1604 Earthly worries.... Lack of faith and trust....
September 9, 1940: Book 25
People torment themselves with worries that are unjustified when they fear for their body's well-being, and thereby deprive themselves of the ability to accomplish the work on their soul. It is simply insignificant how the body spends its life on this earth, what is important is the progress the soul makes, and therefore all your concern should only be for the soul. And even if it seems as if the body is in need, a trusting prayer to the Father in Heaven is enough and every need will be remedied. Yet that is what you lack, the faith that One can help you, and that His love is unspeakably great that He wants to help you.... However, if you do not believe, you deprive yourselves of this help. Man should know that everything.... suffering and joy, happiness and adversity.... are imposed on by the Heavenly Father on His child, and that everything is a test to strengthen his faith. Only when you consider everything to be God's will shall faith become strong in you, and you will entrust yourselves and your worries to the Heavenly Father, and ask Him to take them away from you. Nothing happens against the divine will, God knows everything, and this realisation will allow you to quietly and humbly bear what God sends you.... Amen
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