93 Jesus Christ Is The Good Shepherd

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
4360 Parable of the good shepherd.... Jul 2, 1948 831  Print view
5343 God.... father.... Mar 24, 1952 197  Print view
5006 Apostasy of the spiritual from God humanly represented.... Nov 24, 1950 131  Print view
7484 Descent of Christ to earth.... Dec 23, 1959 353  Print view
7485 Christmas.... Dec 24, 1959 390  Print view
5932 Death on the cross.... Apr 16, 1954 159  Print view
8893 Jesus Christ must be acknowledged by man.... Dec 13, 1964 382  Print view
5041 Achieving beatitude - Free will.... Wolf amongst sheep.... Jan 14, 1951 392  Print view
2045 This document has not yet been translated      
6447 Hoarding the matter.... stimulating the opponent.... Jan 8, 1956 766  Print view
7215 Allurements of the world and overcoming.... Nov 25, 1958 566  Print view
5038 Work of satan.... "I am the good shepherd...." Jan 10, 1951 133  Print view
5376 I know Mine.... good shepherd.... Apr 27, 1952 124  Print view
5865 Two different worlds.... voice of the good shepherd.... Jan 31, 1954 145  Print view
8330 Call of the shepherd.... great spiritual need.... Nov 17, 1962 361  Print view
6845 The good Shepherd .... Jun 4, 1957 597  Print view
4692 Remodeling the earth in a moment.... miracle of creation.... Jul 18, 1949 109  Print view
6418 The path to the father's house.... God's guidance.... Dec 5, 1955 296  Print view
7060 God's guidance.... will.... faith.... love.... Mar 9, 1958 682  Print view
7702 John 14.... 'I will not leave you comfortless....' Sep 17, 1960 894  Print view
4038 Bread of heaven.... spiritual sun.... voice of the good shepherd.... May 13, 1947 75  Print view
4599 "Keep My word.... come all ye to Me...." Mar 28, 1949 209  Print view
4726 'My sheep know My voice....' Resistance.... Aug 28, 1949 810  Print view
6570 'My sheep recognise My voice....' Jun 12, 1956 590  Print view
6760 Hearing God's word indispensable.... (I do no evil....) Feb 12, 1957 365  Print view
8048 Grace of God‘s address.... Nov 25, 1961 364  Print view
6108 Aim of God: eternal life.... free will.... Nov 14, 1954 157  Print view
6305 Create and work for eternity.... Jul 7, 1955 533  Print view
6850 Jesus Christ opens the gate to eternal life.... Jun 12, 1957 1413  Print view
2561 This document has not yet been translated      
3689 Urgency and blessing of activity for the kingdom of God.... Feb 17, 1946 60  Print view
4295 The good Shepherd .... ‘My Own recognise My voice .... ’ May 10, 1948 569  Print view
4304 Triumphant church.... One flock and one shepherd.... May 18, 1948 590  Print view
6301 The congregation of Jesus Christ.... Jul 2, 1955 741  Print view
7455 Jesus, the good Shepherd.... Nov 15, 1959 743  Print view
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