1606 Mediator from the world to God....
September 11, 1940: Book 25
The spirit of truth shall announce itself to you and My grace shall communicate itself to you. My will determines your thoughts and actions. And so, I set you a task which does not extend to time and space.... The transmission of My Word in visible form is the expression of My will, this Word shall be conveyed to humanity as a visible expression of My love and strength, and this requires an earthly being which willingly serves Me and declares itself willing to receive My Word. I would like to speak to all My children and lovingly admonish them not to slacken in their striving upwards, yet rarely does a person open his heart to Me and listen to Me. I therefore gladly fulfil the request of anyone who desires to hear Me.... I come to him at every hour, in every place and in every situation in life where only his thoughts establish a connection with Me; when he opens his heart so that I can communicate Myself to him. And for this reason, I direct all your steps such that the longing for My Word becomes ever stronger in you, I try to kindle the longing in you so that I will be immensely desired by you that I can fulfil your longing and give you what you ask for.... Myself in the Word.... And then, your soul will feel My love when it is allowed to receive what My spirit reveals to it. I Am close to you humans, I woo your love yet you don't listen to Me.... I send out My messengers, I authorise them to speak to you in My name through a willing earthly child.... but you don't believe these words either. And yet, humanity so bitterly needs to be instructed about its wrong thoughts and actions. All suffering on earth is the result of this, and it cannot be averted from humanity until it tries to adapt itself to the divine order. But in order to fit into it, mankind must be informed; since in its disinherited state, it can no longer distinguish right from wrong. And it must be made clear to them that I am present; that I am everywhere and see and condemn the appalling events.... They must understand the desperate situation they put themselves in and how they can escape this situation. Humanity has to be educated to think correctly, and this is only possible by conveying My Word; for My Word is My will and My will gives people guidelines for their thoughts and actions. And thus, it is of inconceivable importance that people take notice of My will, which in turn can only be conveyed to them as I have intended through you. Many threads run from the beyond to earth, and all of them only serve the purpose of passing on My Word. I speak to humanity through all these people who are willing to receive and serve Me, and I convey to them the errors of their thoughts and actions. And again, there are only a few who listen to My words and recognise Me as the Giver of them. Only a few feel My love and give themselves to Me, asking for My grace. And these few shall work for Me, and I will not let them call in vain; I Am constantly close to them.... and apparent obstacles are only permitted by Me in order to strengthen their will to resist, for I need their whole will, their love for Me and their complete trust.... in order to then also be able to work through them for the blessing of humanity. I need human will which submits itself to Me, for I can only speak through human mouths and then inform people of spiritual working. Insofar as this is recognised, it is considerably easier to teach them correct thinking; yet people of the present time hardly acknowledge spiritual working, and therefore My will has to be proclaimed to them through the mouth of a human being. And this is the surest sign of My love that My words shalll never fade away once they have been desired by an earthly child.... I shall seize anyone who serves Me with all My love and help him fulfil his earthly task. Yet I never force the will.... The human being must long for Me in complete freedom and endeavour to serve Me. For then his heart will be most willingly open to Me, and he can hear My voice and will be happy, if My Word sounds brightly and clearly within him. And that is enough for you to know that My voice shall resound ever louder so that it will penetrate the din of the world. I want to give My servants on earth the strength to shape themselves such that they can hear Me as long as they speak of Me and My name. I will then speak through these servants Myself and emphasise My words through deeds carried out by those who are truly My servants.... who desire My spirit and abide in My love.... And yet, the world will not be forced to believe.... But all who are of good will shall recognise Me, and henceforth shape their lives according to My will.... And so, proclaim My Word to people with great joy and know that I will erect a protective wall around you, and that I will not allow any harm to befall you as long as you willingly serve Me. My love certainly takes care of all people but it especially protects those who sacrifice their lives to Me and endeavour to do what corresponds to My will. And every path is marked out for you; you walk it in such a way that it serves the great work of redemption, which you consciously join. And therefore, do not be discouraged if earthly life seems oppressive to you, for in order to shape yourself according to My will, hours of inner concentration are still necessary, and these must be longed for with all your senses. You must fight for that which brings you unimaginable blessings, you must be prepared to renounce every comfort of life in order to be able to serve Me alone, and only when the desire for My voice has become exceedingly great in you, that you give up everything else for it ,can I enter your heart in all fullness, and then I can work inside you and through you. The degree of love within you determines the extent of My labour of love inside you. If you give up everything, then you exchange Me and My love for it. And so, it should be easy for you to renounce earthly pleasures and seek compensation for them in My love. The world needs a mediator between itself and the Lord of creation; it cannot find the way itself and can no longer hear My voice; thus, humanity urgently needs people who are in a higher degree of maturity, who receive My Word from above and convey it to those who are unwilling or unable to establish the connection themselves. And I shall bless anyone who offers himself for this mediation on earth as well as in the beyond, for his will contributes towards the redemption of countless erring souls and helps to build up the divine, and to turn previously material thoughts towards the divine. And this is what the spirit from God commands this person to do, that he wrestles for such erring souls, that he uses every opportunity to impart what he has received, as long as they are willing to accept it. And the path he has to take will become easy for him, for divine love will accompany him on all his paths....
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