42 The Rapture

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
8164 'He that shall endure unto the end....' Apr 30, 1962 714  Print view
5528 Persecution of the disciples of the last days.... Nov 8, 1952 755  Print view
4635 Battle of faith.... Publicly professing Christ.... 'I will shorten the days....' May 11, 1949 1086  Print view
2534 'I will come like a thief in the night....' Nov 2, 1942 1194  Print view
4879 Fulfilment of predictions made by seers and prophets.... Apr 14, 1950 741  Print view
8202 Exceptional help at the time of misery.... Jun 29, 1962 583  Print view
7440 The angels' protection in the battle of faith.... Oct 29, 1959 741  Print view
7225 'I will shorten your days....' Dec 9, 1958 726  Print view
4058 Difficult living conditions.... God's guidance and help.... Jun 7, 1947 586  Print view
8017 Low spiritual level.... Test of faith.... Battle.... Rapture.... Oct 13, 1961 647  Print view
8090 Battle of faith.... Adversity.... Rapture.... Jan 29, 1962 387  Print view
5029 'The powers of the heavens shall be shaken....' Reversal of natural laws.... Rapture.... Dec 28, 1950 757  Print view
5607 Rapture.... Feb 20, 1953 921  Print view
6681 Rapture.... Oct 30, 1956 960  Print view
3791 Rapture.... From all directions.... Gospel.... Jun 5, 1946 415  Print view
1827 Coming in the clouds.... Rapture?.... Feb 24, 1941 403  Print view
3557 Coming in the clouds.... Rapture.... Sep 24, 1945 921  Print view
4531 Coming in the clouds.... Rapture.... End.... Jan 4, 1949 787  Print view
2211 Last Judgment.... Rapture.... Jan 14, 1942 763  Print view
7687 End and Rapture.... Paradise of the new earth.... Sep 1, 1960 374  Print view
8072 The near end demands increased vineyard work.... Jan 5, 1962 576  Print view
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