This document contains all the proclamations that Bertha Dudde was allowed to receive at Easter time. It also includes the proclamations of the Saturday between Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
0379 Divine powers.... Outflow of the love of God....
April 16, 1938: Book 9
Your life path will always be governed by the laws that your heart dictates you to fulfill.... You must walk the same way as all those whom I have commanded to stand up for My teachings. In the same sense you must also work for Me, but always let the concern for the salvation of souls prevail.... Beware of your own judgment of those who are in need of this care; I have destined all My children for eternal happiness.... as soon as these turn away from Me, My love is doubly concerned for them, and in this world the struggle is immeasurable, where it concerns these souls.... If divine powers rule around you, which have nothing in common with the earth, and you let their blessings pass you by, you will have to struggle again for a long time before such grace flows to you.... for what is of value besides what is of above.... and what desires entrance into your heart.... In such need of the soul the Lord has mercy, He gives what you are willing to take.... He fulfills your heart's longing and awakens the Spirit.... So everything that enlivens you in spirit is an outpouring of My love for you, and when you understand the deep meaning of My gift, then you are free of all cares.
Never leave the way because I Myself walk among you.... you will walk in My power, and where this works, your heart does not need to fear. The deed shall be important to you because through the deed you prove to Me that you recognize the highest in Me.... when you follow My words, you confess My teaching.... Then your work on earth is only visible by exercising My will.... Bring your life's work in harmony with My will, then nothing will frighten you anymore, because I want to dwell among you in such a way that you should recognize your Divine Master....
Who only strives for himself, does not use the power given to him.... He searches for things that are hidden from him, as long as love is not active.... But if this is the driving force, then he can form himself, he will be able to use his knowledge for this time on earth in a joyful way.... he will willingly put himself under exile, which in turn redeems him.... he will know thanks to his Creator for time and eternity, because already on earth, fulfillment of his longing.... has become him to draw immeasurable grace from the fountain of eternity.... of Divine Love....
Translated by Alida Pretorius
0380 Word of God.... Power.... Grace.... Unlimited gift of the Spirit....
April 17, 1938: Book 9
Follow My instruction.... You will find everything confirmed what you were told.... that you are among people to whom the gift of God is inexplicable and who nevertheless long to hear the words. And now you experience in it the wonderful that the Lord makes contact with you according to necessity, because He looks into the hearts of those who long for Him. And where their thoughts turn upwards, there the Lord soon shows them the right ways.... Behold, it is the will of God that His Word.... be fulfilled for the future. You will always unite when it is necessary to serve Him, and for the time on earth you stand in His protection.... And again the name of the Lord alone remains the gate through which you enter His kingdom.... Because if you confess Him, you remain in His grace, but if you let His word die away and do not receive it into your hearts, then you lose this grace, and without mercy you lack strength, and you will tire in the struggle of life.... and the soul's burden is terrible.... it struggles and does not become free of its fetters when it lacks strength, and where then is the benefit of your existence on earth? How can you recognise the Lord where the Spirit remains shrouded in darkness?....
The words of the Lord convey His grace, and His never-tiring love prevails visibly when you only beg the Lord for it,.... He does not deny this to anyone.... but again and again the desire must prevail to get into contact with the Lord; you can escape all evil, if only the will is present in you, and likewise you can receive the gifts of the Spirit if you have desire for it.... because God the Lord divides unlimitedly towards him whose desire is unlimited.
He has His word ready at any time.... who only wants to hear it and always opens his heart, will be richly considered and will no longer need to hunger and thirst for the truth, and in the same way the power will be received by whoever obeys this His word, because it then flows living strength to him, so that the promise comes true: "I will refresh you with My word...."
Only a little trust, and you can achieve endlessly much, because the Lord helps you in every need.... And therefore do not resist when the reference to the Word of God enters your life.... then pay attention to this reference, and you will achieve everything to reach maturity.... only your will must be good and gladly submit to the Divine will.... and then you feel the hand of your Father in heaven, which stretches out towards you, and whoever takes hold of it will be rightly guided until all eternity....
Translated by Alida Pretorius
0381 Persevere in the will of God.... Revelation.... 'My Father'.... Reward....
April 18, 1938: Book 9
Blessed are those who always remain in My will. Behold, there is probably nothing of such value on earth as the everlasting perseverance in God's will. And as you have been given the power to think and act according to your own will, so it will be the merit of everyone to sacrifice this your will to Me completely.... But then you have chosen the best part.... so will increase your knowledge, your power and your faith, you will know how wise and how well you will be led.... You have handed over your responsibility to the Lord when you submit yourselves to His will, and now you are in good hands.
My child.... The Spirit of love will be revealed to you, so that the whole being of the Godhead.... fills you up. For such hours your heart gains a supernatural receptiveness and then everything that comes to you in spiritual teachings will delight you so infinitely....
