67 The Adversary's Cunning and Trickery

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
3156 Activity of love.... Duty.... Disguise of light.... Jun 12, 1944 523  Print view
Doubting God's revelations, preventing the spreading of the word, falsifying the word
5856 Doubting divine revelations.... The adversary's cunning.... Jan 18, 1954 472  Print view
6495 The adversary tries to prevent the recognition of the Deity.... Mar 8, 1956 465  Print view
8009 Falsification of the divine Word.... Oct 3, 1961 502  Print view
Spreading misconceptions
5526 Spiritual hardship greater than earthly.... The adversary's activity.... Nov 6, 1952 899  Print view
8180 About the doctrine of re-incarnation.... May 17, 1962 741  Print view
8615 Wrong portrayal of God.... Error.... Sep 13, 1963 748  Print view
Craving for worldly possessions and amusements
2231 The spirit of lies and its instruments.... Feb 8, 1942 723  Print view
2778 Temptation in form of earthly amusements.... Jun 18, 1943 756  Print view
Temptation to act with unkindness
5535 Satan's activity.... Nov 16, 1952 672  Print view
6385 Eternal order is love.... Satan's activity.... Oct 25, 1955 484  Print view
Enticement to act destructively
4965 Destructive will of God's adversary.... Bound spirits - Human being.... Sep 10, 1950 673  Print view
6080 The adversary's influence of will.... Destructions.... Oct 16, 1954 473  Print view
Under the guise of piety
3191 The adversary’s mask.... Jul 16, 1944 969  Print view
6102 The guise of piety.... Satan's activity.... Nov 8, 1954 502  Print view
Satan's disguise as an angel of light - Apparitions of Mary
4037 Satan's disguise.... Figure of light.... May 9, 1947 475  Print view
7460 Satan’s work as an angel of light.... (Fatima) Nov 21, 1959 986  Print view
Other deceptive works of the adversary
8623 Deceptive works of the adversary.... (UFOs) Sep 22, 1963 1236  Print view
7742 About the UFO convention.... Nov 11, 1960 736  Print view
7977 Serious warning against psychic receptions.... Aug 27, 1961 877  Print view
8433 The adversary's activity behind a mask.... Mar 8, 1963 727  Print view
False Christs and prophets
2353 False Christs.... Signs and miracles.... May 31, 1942 494  Print view
5427 Satan's disguise where light is conveyed to Earth.... Jul 3, 1952 735  Print view
8487 False Christs and prophets.... May 4, 1963 882  Print view
The adversary's activity during the last days
3690 Battle of light against darkness at the end.... Feb 18, 1946 492  Print view
3672 Antichrist.... End.... Jan 31, 1946 1900  Print view
4029 Antichrist - A saviour?.... Anti-spiritual activism.... Apr 24, 1947 1362  Print view
The adversary's activity against the vineyard laborers
3996 Harassing the bearers of truth through God's adversary.... God's help.... Mar 10, 1947 457  Print view
8144 The adversary's increased activity against light bearers.... Apr 6, 1962 689  Print view
Measures against the adversary's cunning
6118 The spirit of love protects against temptations and God's adversary.... Nov 24, 1954 993  Print view
7573 Bond with God.... Apr 11, 1960 445  Print view
7675 Scrutinising spiritual knowledge.... Aug 17, 1960 460  Print view
8103 Taking refuge in Jesus.... The adversary's activity.... Feb 16, 1962 447  Print view
God's protection from the adversary's temptations
4662 'Watch and pray, lest ye enter into temptation....' Jun 9, 1949 1082  Print view
4985 'Deliver us from evil....' Oct 19, 1950 975  Print view
8520 God's protection from the adversary's temptations.... Jun 6, 1963 686  Print view
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