22 The Right Kind of Prayer

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
7603 God's blessing should be requested.... May 20, 1960 594  Print view
6321 Means of grace.... Prayer.... Jul 29, 1955 390  Print view
3681 Call upon Me in times of need.... Depth of faith.... Feb 9, 1946 571  Print view
5481 God.... Father.... Sep 6, 1952 803  Print view
5720 The right kind of prayer.... Relationship of a child with the Father.... Jul 10, 1953 403  Print view
8073 Granting prayers.... The right relationship of a child with its Father.... Jan 6, 1962 402  Print view
8738 What kind of prayer will be granted?.... Jan 28, 1964 989  Print view
4872 Prayer in spirit and in truth.... Apr 1, 1950 417  Print view
5069 Prayer in spirit and in truth.... Pious gestures.... Feb 22, 1951 384  Print view
6012 Silent prayer.... Public confession.... Jul 30, 1954 1184  Print view
3778 Sincerity of prayer strengthens faith.... May 23, 1946 607  Print view
3734 Simple form of prayer.... Apr 3, 1946 594  Print view
5428 'Forgive us our trespasses....' Jul 4, 1952 780  Print view
2172 Intercession for people distanced from God.... Dec 2, 1941 447  Print view
2165 Prayers for souls in the beyond which had not acquired love on earth.... Nov 24, 1941 943  Print view
1862 Fatherly Words.... Faithful prayer and intercession.... Mar 24, 1941 413  Print view
5675 Calling upon the beings of light.... Prior connection with the Father.... May 13, 1953 571  Print view
6569 Granting prayers.... Faith.... Jun 11, 1956 384  Print view
3714 Prayer for grace and strength.... Mar 15, 1946 807  Print view
3682 Praying with humility.... Feb 10, 1946 1005  Print view
4372 The right prayer.... 'Father, Your will be done....' Jul 11, 1948 399  Print view
8955 Only prayer protects from the adversary's activity.... Mar 15, 1965 800  Print view
5804 Taking refuge in the Father.... Nov 13, 1953 536  Print view
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