76 Jesus Christ Is The Way, The Truth And The Life

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
6140 Living water.... path to the source.... Dec 20, 1954 153  Print view
8216 The transformation of the original spirit into creations.... Jul 16, 1962 953  Print view
8191 Way back from the depths to the heights.... Jun 9, 1962 378  Print view
8102 Jesus has built the bridge.... Feb 15, 1962 575  Print view
7632 'I am the way, the truth and the life.... ' Jun 25, 1960 685  Print view
7300 The shortest way is the way across the cross.... Mar 6, 1959 884  Print view
6053 Way of following Jesus.... Sep 15, 1954 251  Print view
5405 The narrow path.... Jun 4, 1952 760  Print view
5157 Way of salvation.... way of love.... Jesus Christ.... Jun 23, 1951 184  Print view
7857 Charity.... following Jesus.... truth.... Mar 24, 1961 563  Print view
2749 This document has not yet been translated      
4804 The arduous path to the top.... earthly reward Dec 28, 1949 174  Print view
5791 Way to Golgotha.... following Jesus.... Oct 16, 1953 218  Print view
5920 God's love can also be found in suffering.... Apr 1, 1954 990  Print view
7356 Constantly calling upon Jesus ensures His presence .... May 6, 1959 592  Print view
3767 ‘I Am the way, the truth, and the life....’ May 11, 1946 579  Print view
6377 Conditions for receiving the truth.... Oct 14, 1955 193  Print view
8700 Truth emanates from God himself.... Dec 15, 1963 1018  Print view
6814 Truth comes from within.... desire for it.... Apr 25, 1957 424  Print view
8595 Testing the truth of spiritual good.... Aug 24, 1963 430  Print view
4483 Prayer in spirit and in truth prerequisite for the working of the spirit.... Nov 10, 1948 158  Print view
8381 Spreading the truth.... Love life.... Jan 15, 1963 416  Print view
9029 Only truth leads to the goal.... Aug 11, 1965 575  Print view
6115 Crossroads.... way up right.... Nov 21, 1954 274  Print view
8386 The light from God illuminates the way up.... Jan 19, 1963 407  Print view
6958 The right path will be shown to people.... Oct 31, 1957 540  Print view
7305 "I am the way, the truth and the life.... " Mar 12, 1959 379  Print view
5016 Path to perfection.... childhood of God.... Dec 8, 1950 125  Print view
5255 Promise of Jesus: eternal life.... Nov 16, 1951 229  Print view
7480 Death, where is your sting....' Dec 17, 1959 897  Print view
6850 Jesus Christ opens the gate to eternal life.... Jun 12, 1957 1413  Print view
7490 The soul's fate after physical death.... Dec 30, 1959 594  Print view
5878 Door to the kingdom of light is Jesus Christ.... Feb 16, 1954 210  Print view
5617 The Father’s house and beatitude .... Mar 9, 1953 892  Print view
6579 'No one comes to the Father....' Jun 25, 1956 1083  Print view
5049 Many paths - One goal.... True members of the church.... Jan 25, 1951 770  Print view
4544 Follow Me.... ' Jan 18, 1949 750  Print view
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