2815 Branding injustice.... disregarding the divine commandments....
July 18, 1943: Book 37
You must not allow yourselves to be carried away into compromises if you have to defend Christ's teaching in the coming battle of faith. You must clearly follow the path which God Himself prescribes for you, you must preach love to people and always practice love so that you set an example to those who are to accept your teaching. You yourselves must not deviate from the path of justice as soon as you demand justice from people. And so you will also have to rebuke what is not compatible with Christ's teaching.... You must not give your approval by remaining silent when you see that people are obviously sinning against God's commandments; you must reproach people for the wrongness of their actions and try to persuade them to desist. For the world no longer knows right from wrong because people have become blind in spirit. They consider everything to be right that brings them advantage without asking whether their actions harm their neighbour. And thus they disregard the commandments of love, and it must be pointed out to them time and again that they have no claim to God's love as long as they themselves do not show the same love to their fellow human being. You must not fear the world but you must speak openly so that your fellow human beings clearly realize whose teaching you support. For you will never be able to do justice to both God and the world, you will never be able to convey God's will to people if you do not dare to attack the world.... Men of the world do not heed the divine will and they must therefore be reproached for their wrong behaviour, otherwise the commandments of God cannot be made accessible to them. You will always recognize what contradicts these divine commandments.... And then you also have to speak and make yourselves representatives of the divine teaching, you have to profess Him, Who is love Himself; you have to remind people of His commandments who no longer respect them, you have to openly and wholeheartedly advocate that only the fulfilment of these commandments can bring blessings to people, whereas disregarding them means spiritual and earthly danger for humanity. And what is true for one person must also be true for another, and no one should be authorized to act without love, even if it benefits him. What is wrong must be branded as wrong, because what is against the divine commandments is wrong before God. But the divine commandments demand love for one's neighbour and thus love for God. But love for one's neighbour consists of not harming him physically or mentally, of granting him help when he is in need of help, of protecting him when he is in danger, be it mentally or physically.... And every offence is wrong and must also be denounced as such by those who are called to spread Christ's teaching of love. Only then do you serve God, Who needs you as His instruments in order to be able to speak through you.... You yourselves must abhor all injustice so that you are the true representatives of God on earth....
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