25 Intellect - Knowledge - Realisation

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
8031 Darkness.... Knowledge.... Truth.... Love.... Light.... Nov 3, 1961 442  Print view
4705 Thirst for knowledge.... Unlimited knowledge.... Aug 5, 1949 418  Print view
7507 Is knowledge necessary on Earth?.... Commandments of love.... Jan 24, 1960 590  Print view
3137 Correctly used mental activity.... Will.... May 29, 1944 430  Print view
7428 Knowledge through study or through the spirit.... Oct 14, 1959 423  Print view
8959 Keen intellect is an obstacle to correct realisation.... Apr 5, 1965 475  Print view
6931 Earthly knowledge is not 'wisdom'.... Sep 30, 1957 787  Print view
5331 Earthly knowledge in the beyond?.... Mar 7, 1952 392  Print view
5754 Attitude of intellectuals regarding spiritual gifts.... Aug 25, 1953 408  Print view
6633 Earthly limitations can be exceeded by spiritual means.... Sep 1, 1956 400  Print view
6729 Desire for truth.... Relinquishing existing knowledge.... Jan 5, 1957 383  Print view
8474 Knowledge is given according to the soul's maturity.... Apr 21, 1963 401  Print view
8519 Truth is light.... Darkness the result of heartlessness.... Jun 5, 1963 585  Print view
7251 Love is the key to wisdom.... Jan 10, 1959 570  Print view
8134 Love imparts realisation.... Mar 24, 1962 436  Print view
8617 Spiritual results should not be underestimated.... Spirit is superior to intellect.... Sep 15, 1963 430  Print view
9029 Only truth leads to the goal.... Aug 11, 1965 575  Print view
8069 Teaching ministry.... 'I will destroy the wisdom of the wise....' Dec 28, 1961 439  Print view
7813 Light of realisation through God's address.... Feb 1, 1961 419  Print view
8210 Spiritual knowledge proves awakening and bond with God.... Jul 10, 1962 407  Print view
9017 Sincerely pursue the thought of redemption through Jesus.... Jul 17, 1965 443  Print view
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