27 Freedom of Will Part 1

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
6991 Free will caused the apostasy.... Deification.... Dec 11, 1957 608  Print view
6114 Living creations becoming children of God.... Nov 19, 1954 531  Print view
6166 Freedom of will.... Divine order.... State of compulsion.... Jan 16, 1955 418  Print view
8143 Free decision of will.... Apr 5, 1962 391  Print view
7348 Free will.... Opportunity for ascent.... Apr 28, 1959 549  Print view
5648 Earthly destiny corresponds to will.... Apr 11, 1953 421  Print view
7277 God's plan of Salvation is based on the human being's free will.... Feb 8, 1959 564  Print view
7213 State of responsibility.... Receptive hearts.... Nov 21, 1958 412  Print view
8418 Grace of the act of Salvation: fortified will.... Feb 21, 1963 586  Print view
7369 Redemption requires free will.... May 22, 1959 582  Print view
7762 Strengthening of will and supply of strength through Jesus.... Dec 2, 1960 575  Print view
7038 God's or the adversary's entitlement over the soul is determined by the person himself.... Feb 9, 1958 412  Print view
6484 Voluntary bond with God.... Feb 25, 1956 363  Print view
7359 'The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence....' May 9, 1959 557  Print view
7370 Free will and self-awareness.... May 23, 1959 373  Print view
4553 The human being’s imperfect state corresponds to his will.... Jan 30, 1949 407  Print view
9026 Total dedication and complete submission of will.... Aug 5, 1965 614  Print view
7081 God's blessing.... Plan of Salvation.... Change of will.... Apr 2, 1958 383  Print view
7051 Destiny corresponds to free will.... Feb 28, 1958 582  Print view
6621 Enforced actions are worthless for eternity.... Aug 14, 1956 395  Print view
5741 Change of will in freedom.... Perfection.... Aug 7, 1953 589  Print view
8753 Free will must accept spiritual knowledge.... Feb 14, 1964 486  Print view
5751 Free will.... God's will.... Divine order.... Aug 21, 1953 437  Print view
5738 Spiritual progress through self-denial.... Aug 4, 1953 421  Print view
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