My child.... The Spirit of love will be revealed to you, so that the whole being of the Godhead.... fills you up. For such hours your heart gains a supernatural receptiveness and then everything that comes to you in spiritual teachings will delight you so infinitely.... You will be taught such teachings in a light and vivid way, which you cannot grasp in any other way.... but easily and understandably to your senses you will receive information about things that will amaze your mind and spirit.... The greatness of the Divine creation will be recognized by your spiritual eye in view of these revelations, and this penetration into Divine work takes away every doubt for you.... then the love of God will seize you with such force that your heart turns more and more in loving desire to your Savior, and the more closely you now desire Me, the closer I will be to you and protect your body and your soul.
My greatest desire is to completely possess your heart as well as the hearts of each one of My children.... then only when you have given this completely to Me, I can form it according to My will, only then has My love and grace influence on such a heart, when nothing and nobody except Me has a share in it.... what is offered to Me will be seized by Me and not given back.... because it is God's will that everything is subordinate to Him.... and whoever says "my Father" to Me with devotion is to feel Fatherly love in all it's fullness. What I have prepared for these My children is already destined for them since eternity.
But if you fall victim to the mistake that you already desire to receive the reward on earth and you do not learn to be modest in patience, then eternal happiness will hardly await you, but you have already been sufficiently rewarded the deeds on earth in the joys of the world. Therefore do not worry about goods of the earth, willingly give everything away, and with all your power and strength of will only strive for the eternal reward by you accepting My guidance and always only wanting what My will is. Because he who looks after you during your earthly existence certainly wants the best and most beautiful for His children..... He does not want the soul to perish, but that it has eternal life....
Translated by Alida Pretorius
0853 Jesus' suffering and dying.... Hour of death....
April 7, 1939: Book 17
The soul suffers if it loves. And therefore the Saviour has exemplified His suffering to you, and this for love of the people. When you remember His hour of death, your heart will also feel profound pain if you come aglow with love for the Saviour and have offered Him your heart. During the agonising hour of death His body was subject to intolerable pain; He suffered the disgrace of His elevation on the cross twice as badly, because His own children had nailed Him to the stake and shouted scorn and mockery in His face.... No other human being on earth ever suffered what Jesus took upon His sanctified shoulders for love of humanity, no-one ever concluded his earthly life in such torment and, yet, the divine Redeemer did not resist His suffering and death.... He took it voluntarily upon His shoulders and thereby acquired eternal bliss for people. And so you, too, will have to endure suffering and sorrow if you want to participate in the great act Salvation and its blessing. Bear in mind that you must present your guilt of sin to the Saviour as well, that you must appeal to Him to take pity upon your guilt of sin, then the Lord in His love and gentleness will graciously dispel your suffering, He will keep everything away from you and redeem you from your guilt of sin, for His goodness and gentleness are beyond description, He includes everyone in His love who wants to belong to Him and reveals their suffering to Him with complete trust. To them He is a Saviour from all adversity, He protects them from all tribulations and transforms everything depressing into a state of freedom and redemption, the soul will be released from its burden and, in cheerful anticipation and relieved from all worries, the earthly child hands itself over to the grace of the heavenly Father.... And it will not appeal to the divine Saviour's help in vain if only it faithfully, and with profound empathy, remembers the Lord's hour of suffering and is willing to bear its suffering in God's will for the redemption of humanity from the sleep of death into eternal life....
Translated by Heidi Hanna
0854 Spirit of God.... revelations.... science and true scholarship....
April 8, 1939: Book 17
The most varied opportunities present themselves to men, and each one should be used in the most exhaustive manner. For the strengthening of the spirit take up the following: As far as the eternal Godhead allows it, people move in the centre of the divine activity of love, and only undivided attention allows this to be recognized. However, where the divine will has created a field of activity which cannot be overlooked from a human point of view, only the spirit of God awakened to life is able to find the right explanation, for what comes to light exceeds the human ability to comprehend.... people think they can unravel on their own what, however, is the intervention of divine love and therefore only comprehensible to people when they are also in love. They know how to solve the strangest entanglements of human experience and explain them intellectually, but it is impossible for them to regard what appears incomprehensible to them as divine activity and to try to grasp it spiritually. And thus an ultimatum has been set for them.... the lord demands complete submission and compliance with His commandments from and at the same time assures them of higher knowledge, so that every person can acquire spiritual knowledge if only he fulfils his duty towards God. A general standstill has occurred which has the effect that the divine commandments are no longer respected and that the spiritual state has thus experienced a certain decline.... People close their eyes and ears to the gifts from above, they prefer spiritual blindness, and this leads to complete alienation from God and a certain inability to recognize everything divine. All indications in this respect are in contradiction with human thinking, and a scientific explanation which runs counter to divine revelation is accepted without contradiction, while the truth is superiorly rejected. Thus, today everything is under the sign of science, people are constantly pondering, calculating and researching without finding a completely satisfactory result, yet people pass by the pure truth and therefore constantly remain mistaken and entangle themselves in contradictions. Limits will therefore be drawn and true scholarship will only be found where divine working is acknowledged and thus the eternal deity Itself works in the human being. And the result of all human research will truly deviate considerably from the wisdom given to those who research in God. And thus the lord considers all those who desire Him and does not allow them to fall into error.... Understandably, however, He will also remain distant from those who rely on their own strength and withdraw from the divine sphere of activity; they travel the earthly path in vain and their spirit will not be awakened to life since they flee from divine strength....
