71/6 Jesus Says.... "Be Active In Love!“

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
3941 "He who receives the least of My brothers receives Me...." Dec 23, 1946 82  Print view
7962 The immeasurable love of Jesus.... Aug 9, 1961 501  Print view
5927 Following Jesus.... Living a life of love.... Apr 12, 1954 965  Print view
8084 Proof of love of God: love for the neighbour.... Jan 21, 1962 388  Print view
4706 Charity.... Aug 7, 1949 320  Print view
5371 Strengthening of faith through love work.... Apr 21, 1952 240  Print view
6687 Active in love signs of God's presence.... Nov 10, 1956 583  Print view
4629 Working of love.... using of God's gift of power.... "He who abides in love...." May 4, 1949 103  Print view
7107 Acquiring spiritual power through love work.... Apr 30, 1958 378  Print view
6846 Loving activity means transformation of being.... Jun 7, 1957 521  Print view
5886 "What you do to the least of My brothers...." Feb 24, 1954 212  Print view
0605 Work of love towards enemies.... Oct 6, 1938 785  Print view
0985 Works of charity.... without love.... in compulsion.... Jun 28, 1939 22  Print view
1504 Concern for the souls' salvation.... Utterly unselfish neighbourly love.... Jul 5, 1940 577  Print view
3915 Need of the fellow human being drive to the activity of love.... Oct 26, 1946 107  Print view
4105 Selfish love.... Love your neighbour as yourself.... Aug 14, 1947 915  Print view
5787 Stimulating an unbeliever to love work.... Oct 12, 1953 143  Print view
6365 Poverty does not prevent activity of love.... Sep 26, 1955 373  Print view
6813 Fulfilment of humanly decreed commandments will not replace actions of love.... Apr 23, 1957 742  Print view
7034 Salvation only through Jesus Christ.... Feb 5, 1958 594  Print view
7261 Compulsory work.... only works of love are rated.... Jan 20, 1959 374  Print view
7811 Love one another.... Jan 30, 1961 786  Print view
7914 Love for neighbour: Help in spiritual need.... Jun 9, 1961 573  Print view
8343 Action-love.... good example.... Nov 30, 1962 570  Print view
3343 Working together in love in the end time.... Nov 24, 1944 76  Print view
3389 Measures against love work.... Jan 2, 1945 74  Print view
6436 Right understanding requires working in love.... Dec 27, 1955 389  Print view
4289 "Create and work while it is still day...." Apr 29, 1948 107  Print view
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