61 God corrects misguided teachings and errors Part 4

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
8553 People’s duty is to draw attention to error.... Jul 9, 1963 623  Print view
Monastic life
0391 Seclusion from the world.... Monastery?.... Apr 29, 1938 484  Print view
1027 Monastic life?.... (Concerning a previous conversation) Jul 29, 1939 381  Print view
1028 Monastic life?.... Jul 29, 1939 402  Print view
Other religions' attitude towards Jesus Christ
8824 Other religions’ attitude towards Jesus Christ.... Jul 2, 1964 468  Print view
8800 Reply to a question about ‘Yogis’.... Apr 6, 1964 404  Print view
8825 Addition to Yogi - message.... Jul 4, 1964 477  Print view
8944 After reading a book about Indian religions.... Feb 26, 1965 473  Print view
8836 Acts 7, 55-56.... Aug 4, 1964 597  Print view
Satan's deceptive lights
2204 Satan’s work of deception.... Mask.... Matter.... Jan 6, 1942 428  Print view
3191 The adversary’s mask.... Jul 16, 1944 787  Print view
6639 Soft light.... Deceptive light.... (Sensationalism.... ) Sep 8, 1956 779  Print view
Errors in the space research
4748 Astrology.... Destiny in the stars.... Sep 27, 1949 753  Print view
7601 Contact with inhabitants of other worlds.... ‘In My Father’s house....’ May 17, 1960 800  Print view
8698 Clarification about UFOs.... Dec 13, 1963 608  Print view
False prophets
5162 Determining the time of the end - False prophets.... Jul 1, 1951 777  Print view
6782 True and false prophets.... Mar 12, 1957 790  Print view
8487 False Christs and prophets.... May 4, 1963 727  Print view
Miracles of false prophets
3580 Miracles.... False prophets.... Oct 18, 1945 383  Print view
5861 False Christs and false prophets.... Jan 24, 1954 1173  Print view
Worshipping the mother of God
4752 Worshipping the mother of God.... Oct 2, 1949 740  Print view
4980 Dogma: Mary’s ascension.... Oct 5, 1950 407  Print view
5806 Apparitions of Mary.... Nov 15, 1953 427  Print view
7460 Satan’s work as an angel of light.... (Fatima) Nov 21, 1959 807  Print view
Canonisation and misguided teaching about intercession
0783 Canonisation.... Feb 21, 1939 465  Print view
7045a The adversary’s works of deception.... Apparitions.... Feb 17, 1958 611  Print view
7045b The adversary’s works of deception.... Apparitions.... Feb 20, 1958 970  Print view
Dangers of psychic communication
8470 Clarification about intercession.... Apr 17, 1963 541  Print view
6468 Dangers of psychic communication.... Feb 5, 1956 757  Print view
7673 Warning about communicating with the beyond.... Aug 14, 1960 541  Print view
Lack of knowledge in regards to the working and gifts of the spirit
7829 ‘Work of the spirit’ and the work of the spirit world.... Feb 18, 1961 941  Print view
2878 Knowledge of the spirit’s work in a person.... Exceptional opportunity for God to reveal Himself.... Sep 11, 1943 371  Print view
6013a Various gifts of the spirit.... Jul 31, 1954 807  Print view
6013b Speaking in tongues.... Warning against wrong spirit.... Aug 1, 1954 819  Print view
8835 About speaking in tongues.... Aug 2, 1964 977  Print view
5175 Satan’s work.... Heartfelt prayer for protection.... Jul 21, 1951 566  Print view
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