24 Adam

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
7158 Cause and origin of Creation.... Jul 3, 1958 1007  Print view
7911 Transformation from death into life.... Jun 5, 1961 416  Print view
7469 Infinitely long fall into the abyss.... Path of return.... Dec 2, 1959 407  Print view
8943 The human being is not a product of coincidence by a Creative Power.... Feb 25, 1965 853  Print view
6344 The creations' lack of self-awareness.... Sep 1, 1955 389  Print view
7571 Development of the soul.... Original spirit.... Apr 7, 1960 772  Print view
6599 'God breathed a living soul into him....' Jul 19, 1956 574  Print view
5802 Adam.... Original spirit.... Lucifer's test.... Bursting the form.... Nov 9, 1953 982  Print view
7463 Who was embodied in Adam?.... I. Nov 26, 1959 412  Print view
7465 Who was embodied in Adam?.... II. Nov 28, 1959 446  Print view
8236 Was Adam the only human being created by God?.... Aug 10, 1962 585  Print view
8237 Was Adam the only human being created by God?.... Aug 11, 1962 402  Print view
9006 Why do we have to do penance for Adam's sin?.... Jul 2, 1965 655  Print view
8675 Question: what would have happened had Adam not failed?.... Nov 16, 1963 594  Print view
6973 God's plan of Salvation.... Original sin.... Adam's fall.... Work of redemption.... Nov 20, 1957 1118  Print view
8397 Spiritual state before the crucifixion.... Book of Books.... Jan 30, 1963 394  Print view
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