2764 The original substance of creation is love....
June 4, 1943: Book 34/35/36
Nothing became the world. This is a mystery that remains unrevealed to man, who is of unenlightened spirit. There was nothing but the will of God, and this brought into being everything that presents itself to the human senses as a visible work of creation in the vast universe. The will of God and His power accomplished the miracle of creation. However, both the will and the power of God are incomprehensible to man on earth as long as he himself is powerless and weak-willed because he is far from God.... Only the closeness to God brings him this realization, only the closeness to God is able to make the nature of God comprehensible to him, and only then does he understand that everything has emerged from the power and will of God. And this creating power is an entity Which is capable of thinking and, through Its will, allows Its thoughts to become form.... It needs nothing, but the will alone is enough for something to come into being which was not before.... The creating power, Which characterizes Itself as an entity through Its will, is therefore the source of an inexhaustible strength, for since new creations constantly arise, a power has to bring about those which the will determines to take on this or that form. And since the will is paired with unsurpassable wisdom, the creations must be extremely meaningful both in their nature and in their purpose; they must serve a purpose, since a wise creative power allows nothing to come into being without consideration. This creative power must therefore be recognized in everything that surrounds man.... For it cannot be denied, otherwise there would be no thing that is. But whether the wisdom of the creator is recognized depends on the human being's will to penetrate into deeper knowledge.... He must observe what is going on around him.... He must use his intellect in the right way, he must direct his thoughts towards the eternal creator, so that the power also flows into him, so that he recognizes the purposefulness of what surrounds him. He can only recognize God's wisdom when he delves deeper into the individual works of creation, when he tries to fathom their purpose, that is, when he desires information about what underlies the emergence of this creation. However, this knowledge can only be imparted to the human being whose spirit can become effective in him.... And to him the might and power of God, His will and His wisdom will be revealed and now also His immense love, which is the origin of all creation....
(4.6.1943) Thus love is the original substance of every work of creation, which is not matter in itself but which becomes matter through God's will. love is spiritual power, it is nothing material but something ethereal, of which man as such cannot yet form an idea. love is the essence and therefore also the original substance of creation, just as the essence of the eternal deity is love itself. Creation is therefore the emanation of eternal love and thus of an unimaginable power that is capable of bringing about everything. The human being and everything visible around him is this power in its coarsest form, i.e. it emanated from God ages ago, it lost itself in infinity, it strove towards the antipole of God.... the power which, as a primordially created spirit with free will too, set itself negatively towards God.... and it has thereby lost its original nature. It has adapted itself to the will of God's adversary and, in order to regain its original nature, has been used to create everything that is visible to man. And this possibility of transformation is the purpose and goal of the whole of creation, that the power which came forth from God finds its way back to God. The power of God is constructive and moulding, the power of His adversary is ablative and destructive. Through His will God can let the power emanating from Him become form, and He does this because His nature is deepest love and wisdom. God's adversary only needs his strength in order to separate what belongs to God from Him, in order to destroy the divine order, for his strength, which was originally also love, has turned into the opposite through his will, into inverted love for himself and hatred for everything outside of him. His love seeks to turn to everything that emanates from God in order to increase his strength, but he does not turn to what he desires in love but seeks to destroy it.... And since love alone is the original reason for every work of creation, God's adversary can never again let visible creations arise, for this power only belongs to the perfect, which is completely one with God. But the opponent of God has robbed himself of this power through his will turned against God because he thereby lost love, the power through which all things come into being. And he will never ever be in full possession of strength if he lacks love, which is of divine origin, for love turns the spiritual being into a God-like being which can create and shape according to its will, which will always also be God's will....
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