1119 Diversity of creations....

September 27, 1939: Book 20

Creation, as man sees it, is only an infinitesimally small part of the work of creation and in no way allows conclusions to be drawn about the miracles of divine creation, which are and must be hidden from the eyes of man, since these are not of such a kind that man could grasp them. What man is able to see is always adapted to his conceptual capacity, yet the whole of creation displays so many marvellous works which are completely different in kind and form from the earth. When looking at the countless creations which are accessible to man, the question must be raised as to whether only these formations exist on earth or whether the same law prevails on other celestial bodies or world bodies and the same creations also exist. And this must be answered in the negative. The heavenly bodies are created in innumerable variations, and man cannot form a picture of how different each heavenly body is in itself and how they, which are nevertheless subject to the one lawgiver.... contain such diverse creatures and yet again all these creations serve the same purpose of contributing to the perfection of the soul. The creatures everywhere have a certain mutability of their outer form, and thus they enliven the star to which they are assigned and fulfil their task there, which was given to them from the beginning. This has to be made clear before the human being can gain an insight into the diversity of creations which are not visible to him. And this is only permitted for the purpose that they will pay more attention to earthly phenomena in the time to come, so that the emergence of creation will be made understandable to them and the coming changes will also be illuminated from the spiritual side.... (interruption)

Translated by: Doris Boekers

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