32 Self - denial Part 2

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
5303 Purpose of earthly life: Change of will and character.... Jan 26, 1952 1112  Print view
6202 Task in life: Helping with love.... Mar 1, 1955 366  Print view
7351 Change of character into love.... God´s presence.... May 1, 1959 762  Print view
7344 Everlasting battle against the world.... Apr 23, 1959 768  Print view
7307 Frequent introspection is necessary.... Mar 13, 1959 550  Print view
7514a The strength of the Word.... Daily work of improving the soul.... Feb 5, 1960 1247  Print view
7514b The strength of the Word.... Daily work of improving the soul.... Feb 5, 1960 924  Print view
5913 Fighting or helping.... Mar 24, 1954 617  Print view
5039 Love of the world - Satan's followers.... Love of God - Overcoming matter.... Jan 11, 1951 613  Print view
6359 The narrow and the broad path.... Sep 19, 1955 607  Print view
4919 Humility - Arrogance.... Danger.... Jun 22, 1950 600  Print view
7803 Spiritual pride and its danger.... Jan 21, 1961 802  Print view
7110 Wealth or poverty is neither an advantage nor a hindrance to attaining beatitude.... May 3, 1958 407  Print view
7401 Frugality.... Aug 30, 1959 554  Print view
7367 Purifying the heart.... May 19, 1959 1085  Print view
7530 Conscious psychological work.... Feb 24, 1960 765  Print view
2321 Disposition.... Instincts of preliminary stages.... May 3, 1942 590  Print view
7157 Suffering as means of purifying the soul or love.... Jul 1, 1958 745  Print view
7997 You humans should strive for perfection.... Sep 19, 1961 570  Print view
8523 The condition to attain perfection on earth.... Jun 9, 1963 893  Print view
7355 Effect of the strength of love.... May 5, 1959 363  Print view
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