83 What Is The Meaning And Purpose Of Life On Earth?

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
8981 Questions about the meaning and purpose of life on earth.... May 24, 1965 621  Print view
Where do people come from?
8566 Process of creation and apostasy of the beings.... Jul 22, 1963 1695  Print view
8770 The process of creation has taken eternities.... Mar 4, 1964 1225  Print view
6973 God's plan of Salvation.... Original sin.... Adam's fall.... Work of redemption.... Nov 20, 1957 1452  Print view
8141 And the Word was made flesh.... ' Apr 3, 1962 1604  Print view
7127 Why is our past memory taken from us.... May 22, 1958 759  Print view
What is our life’s purpose?
7100 Is life on earth an end in itself or the means to an end.... Apr 23, 1958 732  Print view
5897 Earthly life is the path but not the goal.... Mar 7, 1954 1244  Print view
5303 Purpose of earthly life: Change of will and character.... Jan 26, 1952 1400  Print view
4691 Man's life task.... Jul 17, 1949 192  Print view
6053 Way of following Jesus.... Sep 15, 1954 455  Print view
8409 "He who abides in love.... " Feb 11, 1963 1143  Print view
7153 Man's conscious work of improving his soul.... Jun 25, 1958 1556  Print view
8490 Overcoming the world.... May 7, 1963 694  Print view
7457 The divine promise: "Seek ye first the kingdom...." Nov 17, 1959 715  Print view
6808 Shaping earth life fatefully.... Apr 17, 1957 667  Print view
4127 Cross.... "My yoke is easy and My burden is light.... " Sep 21, 1947 432  Print view
8607 The strength of prayer.... Sep 5, 1963 965  Print view
7047 "Come all to Me...." Feb 23, 1958 1598  Print view
8468 Only Jesus can strengthen the will.... Apr 14, 1963 688  Print view
6579 'No one comes to the Father....' Jun 25, 1956 1372  Print view
7513 Aim of earthly life: bonding with God.... Feb 3, 1960 506  Print view
7336 Dwelling of God in the heart.... childhood of God.... Apr 15, 1959 890  Print view
5727 "Perfect you shall become, as your father in...." Jul 19, 1953 324  Print view
Where do people get after death?
7541 Man determines his own fate.... Mar 7, 1960 441  Print view
8745 The souls' fate after death varies.... Feb 5, 1964 1415  Print view
8430 New banishment inevitable for the adversary's followers.... Mar 5, 1963 1320  Print view
7282 "No man's eye has ever seen it...." Feb 14, 1959 648  Print view
7500 Plan of salvation is explanation for everything.... Jan 15, 1960 461  Print view
7486 Responsibility in earthly life.... Dec 25, 1959 464  Print view
4148 Loving father words.... Oct 19, 1947 158  Print view
6180 Voluntary return to God in love.... Jan 30, 1955 342  Print view
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