74 The Lord's Prayer

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
8566 Process of creation and apostasy of the beings.... Jul 22, 1963 1344  Print view
6622 High value of correct prayer .... Aug 15, 1956 384  Print view
3515 Prayer in spirit and in truth .... Aug 16, 1945 392  Print view
Our Father, Who art in heaven
5481 God.... Father.... Sep 6, 1952 780  Print view
5449 In My Father's house are many mansions....' Jul 26, 1952 1082  Print view
6579 'No one comes to the Father....' Jun 25, 1956 1083  Print view
Hallowed by Thy name.
1849 ‘Hallowed be Thy name .... ’ Mar 15, 1941 411  Print view
6663 The strength of Jesus' name.... Oct 6, 1956 519  Print view
7216 ‘Whosoever shall confess Me before men .... ’ Nov 28, 1958 1222  Print view
Thy kingdom come.
5114 ‘I came to My Own and they did not accept Me....’ Apr 25, 1951 562  Print view
5336 My kingdom is not of this world....' Mar 14, 1952 940  Print view
6376 Seriously striving for the kingdom of God .... Oct 13, 1955 358  Print view
6824 'But seek ye first the kingdom of God....' May 7, 1957 563  Print view
Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
7892 Submitting one's will to God's will.... May 13, 1961 400  Print view
2507 God's will.... Commandments.... Peace and order.... Consequences.... Oct 12, 1942 602  Print view
5963 Love 'He who remains in love remains in Me....' May 21, 1954 927  Print view
0661 The activity of natural forces according to God's will.... Disaster.... Nov 10, 1938 813  Print view
6993 God's ways are not always people's ways.... Dec 14, 1957 897  Print view
0648 Patiently bearing the cross.... 'Lord, Your will be done...' Oct 31, 1938 624  Print view
3927 The fulfilment of prayer in firm belief.... 'Father, Your will be done....' Dec 2, 1946 1424  Print view
Give us today our daily bread.
7089 'I Am the bread of life, the manna which comes down from Heaven....' Apr 11, 1958 575  Print view
5010 Strength of the divine Word.... Nov 29, 1950 396  Print view
6136 Offering the heavenly bread to souls in the beyond.... Dec 15, 1954 433  Print view
7427 Spiritual nourishment at the table of the Lord.... Oct 13, 1959 388  Print view
And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.
7748 Original sin and atonement through Jesus Christ.... Nov 17, 1960 756  Print view
2390 Retribution - Atonement and educational means.... Approval of committing an evil deed is sin.... Jun 30, 1942 590  Print view
3909 The burden of sin in the beyond.... Atonement or forgiveness.... Oct 20, 1946 815  Print view
5428 'Forgive us our trespasses....' Jul 4, 1952 758  Print view
7660 Forgiveness through Jesus Christ.... Degree of light and love.... Jul 30, 1960 538  Print view
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
7315 The adversary's temptations by means of worldly enticements.... Mar 24, 1959 731  Print view
4662 'Watch and pray, lest ye enter into temptation....' Jun 9, 1949 876  Print view
3257 And lead us through the temptation.... Sep 16, 1944 383  Print view
4341 Psychic beings.... 'Deliver us from evil....' Jun 18, 1948 403  Print view
4985 'Deliver us from evil....' Oct 19, 1950 801  Print view
5373 The heart as God's abode.... Apr 23, 1952 366  Print view
6374 Whatever you ask the Father in My name.... ' Oct 10, 1955 853  Print view
8607 The strength of prayer.... Sep 5, 1963 765  Print view
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