of the spirit.... Jul 31, 1954 807  Print view
6013b Speaking in tongues.... Warning against wrong spirit.... Aug 1, 1954 819  Print view
7855 Divine Working of the spirit.... Speaking in tongues.... I. Mar 20, 1961 533  Print view
7856 Divine working of the spirit.... Speaking in tongues.... II. Mar 23, 1961 389  Print view
8641 Indication of the adversary's activity.... (Speaking in tongues) Oct 10, 1963 401  Print view
8835 About speaking in tongues.... Aug 2, 1964 977  Print view
4588 The working of the spirit.... Scrutiny.... Proof: Oratorical gift.... Truth - Error.... God's messengers.... Mar 14, 1949 395  Print view
7103 Wrong interpretation of the Scriptures.... The working of the spirit.... Apr 26, 1958 729  Print view
8877 Spoilt spiritual knowledge has to be corrected.... Oct 31, 1964 587  Print view
7329 God's presence protects against the adversary.... Apr 8, 1959 514  Print view
4850 'I will remain with you....' 'I will send you the Comforter....' Mar 3, 1950 372  Print view
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