58 God corrects misguided teachings and errors Part 1

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
2372 Misguided teachings are barriers for the seeker of God.... Jun 17, 1942 579  Print view
8814 Exposure of misguided teachings is God's will.... Jun 19, 1964 976  Print view
Doubting God's existance
4069 Doubting God’s existence in the end time.... Jun 25, 1947 408  Print view
4541 Existence of God.... Worldly scholars.... Heart and intellect.... Jan 15, 1949 581  Print view
Wrong image of God
6710 Negative results of misguided teachings.... Dec 9, 1956 385  Print view
8035 Wrong image of God.... Misguided teachings.... Nov 7, 1961 572  Print view
8296 Does God punish the children for the sins of the fathers?.... Oct 11, 1962 1221  Print view
Questioning God's perfection
8858 Correction of a big error.... Sep 23, 1964 830  Print view
8859 Correction of a big error.... Sep 24, 1964 612  Print view
8923 God corrects a big error.... Feb 1, 1965 603  Print view
False doctrine about the Trinity
5389 Misguided teaching about the Trinity.... May 11, 1952 600  Print view
7117 The problem of the Trinity.... May 11, 1958 781  Print view
8250 God and Jesus are one.... Human manifestation of God.... Aug 24, 1962 1570  Print view
Doubting Jesus Christ's existence
6485 Belief in the existence of Jesus.... Feb 26, 1956 776  Print view
7250 Evidence of Jesus' existence on earth.... Jan 8, 1959 977  Print view
Wrong image of Jesus Christ
8282 The mystery of God’s human manifestation.... Sep 25, 1962 405  Print view
8756 Jesus’ body was also solidified substance in accordance with God’s will.... Feb 18, 1964 585  Print view
8751 Counteracting misguided views about Jesus’ incarnation.... Feb 12, 1964 578  Print view
8264 Concerning the question: Incarnation of Jesus.... Sep 5, 1962 544  Print view
Depreciation of Jesus Christ's work of redemption
3277 Did Jesus Christ redeem all people, or are all people redeemed?.... Oct 2, 1944 787  Print view
5724 Salvation through Jesus Christ.... Jul 16, 1953 434  Print view
8731 The true description of the act of Salvation.... Jan 20, 1964 445  Print view
Teaching of predestination
2034 Teaching of predestination.... Aug 18, 1941 430  Print view
6757 Predestination?.... Different amount of blessings? Feb 7, 1957 391  Print view
7006 (Philippians).... Predestination.... Dec 30, 1957 408  Print view
Error about coincidence
2117 Divine providence.... Misguided will.... Oct 16, 1941 401  Print view
2441 Path of life predetermined by God.... Free will.... Deed and effect.... Aug 8, 1942 577  Print view
7162 Everything that happens serves to perfect the soul.... Jul 8, 1958 902  Print view
8477 There is no coincidence.... Nothing happens arbitrarily.... Apr 24, 1963 377  Print view
Elemination of a near end
6482 Concerning end time revelations.... Feb 23, 1956 589  Print view
7705 False prophets.... Sep 20, 1960 531  Print view
8345 New redemption period.... Dec 2, 1962 942  Print view
8572 God corrects misguided teachings.... Jul 28, 1963 352  Print view
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