43 The Transformation of Earth

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
8609 Reason for the work of transformation.... Sep 7, 1963 709  Print view
5383 Serious admonition.... The final phase of the earth.... May 6, 1952 697  Print view
4984 Accountability on the Day of Judgment.... Redeemer Jesus Christ.... Oct 17, 1950 582  Print view
8026 Spiritual low level is the reason for the disintegration.... Oct 25, 1961 932  Print view
4320 The present time will lead to the end.... Jun 1, 1948 956  Print view
8066 2 Peter 3:10.... Dec 21, 1961 1217  Print view
3950 Reason and forces of earth's disintegration.... (Nuclear energy) Jan 2, 1947 714  Print view
6812 Indicating the end of an era.... Apr 22, 1957 620  Print view
8748 The end of a period of Salvation is assured to you.... Feb 9, 1964 618  Print view
8112 Purification of Earth.... Feb 28, 1962 712  Print view
5398 Last Judgment.... May 23, 1952 574  Print view
8304 Destruction of Earth.... Oct 20, 1962 566  Print view
7754 The transformation work of Earth.... Nov 24, 1960 567  Print view
6052 Last Judgment.... Act of love and righteousness.... Sep 15, 1954 582  Print view
8624 Destruction of earth is the result of experiments.... Sep 23, 1963 927  Print view
4731 Experiments towards the end of the earth.... Activating forces.... Sep 1, 1949 906  Print view
6081 Success at the end of an earth-period.... Scientists.... Oct 17, 1954 874  Print view
7630 The final work of destruction.... Jun 23, 1960 416  Print view
5655 Total disintegration of Earth.... Spiritualisation.... Apr 19, 1953 400  Print view
6799 'Judgment'.... The Word Itself will pass judgment.... Apr 6, 1957 389  Print view
6864 Earth is a place of perdition.... Devils.... Jul 3, 1957 394  Print view
6828 Reason for the destruction and new creation.... Hell - banishment.... May 12, 1957 700  Print view
3560 Knowing the time of the end.... Sep 27, 1945 530  Print view
7040 Messages concerning the continuation of Earth are more likely to be believed.... Feb 11, 1958 397  Print view
6689 The near end should be mentioned time and again.... Nov 15, 1956 706  Print view
6882 End Prophecies.... Are you My Own?.... Jul 30, 1957 881  Print view
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