Translated by Doris Boekers
0855 Father words....
April 8, 1939: Book 17
Behold, My child, there is a reason for your restlessness. The soul seeks contact with its saviour and longs for a permanent bond with Me, and therefore everything earthly hinders its unification.... it still feels its bound state, as it were, and longs for liberation. And if this longing has become so strong that it only sees its saviour in Me, that it also sees the aim of its longing in Me, if it only desires Me and has turned away from all earthly things, then it has passed its probationary period on earth and only waits for the day when it will be called into eternity, where it will then receive complete fulfilment of its longing. Yet as long as it is still responsible for the earthly fulfilment of its duties it will still have to wear its body's shackles, yet its spirit will be able to unite with Me. And this will also be a blissful state for it, even if it cannot be felt by the body on earth. And thus be patient and accept the advice as a sign of My love, which shall also give you inner peace: Always and constantly seek Me and desire to receive Me into your heart.... and your longing will be fulfilled while you are still on earth, for anyone I delight with My love will have his longing satisfied and yet increased immeasurably again. And thus you look forward to the hour when your heart will tremble; whatever the body still has to overcome, the soul will only grow stronger through it and join ever more intimately with the one Whose love it longs for. In the hour of union, even the body is no longer an obstacle, but completely devoted to the soul. And for the rest of its earthly life the soul has no struggles ahead of it, for it has reached its aim in the union with its lord and saviour. It can complete its path of life in the certainty that it has entrusted itself to the right guide and is loved by Him for all eternity....
Translated by Doris Boekers
0856 Father words.... audible voice.... trust and firmness of faith....
April 9, 1939: Book 17
You shall follow the voice of your heart, My child, and you will be wonderfully strengthened in all adversity and danger. And if you receive the admonition from above not to become lukewarm, it is not least for your own sake. Therefore, never fail to listen inwardly for every question you put to your creator, and the answer will be offered to you brightly and clearly if you desire to receive it and do your part to receive it, i.e. listen to the voice sounding in your heart. And so hear the following: I am always close to you and know about all your worries.... why don't you entrust yourself to Me without limits? I want My children to come to Me with every concern, for I want them to go through life light-heartedly, and this is within their power if they entrust all suffering to Me so that I will help them bear it. I want them to be one with Me, I want them to come to Me in sorrow and joy, I want them not to take a single step without Me, I want them to consult Me in all adversities of daily life. I want to be the one Who reigns in them, to Whom they take refuge with every concern.... I want to be everything for them, friend and brother, and they shall never shy away from coming to Me, no matter what oppresses them.... For only when the soul keeps seeking Me and can never be without Me will the heart be ready to receive Me and I can take abode in it and remain with the earth child for all eternity. So you, too, desire nothing but the final union with Me and you will always and constantly hear My voice and it will soon sound in you audibly and clearly proclaim My will to you.... If you want to hear Me, then only ever listen inwards.... Surrender to firm faith and everything you want will happen.... My child, if this assurance is given to you, why don't you surrender to My words with complete trust? Surely He who created the whole world will also be able to accomplish this and express Himself to you intelligibly? If you trust your saviour wholeheartedly, all gates will open to you and what you desire to know will be revealed to you. My spirit has loved you from eternity, it has embodied itself in you and strives for unification with Me, because the separation from Me is a painful state for it.... if you now believe, firmly and without doubt, every separation will be bridged. The spirit from God unites with Me again and also achieves the same.... it formulates and shapes as it is its will, because this will is the same as that expressed by the divine spirit.... And thus firm faith must also achieve that you overcome the burden of earth with ease; it must be so strong that you can master everything through your will, for the power lies in faith alone.... it is the right faith itself, the power from God, by virtue of which everything undertaken in such a state of faith must succeed. (Here three lines are inserted in shorthand, we cannot read them = ed.) Take refuge in prayer and remain intimately united with your saviour and redeemer, so that He may strengthen you in the spirit....
