18 God and the Churches

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
8074 Are you living in truth?.... Jan 7, 1962 549  Print view
8688 Wrong interpretation of Jesus' Words.... Nov 29, 1963 1113  Print view
8814 Exposure of misguided teachings is God's will.... Jun 19, 1964 976  Print view
2372 Misguided teachings are barriers for the seeker of God.... Jun 17, 1942 579  Print view
8692 Sacraments.... (Ordination to the priesthood - Anointing the sick) Dec 4, 1963 736  Print view
8643 Explanation about baptism with water.... Oct 13, 1963 785  Print view
6611 About 'Baptism'.... Aug 2, 1956 757  Print view
6000 Resurrection of the flesh.... Jul 13, 1954 816  Print view
7884 The letter kills.... Lifeless proclaimers of the Word.... May 3, 1961 399  Print view
8769 Which knowledge is 'patchwork'?.... Mar 3, 1964 583  Print view
8842 Study does not guarantee spiritual knowledge.... Aug 21, 1964 708  Print view
8272 Recognising the true messengers.... Sep 14, 1962 554  Print view
8716 God's true representatives are appointed by God Himself.... Jan 5, 1964 559  Print view
5456 The only beatifying church.... Aug 4, 1952 742  Print view
6402 Church buildings?.... Nov 15, 1955 552  Print view
1083 Places of worship.... Sep 5, 1939 426  Print view
2383a Infallibility of the head of church.... Jun 25, 1942 587  Print view
2383b Infallibility of the head of church.... Jun 25, 1942 738  Print view
1514 Infallibility.... Ecclesiastical commandments.... Jul 11, 1940 625  Print view
4840 Ecclesiastical commandments.... Feb 16, 1950 571  Print view
4328 Community of 'Saints'.... Intercession pointless.... Jun 10, 1948 777  Print view
4752 Worshipping the mother of God.... Oct 2, 1949 740  Print view
8324 People's attitude towards Mary, the mother of Jesus.... Nov 8, 1962 384  Print view
8796 Every person has to accept the consequences of his knowledge.... Apr 2, 1964 722  Print view
8832 The task of fighting misguided teachings.... Jul 20, 1964 592  Print view
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