70/1 Return to God Part 1

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
From the first spiritual creation to the human being
1047 The messages are given in a specified order.... Teaching.... Aug 10, 1939 636  Print view
8712 Spiritual low level.... Lovelessness.... Selfish love.... Dec 31, 1963 1303  Print view
Reason for the New Revelation
8054 Is the Bible completed.... Dec 3, 1961 1240  Print view
5710 Book of Books.... God's Word.... Jun 28, 1953 429  Print view
8251 Doubting divine revelations.... Aug 25, 1962 828  Print view
6038 New Revelations.... Reason.... Bible.... Aug 30, 1954 444  Print view
The nature of God
6852 In the beginning was the Word.... ' Jun 15, 1957 618  Print view
8082 God is love.... Jan 19, 1962 969  Print view
8622 Inscrutability of the Deity.... Sep 21, 1963 790  Print view
7828 God is a spirit Who has manifested Himself in Jesus.... Feb 17, 1961 1153  Print view
The first spiritual creation and the apostasy from God
5612 First created being.... Light bearer.... Apostasy from God.... Feb 28, 1953 1049  Print view
7082 Fall of the spirits.... Faculty of thought.... Lucifer's fall.... Apr 3, 1958 600  Print view
8672 Cause of Lucifer's apostasy from God.... Nov 13, 1963 784  Print view
8910 Good and evil.... Eternal law.... Jan 12, 1965 585  Print view
8760 Information about God's plan of Salvation.... Feb 22, 1964 628  Print view
Emergence of matter as consequence of Lucifer’s apostasy
8613 Creation is God's work.... Sep 11, 1963 644  Print view
8575 Explanation of matter and its task.... Jul 31, 1963 599  Print view
5610 Satan's nature.... Fall and redemption.... Feb 26, 1953 444  Print view
7942 Origin of the creation work 'earth'.... Jul 15, 1961 1145  Print view
7800 Process of development on earth.... Jan 21, 1961 796  Print view
The path through the creations of earth
8770 The process of creation has taken eternities.... Mar 4, 1964 978  Print view
7571 Development of the soul.... Original spirit.... Apr 7, 1960 772  Print view
9015 Pre-Adamites.... Jul 15, 1965 683  Print view
7699 The spirits' process of development.... Sep 14, 1960 595  Print view
The human being
8235 Did the human being evolve or was he a new creation?.... Aug 9, 1962 613  Print view
8243 Informing the soul about earthly life.... Aug 17, 1962 746  Print view
5125 Process of development.... Law of compulsion.... Stage of free will.... May 6, 1951 635  Print view
7413 Stage of self-awareness.... Sep 21, 1959 577  Print view
8936 In the state of compulsion progress is guaranteed.... but as human being?.... Feb 16, 1965 523  Print view
Adam’s fall into sin – Jesus’ mission
0185 Old Testament.... Nov 17, 1937 508  Print view
Adam and the fall into sin
5802 Adam.... Original spirit.... Lucifer's test.... Bursting the form.... Nov 9, 1953 982  Print view
5967 Hereditary sin.... May 29, 1954 1369  Print view
8236 Was Adam the only human being created by God?.... Aug 10, 1962 585  Print view
8675 Question: what would have happened had Adam not failed?.... Nov 16, 1963 594  Print view
5307 New Testament and Appendix.... Jan 31, 1952 390  Print view
Jesus' human manifestation
8694 Attribute of divine teaching: human manifestation problem.... Dec 6, 1963 404  Print view
7147 God became visible in Jesus Christ.... Jun 18, 1958 902  Print view
8750 Was Jesus' soul already incarnated before God's human manifestation?.... Feb 11, 1964 1129  Print view
6673 Answer to questions about the Immaculate Conception and advantages of the souls of light.... Oct 20, 1956 788  Print view
8141 And the Word was made flesh.... ' Apr 3, 1962 1300  Print view
5551 Miracle-work of the child Jesus.... Dec 9, 1952 562  Print view
8667 Jesus as a human being knew of His mission.... Nov 8, 1963 534  Print view
Jesus Christ's work of redemption
