17 God and the Churches

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
8676 Purification of Christ's spoilt teaching.... Nov 17, 1963 755  Print view
8872 'I will guide you into truth....' Oct 23, 1964 951  Print view
8700 Truth emanates from God himself.... Dec 15, 1963 1018  Print view
8890 How long did Christ's doctrine remain pure?.... Dec 5, 1964 570  Print view
4842 True disciples.... Working of the spirit.... ‘Why’ misguided teachings.... Feb 18, 1950 562  Print view
5982 Change of the true Gospel.... Followers?.... Jun 22, 1954 1307  Print view
8375 The church of Christ in its beginnings.... Jan 8, 1963 703  Print view
3159a Assessing religious dogma.... Divisions.... Jun 16, 1944 594  Print view
3159b Assessing religious dogma.... Divisions.... Jun 17, 1944 594  Print view
8687 Unification of ecclesiastical organisations?.... Spoilt teachings.... Nov 28, 1963 947  Print view
8686 Various schools of thought.... Pretended worship.... Nov 27, 1963 769  Print view
8829 Pretended worship.... Jul 14, 1964 976  Print view
8238 Ecclesiastical organisation.... Aug 12, 1962 770  Print view
7690 Message to the formal Christians.... Sep 3, 1960 1023  Print view
8348 God wants to be loved and not feared.... Dec 5, 1962 565  Print view
7117 The problem of the Trinity.... May 11, 1958 781  Print view
2221 Peter’s successors.... Ecclesiastical-secular power.... Jan 27, 1942 830  Print view
6709 'Whose soever sins ye remit....' Dec 8, 1956 729  Print view
7909 The significance of Holy Communion.... Jun 3, 1961 399  Print view
4519 Tabernacle.... Dec 21, 1948 732  Print view
0400 Leaving the mother church.... May 5, 1938 866  Print view
4740 Responsibility for accepting misguided teachings.... Sep 16, 1949 536  Print view
8915 The vineyard labourers' duty is to take action against error.... Jan 22, 1965 392  Print view
4733 Tolerance.... Sep 7, 1949 376  Print view
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