2333 Reshaping matter.... serve.... activity.... higher development....
May 12, 1942: Book 32
All matter is accompanied by something spiritual, i.e., the actual essence of matter is the same substance as the human soul, and the knowledge of this should stimulate people to perpetual activity, to constantly transform matter or help to do so. All beingness strives for liberation, it wants to escape the form and can only do so by overcoming this form, i.e. by willingly serving the form until its dissolution. The human being is now permitted earthly activity, i.e. through his activity he can reshape any material into things that serve his fellow human beings, i.e. that are intended to fulfil their purpose. In this way the human being constantly helps the spiritual substance in the form to free itself from it, and that is why earthly activity is extraordinarily beneficial and absolutely necessary for the further development of the spiritual. However, things created by human will must also be given the opportunity to serve, otherwise the spiritual substance's stay in this form will be unnecessarily prolonged, which is agonizing for the spiritual substance and does not benefit the human being either, for it increases his desire for possessions. The human being strives for something that he has already overcome and should now finally overcome as a human being by freeing himself from the desire for it. The sooner an object is allowed to serve, the sooner the beingness can free itself from it, revitalize itself into a new form and thus develop to the height of its destiny. Every activity that gives rise to things that serve the welfare of fellow human beings or other creatures is blessed by God, and the human being will also feel the blessing in himself, for the spiritual substance liberated by human hands is well-disposed towards the human being that helped him to become free and will in turn assist him according to his ability. Everything that makes up the human being's environment is constantly changing, nothing remains in its old form for eternity, a change is constantly taking place, often imperceptible to the eye, and as soon as the human being contributes to it in the will to create something corresponding to a purpose he makes himself meritorious for the beingness that animates matter.... Man serves, and the spiritual serves in that which man lets come into being through his will. But man's will must always also be prepared to serve, i.e., he must not let things come into being through his activity which are detrimental to his fellow human being. Otherwise the spiritual within will also be forced into an activity which is not favourable for its spiritual development. The spiritual is indeed forced into a task against its will, and it has to fulfil this task, and that is why not the spiritual but man in his freedom of will is called to account, but the spiritual itself strives for its speedy release from such forms because it feels the adversity of its task. Only serving activity makes truly free, and only such activity should be carried out on earth if the human being wants to redeem himself and also the spiritual in matter.... Love for fellow human beings must always be the determining factor and the created things must always serve them for the best, then the spiritual will also be able to fulfil its serving task until its form dissolves....
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