8806 Knowledge of the original sin is necessary in order to understand the act of Salvation.... in order to acknowledge Jesus Christ as the 'Redeemer'.... May 26, 1964 1203  Print view
7781 Jesus Christ's act of Salvation.... Dec 26, 1960 585  Print view
5224 Fighting against oneself on earth.... Oct 1, 1951 394  Print view
6233 Suffering and dying.... Apr 9, 1955 748  Print view
7764 Jesus' last Words on the cross.... Dec 5, 1960 538  Print view
8999 Jesus descended into the abyss after His crucifixion.... Jun 20, 1965 467  Print view
7320 Resurrection on the third day.... Mar 29, 1959 535  Print view
8506 Ascension of Christ.... May 23, 1963 540  Print view
8516 The outpouring of the spirit.... Whitsun.... Jun 2, 1963 437  Print view
8715 Frequent question: Why did the God of love let a human being suffer so?.... Jan 4, 1964 580  Print view
7019 The sacrifice on the cross was offered for time and eternity.... Jan 17, 1958 756  Print view
6938 Don't let the sacrifice on the cross be in vain.... Oct 7, 1957 583  Print view
8600 Jesus' act of Salvation was the beginning of a new phase in the work of return.... Aug 29, 1963 566  Print view
8696 Knowledge about Jesus Christ is of utmost importance.... Dec 10, 1963 414  Print view
Following Jesus
4544 Follow Me.... ' Jan 18, 1949 750  Print view
Serving with love
8436 The correct way of life is not enough to mature fully.... Mar 11, 1963 557  Print view
8032 What is love?.... Changing selfish love into neighbourly love.... Nov 4, 1961 1133  Print view
8584 Love for God is demonstrated through neighbourly love.... Aug 11, 1963 773  Print view
8711 The bond of love shall connect everyone without distinction.... Dec 30, 1963 572  Print view
4357 Marriage.... In the presence of God and before the world.... Jun 29, 1948 746  Print view
7149 Responsibility of parents and children.... Jun 20, 1958 875  Print view
6703 One shall serve the other.... Bargaining products, occupation.... Dec 1, 1956 532  Print view
6360 Social contributions.... Sep 20, 1955 745  Print view
4096 Serious admonitions about Christian neighbourly love.... Aug 3, 1947 756  Print view
3920 Following Jesus.... A life of love and self-denial.... Nov 1, 1946 1392  Print view
7563 Neighbourly love.... Mar 31, 1960 409  Print view
Change of will and character
5303 Purpose of earthly life: Change of will and character.... Jan 26, 1952 1112  Print view
0765 Love.... Hate.... Jan 31, 1939 694  Print view
1869 Sense of justice.... Judging one's fellow human being.... Mar 30, 1941 1205  Print view
3723 Detachment from earthly possessions.... Mar 21, 1946 427  Print view
6286 Fight against longings and passions.... Jun 16, 1955 941  Print view
8281 Danger of arrogance.... Sep 24, 1962 947  Print view
Living faith
8289 God demands faith in His immense love.... Oct 2, 1962 381  Print view
7951 Faith.... Jul 27, 1961 600  Print view
7462 Fear is insufficient faith.... Nov 24, 1959 920  Print view
8503 God requires a living faith.... May 20, 1963 904  Print view
5726 Strong faith.... Following Jesus.... Jul 18, 1953 889  Print view
Desire for truth
8519 Truth is light.... Darkness the result of heartlessness.... Jun 5, 1963 585  Print view
7584 Serious examination of spiritual knowledge with God's support.... Apr 23, 1960 562  Print view
8733 God Himself is the source of the revelations.... Jan 23, 1964 423  Print view
6467 The truth reveals God's perfection.... Feb 4, 1956 394  Print view
9013 Which messages guarantee the truth.... Jul 12, 1965 631  Print view
6252 The task to spread the truth presupposes receipt of truth from God.... May 7, 1955 406  Print view
Mental contact with God
7613 The Father speaks to His child.... Jun 1, 1960 1076  Print view
7448 God demands deliberation.... Nov 6, 1959 740  Print view
