79 The Spiritual Primal Creation – The Fall Of Lucifer And The Original Spirits

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
8806 Knowledge of the original sin is necessary in order to understand the act of Salvation.... in order to acknowledge Jesus Christ as the 'Redeemer'.... May 26, 1964 1203  Print view
8394 Purification of the soul.... Jan 27, 1963 368  Print view
8127 Primordial centre of light and power.... Mar 17, 1962 424  Print view
0750 'I Am the beginning of all things....' Jan 21, 1939 664  Print view
5693 Primal law: love.... Jun 5, 1953 146  Print view
5414 The Word was in the beginning.... Jun 16, 1952 118  Print view
5598 "I am from eternity...." Lucifer's creation.... Apr 10, 1953 139  Print view
7067 Act of creating the spiritual beings.... Mar 17, 1958 1466  Print view
8878 Explanation of the act of creation.... about the will of the beings.... Nov 2, 1964 384  Print view
5645 How long Lucifer could create?.... Apr 6, 1953 432  Print view
7932 Did God cause the apostasy?.... Jul 2, 1961 771  Print view
6991 Free will caused the apostasy.... Deification.... Dec 11, 1957 608  Print view
8055 Testing of the will of the first-created being.... Dec 5, 1961 387  Print view
8672 Cause of Lucifer's apostasy from God.... Nov 13, 1963 784  Print view
6765 Fall into the depth is the same as being without knowledge.... Feb 18, 1957 364  Print view
6954 Lucifer and his apostasy from God.... Oct 25, 1957 571  Print view
7471 Apostasy of beings from God.... Dec 5, 1959 363  Print view
8797 God only created beings of equal perfection.... I. Apr 3, 1964 739  Print view
8798 God only created beings of equal perfection.... II. Apr 4, 1964 726  Print view
8975 The act of creation was an act of gratification for God.... May 16, 1965 661  Print view
8863 How did evil arise?.... Oct 3, 1964 606  Print view
8887 When and why did the perfect beings become imperfect?.... Nov 25, 1964 574  Print view
8755 Activity of non-fallen primordial spirits.... Feb 17, 1964 570  Print view
8868 Different status of the created beings.... Oct 14, 1964 619  Print view
6207 Deification of the created beings.... Mar 7, 1955 565  Print view
8631 God knows from eternity the will of creatures.... Sep 30, 1963 408  Print view
6087 Original sin.... Emanation of love.... Jesus Christ.... Oct 23, 1954 398  Print view
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