39 The Forerunner of Jesus Christ

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
4970 Embodied beings of light.... Lack of past memory.... Forerunner.... Sep 20, 1950 722  Print view
4899 Incarnation of beings of light.... Forerunner.... May 19, 1950 558  Print view
0685 Wolf in sheep's clothing.... Forerunner of the Lord before His return.... Nov 26, 1938 520  Print view
4136 The Lord’s messenger before His coming.... Help desperately needed.... Oct 6, 1947 449  Print view
4048 Forerunner of the Lord.... May 24, 1947 445  Print view
4878 Jesus' forerunner at the end.... Apr 13, 1950 1119  Print view
0801 Spiritual chaos.... World conflagration.... Messiah.... The forerunner of the Lord.... Mar 9, 1939 836  Print view
1107 New spiritual kingdom.... Prophet.... New human race.... Sep 23, 1939 436  Print view
2797 Strength of the divine Word.... Prophet.... The Lord's return.... Jul 4, 1943 427  Print view
3276 Time of grace.... Speaker - Forerunner of the Lord.... Oct 1, 1944 791  Print view
5830 Forerunner.... Proclaiming Jesus.... Dec 19, 1953 432  Print view
6554 Jesus' forerunner.... May 25, 1956 604  Print view
7062 Announcing the forerunner of Jesus Christ.... Mar 10, 1958 434  Print view
7295 The forerunner of Jesus Christ.... Feb 28, 1959 594  Print view
7339 Dialogue.... Forerunner.... Apr 17, 1959 383  Print view
7722 About the forerunner.... Oct 8, 1960 425  Print view
8081 Forerunner.... Visible appearance.... The time is fulfilled.... Jan 17, 1962 421  Print view
8231 Christ's Forerunner.... Aug 2, 1962 601  Print view
8815 Forerunner.... Jun 19, 1964 769  Print view
9007 Jesus' forerunner.... Jul 3, 1965 809  Print view
7604 Forerunner.... Knowledge about previous incarnation.... May 22, 1960 722  Print view
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