8 You - between two Worlds Part 1

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
5257 Not inclination but love determines the will.... Nov 19, 1951 581  Print view
5100 Matter.... Loss of earthly possessions.... Free will.... Apr 6, 1951 625  Print view
5379 Merciful Fatherly love for the fallen beings.... May 2, 1952 825  Print view
5405 The narrow path.... Jun 4, 1952 760  Print view
3704 Spiritual rebirth.... Mar 5, 1946 415  Print view
5230 Has the infinitely long path of development been in vain?.... Oct 8, 1951 397  Print view
5212 God is good and righteous.... Sep 15, 1951 933  Print view
5123 Distance from God is a wretched state.... No separation.... May 3, 1951 450  Print view
5746 Spreading the Gospel on God's behalf.... Aug 13, 1953 409  Print view
5686 Right prayer is the bridge to God.... Jesus Christ.... The bridge to Me is the prayer.... May 27, 1953 794  Print view
5753 Listening to God's voice.... Aug 24, 1953 973  Print view
5699 'You truly have a Father'.... Father and child relationship.... Jun 16, 1953 621  Print view
5632 Surrendering the will to God.... Mar 21, 1953 416  Print view
5715 The Word of God.... Ray of light.... The door of your heart.... Guest.... Jul 3, 1953 429  Print view
5465 Spiritual hardship can only be remedied by spreading the pure Gospel.... Aug 19, 1952 389  Print view
5823 Help in earthly and spiritual adversity.... Reciprocated love.... Dec 9, 1953 402  Print view
5862 Divine guidance.... Jan 25, 1954 428  Print view
5873 Fulfilling the commandments of love.... Feb 9, 1954 420  Print view
3230 Helping or fighting.... Different purposes for suffering.... Aug 24, 1944 609  Print view
5840 Battle of faith.... Fighters for God.... Dec 30, 1953 580  Print view
5845 Predetermined fate.... God's love and help.... Jan 5, 1954 594  Print view
3936 God's will to help is greater than the adversity.... Dec 15, 1946 736  Print view
5575 Opportunities for attaining the childship to God.... Jan 12, 1953 402  Print view
4877 Unattainability of God.... Recognising His fundamental nature.... Apr 9, 1950 579  Print view
5796 Overcoming matter.... Spiritual kingdom.... Oct 26, 1953 747  Print view
3712 Prudence and gentleness.... Mar 13, 1946 952  Print view
5565 Confused thinking - Spiritual adversity.... Free will.... Dec 26, 1952 898  Print view
6158 Change of nature only from within.... Jan 8, 1955 1273  Print view
6194 Serious admonitions.... Feb 21, 1955 904  Print view
6329 Striving towards the goal.... God's help.... Aug 9, 1955 759  Print view
6340 Means of grace.... Walking with God.... Aug 27, 1955 581  Print view
3716 Danger of idleness.... Mar 17, 1946 787  Print view
5172 Earthly life - illusive life.... Jul 17, 1951 741  Print view
6338 God's constant care for the human being.... Aug 22, 1955 1429  Print view
1933a Instincts of preliminary stages determine character.... May 25, 1941 779  Print view
1933b Heredity.... Disposition.... Parents.... May 29, 1941 966  Print view
5233 Deifying the beings into children.... Oct 12, 1951 730  Print view
5136 Satan's power.... May 25, 1951 1007  Print view
5825 No one will enter the kingdom of heaven who pays homage to the world.... Dec 13, 1953 1259  Print view
5243 Forgiveness.... Atonement.... Justice.... (Law of cause and effect) Oct 27, 1951 719  Print view
5647 'Whoever is loved by God....' Apr 9, 1953 936  Print view
3697 Human commandments.... Neighbourly love.... God's commandment.... Feb 25, 1946 1147  Print view
5605 Awakening the dead through God's Word.... Feb 18, 1953 953  Print view
5102 School of the spirit.... Apr 9, 1951 733  Print view
7494 Love is life itself.... Jan 4, 1960 936  Print view
6547 Mere conformists will be unsuccessful.... May 15, 1956 911  Print view
7496 Jesus as leader.... Jan 8, 1960 1047  Print view
8865 Comforting Fatherly Words.... Oct 10, 1964 756  Print view
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