90/1 Workers In The Vineyard Of Jesus – The Conditions For Calling And Election

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
6610 Proclaiming Jesus' teaching of love is urgently needed.... Jul 31, 1956 902  Print view
Willingness and life in love
4301 "Many are called, few are chosen...." May 16, 1948 104  Print view
3201 Representative of christian doctrine must live in love.... Jul 26, 1944 41  Print view
4092 Exemplary life of love of God's servants on earth.... Jul 27, 1947 72  Print view
8343 Action-love.... good example.... Nov 30, 1962 570  Print view
8476 Love and dedication needed for vineyard work.... Apr 23, 1963 378  Print view
Living faith
3444 Strong faith.... tool of God.... Feb 22, 1945 56  Print view
6650 Power of living faith.... presence of God.... Sep 21, 1956 382  Print view
6098 God in Jesus Christ.... Nov 4, 1954 469  Print view
6829 Vocation to vineyard work.... May 13, 1957 442  Print view
4653 Suitability for spiritual work - dedication of the world.... May 30, 1949 113  Print view
4829 Sacrificing time for God and spiritual work.... Feb 4, 1950 125  Print view
6966 Vineyard work requires postponement of wishes.... Nov 12, 1957 394  Print view
Garaging will to God's will
6743 Fulfilment of the mission requires total commitment.... Jan 21, 1957 402  Print view
4019 Opposing a strong will to the adversary of God.... Apr 7, 1947 84  Print view
5127 Vineyard work.... subordinating the will.... May 9, 1951 126  Print view
8938 Assuming the will entails right thinking.... Feb 19, 1965 484  Print view
Intimate connection with Jesus Christ
4388 Heartfelt prayer.... God's help.... Jul 28, 1948 112  Print view
6012 Silent prayer.... Public confession.... Jul 30, 1954 1156  Print view
7441 Dialogue with the Father.... His Word from above.... Oct 30, 1959 1621  Print view
Listen to the "inner voice"
3601 Called servants of God.... office on earth.... Nov 13, 1945 64  Print view
3955 Instruction by God Himself.... Audible Word.... Jesus' disciples.... Jan 11, 1947 745  Print view
4462 The ability to hear God's voice.... Conditions.... Oct 16, 1948 577  Print view
4775 Voice of the spirit is truth.... Jesus Christ’s teaching.... Inner voice.... Nov 7, 1949 368  Print view
Desire for truth and spirit of God's work
5604 "Many are called, but few are chosen...." Feb 17, 1953 142  Print view
3785 God’s appointed servants.... Truth.... May 30, 1946 410  Print view
6548 Outpouring of the spirit presupposes redemption.... May 16, 1956 374  Print view
7093 "Many are called, few are chosen...." Apr 15, 1958 370  Print view
7983 The spirit of God must be able to work.... Servants.... Sep 3, 1961 375  Print view
8416 Difference between the 'working of the spirit' and 'psychic' receptions.... Feb 19, 1963 1085  Print view
Invitation to participate in the vineyard of Jesus
5259 God requires many labourers in the time before the end.... Nov 25, 1951 547  Print view
5875 God's call for workers in the vineyard.... Feb 12, 1954 145  Print view
7048 Vocation of the vineyard workers.... "servants of God".... Feb 25, 1958 375  Print view
7774 "Many are called, few only are chosen...." Dec 16, 1960 355  Print view
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