57 God Gives His Grace to the Humble

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
7797 What is the purpose of life on earth?.... Jan 14, 1961 595  Print view
Arrogance and haughtiness
0632 Arrogance…. Those who raise themselves into lordliness, will be made humble.... Feeling oneself superior to others Oct 21, 1938 484  Print view
5021 He who exalts himself.... arrogance.... honour.... Dec 15, 1950 117  Print view
3641 Spiritual arrogance.... Dec 30, 1945 96  Print view
3336 Spiritual arrogance.... humility - grace.... Nov 19, 1944 36  Print view
8208 Criticism of the divine word proves spiritual arrogance.... Jul 7, 1962 370  Print view
7203 Rejection of the divine Word in spiritual arrogance.... Nov 6, 1958 580  Print view
7730 Spiritual superiority is not spiritual arrogance.... Oct 23, 1960 566  Print view
7803 Spiritual pride and its danger.... Jan 21, 1961 802  Print view
Humility of heart
4919 Humility - Arrogance.... Danger.... Jun 22, 1950 600  Print view
3244 Self-knowledge.... Psychological work.... Grace.... Humility.... Sep 4, 1944 605  Print view
3265 Arrogance.... humility.... grace.... Sep 22, 1944 31  Print view
5587 Humility.... Jan 27, 1953 332  Print view
7057 'I bestow My grace upon the humble....' Mar 6, 1958 913  Print view
Submission to God’s intention and devotion to God
3269 Submitting the will to God's will.... Sep 25, 1944 34  Print view
7566 God-turned-will secures perfection.... Apr 3, 1960 577  Print view
8627 Total devotion to God.... Sep 26, 1963 578  Print view
Serving charity
7308 "To the humble, God gives His grace...." Mar 14, 1959 373  Print view
2923 This document has not yet been translated      
5341 Arrogance.... Mar 21, 1952 189  Print view
5913 Fighting or helping.... Mar 24, 1954 617  Print view
Ask in humility of heart
3682 Praying with humility.... Feb 10, 1946 984  Print view
5805 Prayer for strength and grace.... Nov 14, 1953 543  Print view
8589 Prayer for strength and grace.... Pride.... Humility.... Aug 18, 1963 585  Print view
Gifts of God's grace
5595 Will determines the grant of grace.... grace.... Feb 6, 1953 135  Print view
5104 God’s word most effective gift of grace.... Apr 13, 1951 176  Print view
7877 God's grace and mercy.... Apr 23, 1961 358  Print view
8418 Grace of the act of Salvation: fortified will.... Feb 21, 1963 586  Print view
4956 Rejecting the gift of God's grace.... darkness.... Aug 25, 1950 174  Print view
7678 Admonition to humility.... Aug 20, 1960 554  Print view
8281 Danger of arrogance.... Sep 24, 1962 947  Print view
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