85 Jesus Christ Is The Light Of The World

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
8151 Man needs the light.... Apr 15, 1962 603  Print view
5836 Primal light from eternity radiates light.... Dec 26, 1953 123  Print view
8679 God is the source of light and power from eternity.... Nov 20, 1963 393  Print view
3997 Apostasy from God and the way of return.... light - darkness.... Mar 11, 1947 82  Print view
7863 Original light from eternity.... Jesus Christ.... Apr 2, 1961 594  Print view
8065 The Messiah came to the world.... Dec 19, 1961 377  Print view
8068 The Eternal Light descended to Earth.... Dec 25, 1961 386  Print view
5646 The deepest knowledge was revealed to Jesus.... following Jesus.... Apr 8, 1953 127  Print view
8355 Jesus' promises must be fulfilled.... Dec 15, 1962 363  Print view
5988 Promise of life.... Jesus Christ.... Jun 29, 1954 127  Print view
5592 "I am the light of the world...." light is truth.... Feb 1, 1953 245  Print view
8700 Truth emanates from God himself.... Dec 15, 1963 1018  Print view
8669 Love degree is measure of truth.... Nov 10, 1963 395  Print view
7857 Charity.... following Jesus.... truth.... Mar 24, 1961 563  Print view
6486 Characteristic of truth: Jesus Christ.... Love.... Feb 27, 1956 591  Print view
7945 Let the light of truth illuminate the way.... Jul 19, 1961 381  Print view
8239 God's light of love is insight and knowledge.... Aug 13, 1962 364  Print view
7029 The light of knowledge can only come from God.... Jan 31, 1958 391  Print view
6931 Earthly knowledge is not 'wisdom'.... Sep 30, 1957 787  Print view
7771 "You must all be taught by God.... " Dec 13, 1960 360  Print view
3596 God is the Word.... God's presence.... Different conveyance of the Word.... Nov 7, 1945 1117  Print view
4969 Light - Shadow of death.... Deceptive light - God's help by means of sickness and suffering.... Sep 19, 1950 367  Print view
7514a The strength of the Word.... Daily work of improving the soul.... Feb 5, 1960 1247  Print view
7679 Instruction from God requires bonding with Him.... Aug 21, 1960 356  Print view
7489 Bonding with Jesus Christ.... Dec 29, 1959 689  Print view
5168 Prayer for grace and strength, for illumination of the spirit.... Jul 10, 1951 116  Print view
6624 Calling upon Jesus Christ from the darkness.... Aug 17, 1956 352  Print view
6061a Light is where God's spirit works.... Sep 22, 1954 144  Print view
5931 Jesus Christ is the gate to the kingdom of light.... Apr 15, 1954 255  Print view
3195 Spheres of light.... different luminous intensity.... childhood of God.... Jul 22, 1944 74  Print view
6735 Transference of light in the beyond.... Jan 13, 1957 545  Print view
8083 Activity in the beyond.... Giving out the truth.... Jan 20, 1962 370  Print view
3774 Light from the height.... May 18, 1946 60  Print view
7719 The light of eternity.... Oct 3, 1960 360  Print view
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