7981 Mentally directing the will towards God.... Sep 1, 1961 399  Print view
6859 Blessing of mental communication with God.... Jun 28, 1957 1333  Print view
8737 The bond with God.... Adversity and suffering.... Jan 27, 1964 762  Print view
7129 Call daily upon the name of Jesus.... May 24, 1958 1496  Print view
7376 God wants to be the subject of our thoughts.... Jun 27, 1959 571  Print view
3740 Do this in remembrance of Me....' Last Supper.... Apr 10, 1946 579  Print view
8633 People don't know about their immense spiritual hardship.... Oct 2, 1963 561  Print view
Enduring earthly hardship and suffering
7495 Carrying the cross.... Following Jesus.... Jan 6, 1960 392  Print view
4876 Christ's path to the cross.... Apr 8, 1950 365  Print view
5282 Jesus came to the weak, sick and needy.... Dec 27, 1951 1071  Print view
7217 Trials in old age.... Love and patience.... Nov 29, 1958 533  Print view
6987 Process of purification through strokes of fate.... Dec 8, 1957 922  Print view
6277 Strokes of fate.... The Father's love.... Jun 6, 1955 1493  Print view
7184 Painful teaching methods.... Aug 7, 1958 901  Print view
8113 Love and suffering purify the soul.... Mar 1, 1962 389  Print view
8594 Painful means can lead to faith.... Aug 23, 1963 951  Print view
5904 Blessing of suffering.... Mar 16, 1954 703  Print view
6763 Loving help for fellow human beings in distress.... Feb 16, 1957 540  Print view
8680 Following Jesus: Bearing the cross.... Nov 21, 1963 759  Print view
Listening to the inner voice
3968 Turning inwards.... Detachment from the world and its matter.... Achievement of truth.... Feb 5, 1947 915  Print view
5753 Listening to God's voice.... Aug 24, 1953 972  Print view
7698 The voice of conscience.... Sep 13, 1960 1005  Print view
6421 Heartfelt contact with God.... Inner voice.... Dec 10, 1955 555  Print view
4378 Inner voice difficult to hear.... Turmoil - silence.... Jul 17, 1948 920  Print view
Psychological work
6625 Consider the time after death.... Aug 18, 1956 560  Print view
7153 Man's conscious work of improving his soul.... Jun 25, 1958 1248  Print view
3661 Psychological work.... Jan 19, 1946 944  Print view
6730 Conscious psychological work.... Jan 7, 1957 761  Print view
6374 Whatever you ask the Father in My name.... ' Oct 10, 1955 853  Print view
7603 God's blessing should be requested.... May 20, 1960 582  Print view
8738 What kind of prayer will be granted?.... Jan 28, 1964 960  Print view
8589 Prayer for strength and grace.... Pride.... Humility.... Aug 18, 1963 585  Print view
8955 Only prayer protects from the adversary's activity.... Mar 15, 1965 776  Print view
Spreading the word of Jesus
4507 Where two or three are gathered together in My name.... ' Dec 11, 1948 371  Print view
7809 Selfless vineyard work.... Jan 27, 1961 403  Print view
7531 Distributing the divine Word.... Feb 25, 1960 558  Print view
4742 Reminder to work diligently for the kingdom of God.... Sep 18, 1949 751  Print view
7437 Answer to questions.... Oct 26, 1959 587  Print view
7528 Spreading the Gospel.... Jesus Christ.... Feb 22, 1960 716  Print view
Striving for the childship to God
8673 True church service requires a Father-child relationship.... Nov 14, 1963 929  Print view
7907 Becoming God's 'children'.... Childship to God.... Jun 2, 1961 764  Print view
8980 Severe suffering can result in childship to God.... May 23, 1965 1235  Print view
6796 Whoever remains in love....' Strange gods.... Apr 1, 1957 733  Print view
4994 The Father's concern for His children.... Nov 5, 1950 549  Print view
7847 Only love will achieve the return.... Mar 10, 1961 392  Print view
6610 Proclaiming Jesus' teaching of love is urgently needed.... Jul 31, 1956 902  Print view
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