64 Listen to your Inner Voice Part 1

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
8739 'In the beginning was the Word....' Jan 29, 1964 405  Print view
God is the word
3596 God is the Word.... God's presence.... Different conveyance of the Word.... Nov 7, 1945 1117  Print view
6573 God reveals Himself in the Word.... Jun 15, 1956 365  Print view
8522 God's Word will be heard eternally.... Jul 8, 1963 797  Print view
The outpouring of the spirit
5922 The Word from above.... Outpouring of the spirit.... Apr 5, 1954 573  Print view
7501 'I will pour out My spirit upon all flesh....' Jan 17, 1960 556  Print view
8872 'I will guide you into truth....' Oct 23, 1964 951  Print view
Conditions and prerequisites for the outpouring of the spirit
3615 Conditions for the working of the spirit.... Nov 28, 1945 401  Print view
7822 Prerequisite for the 'outpouring of the spirit'.... Feb 10, 1961 941  Print view
Imparting the divine word
2105 Process of transmission is an act of spiritual emanation of strength.... Oct 9, 1941 413  Print view
2510 Three ways of imparting the divine Word.... Oct 13, 1942 672  Print view
4907 Process of conveying the Word from above.... Jun 1, 1950 402  Print view
Receiving the divine word
3419 Receiving the divine Word is an act of utmost will of strength.... Jan 27, 1945 398  Print view
3547 Explaining the process of transcription.... Truth.... Sep 13, 1945 385  Print view
8654 Everyone would be able to hear God speaking.... Oct 24, 1963 552  Print view
Conditions and prerequisites for receiving the word
2829 Conditions for receiving the divine Word.... Jul 28, 1943 397  Print view
8530 Prerequisites for hearing God's Word.... Jun 15, 1963 547  Print view
Hearing God's voice
8544 The Word of God ought to be listened to.... Jun 30, 1963 869  Print view
3732 Exercise to hear the voice of the spirit.... Apr 1, 1946 615  Print view
4700 Hearing the divine Word.... Thoughts.... Jul 28, 1949 408  Print view
Conditions and prerequisites for hearing of God's voice
4462 The ability to hear God's voice.... Conditions.... Oct 16, 1948 577  Print view
7258 Prerequisite for hearing God's voice: Detachment from the world.... Jan 17, 1959 1409  Print view
The heart’s voice
2104 Innermost feeling guiding principle for way of life.... Oct 9, 1941 569  Print view
4104 God's will - voice of the heart.... Inner urging.... Aug 13, 1947 898  Print view
4498 The ability to receive divine wisdom through the heart.... Nov 28, 1948 373  Print view
Inner prompting
3308 Inner prompting is God's instruction.... Subordination of will.... Oct 27, 1944 745  Print view
5766 The urging of the spirit.... Discontentment.... Sep 10, 1953 385  Print view
The voice of conscience
1565 The voice of conscience.... Aug 13, 1940 753  Print view
6262 Voice of conscience.... Feeling.... Right path.... May 21, 1955 579  Print view
6585 Voice of conscience.... Jul 1, 1956 724  Print view
Mental connection with God
6109 Questioning thoughts are the first step towards ascent.... Nov 15, 1954 563  Print view
6116 God's reply to thoughts.... Presence.... Nov 22, 1954 588  Print view
7470 Taking stock of oneself and contact with the spiritual realm.... Dec 3, 1959 703  Print view
4325 Significance of the spirit's voice.... Close to the goal.... Jun 7, 1948 360  Print view
6570 'My sheep recognise My voice....' Jun 12, 1956 590  Print view
8514 Where God's Word is recognised, that is where He is present.... May 30, 1963 865  Print view
3597 Appeal for inner enlightenment.... Nov 8, 1945 777  Print view
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