68 No one can redeem himself - Redemption only by Jesus Christ

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
7862 The "bound" shall be redeemed.... Apr 1, 1961 372  Print view
Original sin - the reason for Jesus’ work of redemption
8459 Explanation regarding original spirit and apostasy.... Apr 5, 1963 578  Print view
8303 The act of Salvation and its spiritual reason.... Oct 19, 1962 397  Print view
Repayment of the debt by Jesus Christ
2316 This document has not yet been translated      
7237 The birth of Christ.... I. Dec 24, 1958 593  Print view
7238 The birth of Christ.... II. Dec 25, 1958 377  Print view
7992 Jesus' free will as a human being.... Sep 15, 1961 762  Print view
8349 Redemption of the guilt of sin through the blood of Jesus.... Dec 6, 1962 363  Print view
There is no self-redemption - Redemption only by Jesus Christ
2929 Atonement of guilt without Christ’s act of Salvation.... Oct 17, 1943 417  Print view
6860 No liberation without Jesus Christ.... Jun 29, 1957 741  Print view
7950 Redemption only through Jesus Christ.... Self-Redemption is not possible.... Jul 26, 1961 556  Print view
Redemption in the beyond only by Jesus Christ
6850 Jesus Christ opens the gate to eternal life.... Jun 12, 1957 1413  Print view
5153 The souls’ redemption from the abyss through Jesus Christ.... Beyond.... Jun 17, 1951 400  Print view
6205 Helping assistance of people at redemption from the depths.... Mar 5, 1955 172  Print view
6423 Happiness and gratitude of redeemed souls.... Dec 12, 1955 805  Print view
Steps of the people to redemption - faith and recognition of redemption by Jesus Christ - exploitation of grace
0466 Work of redemption.... faith in it necessary.... Jun 14, 1938 44  Print view
6670 Acknowledging Jesus Christ and benefiting from the graces.... Oct 15, 1956 699  Print view
6672 Exploiting the graces of the work of redemption.... Oct 17, 1956 371  Print view
Ask forgiveness of guilt
3335 Guilt of sin.... forgiveness.... redemption.... cross of Christ.... Nov 19, 1944 41  Print view
7442 Forgiveness of sin through Jesus Christ.... Oct 31, 1959 1008  Print view
Desire for redemption
1611a This document has not yet been translated      
1611b This document has not yet been translated      
3280 Recognition of sin.... acting of the will.... Oct 6, 1944 42  Print view
7218 Have all people been redeemed?.... Nov 30, 1958 371  Print view
Serve with love
2084 This document has not yet been translated      
3165 This document has not yet been translated      
5203 Help for poor souls.... Love redeems.... Sep 4, 1951 735  Print view
Garaging of the will
1571 This document has not yet been translated      
2841 This document has not yet been translated      
Bond with Jesus Christ
7489 Bonding with Jesus Christ.... Dec 29, 1959 689  Print view
8063 Spiritual petition: Prayer for grace and strength.... Dec 15, 1961 364  Print view
Will strengthen and power supply by Jesus Christ
2779 This document has not yet been translated      
7762 Strengthening of will and supply of strength through Jesus.... Dec 2, 1960 575  Print view
1434 This document has not yet been translated      
1834 This document has not yet been translated      
7852 Knowledge of the spiritual motives of the work of redemption.... Mar 16, 1961 355  Print view
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