Translated by Doris Boekers
0857 Fulfilment of the predictions of scripture.... receiving the word....
April 10, 1939: Book 17
"Search in the spirit", says the lord, "and you will stand in the truth...." Who is better able to guide you into truth than the lord and master Himself.... It was through His will that the door to the spiritual world was opened. He let the call from earth resound in the beyond, and those who asked for an answer were given it, for all wills are fulfilled which the spirit expresses.
Thus began the new time which will take its course. The lord referred to this time, He mentioned it during His life on earth, He also indicated the time when humanity's spiritual decline would begin and great hardship would befall the earth. He mentioned all events which precede the difficult time and also pointed out the visible strengthening which is offered to His own from heaven so that they should not perish without protection and desolation in the general chaos.... If you now pay attention to the appearances of the present time, you will also know that the time is near.... and you will also have to understand that the predictions which point to the connection from earth to the beyond must also come true, and all this will no longer seem so improbable to you if you realize that only the scriptures will be fulfilled. The visible help offered to you is only intended to restore the faith you have already lost, the faith in the eternal deity Who dwells visibly and tangibly amongst you, recognized by those who love Him and keep His commandments. It shall give you faith in His immeasurably great love with which He wants to bestow upon every earthly child if it does not resist this divine love. And therefore He announces Himself in a form which is intended to stimulate human thinking and at the same time testifies to His constant care for His earthly children. Whoever pays attention to these announcements, whoever receives them as daily bread from the heavens, whoever lets them become his sole purpose in life, whoever desires to live in fullest truth, the lord is close to him at all times. And he need never fear that the lord could restrict His bestowal of grace or completely revoke it.... on the contrary, it is pleasing to the father in heaven if the earthly child desires wisdom from the heavens. Every spiritual desire will be granted, and the lord blesses those who desire Him and His word. The one who feels drawn upwards is seized by the father’s love and carefully gives him what he needs for his flight upwards.... enlightenment in all things, advice and help, strength, comfort and everlasting grace.... and where love for the heavenly father is the driving force, the earthly child will soon be granted knowledge, which sufficiently explains all divine miracles of creation to him and yet is also extremely comforting for the human being still living on earth who makes himself worthy of the lord's great grace and endeavours to inform erring humanity of God's visible working. And thus this proclamation will also be understandable to people who long for God, whereas the person who does not acknowledge the divinity will never grasp the profound meaning of the words from above and therefore will not feel such a desire for truth within himself, for this alone is the prerogative of the person who gives himself to the father in heaven with all love, that he receives the words of love from above....
Translated by Doris Boekers
1353 Desire for light.... knowledge.... truth....
March 25, 1940: Book 23
Desire brightness of spirit so that it can be brought to you, so that the light from the heavens may shine for you in the darkness of earthly existence. And if the light now radiates to you, do not avoid it but consciously let it have an effect on you so that you feel its benefit and only desire this light more and more. And then you will regocnize everything around you and within you.... In amazement you see one veil fall around the other, creation reveals itself to you radiantly bright and clear, testifying to God's wisdom and omnipotence, and you will know.... The majority of people still walk in the deepest darkness of spirit. They do nothing to improve this lightless state, they are content with an existence that deprives them of everything that signifies light and brightness. They do not desire to be flooded with light; they go along without recognizing God's work around them, they walk dark paths that tell them nothing of God's glorious works of love and omnipotence. They see nothing because there is no light shining for them to see the work of God. They know nothing of God's love, they know nothing of the purpose of creation, they find no connection between all things which earthly life illustrates to them.... They only ever see the earthly purpose of all things, but not the spiritual one. And so they walk in the darkness of the spirit.... And that means a standstill of spiritual development and an unimaginable deficit when earthly life is over. You will never find the right path, you will not reach the goal because you do not regocnize the path in the darkness, and thus your path through earthly life will not result in success for the soul. Therefore you must not wait idly until a ray of light reaches you but you have to long for light and watch out for the slightest glimmer and follow it, and this glimmer of light will become stronger and stronger, it will soon illuminate a passable path for you and your spiritual adversity will then be remedied, for now you need never fear that you will go astray or that the light will become weaker. For those who once sent the light to you are watchful so that you will never lack it again. And you will look around you liberated and always regocnize God's reign and activity wherever you walk. The divine bearers of light always remain around you, for in their love they want to impart the light to all beings which makes them so exceedingly happy, it only has to be desired and therefore willingly received. He who now promises you the light, it is His will that you draw from the divine source of grace which His love has opened for you.... For light is knowledge.... knowledge of divine truth.... And God Himself offers you this truth in unlimited abundance. Whoever therefore desires to stand in the light of the divine sun of grace will be imparted divine truth without measure, and the truth will be full of strength and power, divine love itself will express itself, and what is from God must also be strength and light in itself.... And thus all knowledge of divine truth means walking in radiant light. The path of the earthly child is brightly and clearly marked out if it has received divine truth within itself, it will be able to see and spread a radiant brightness around itself, and anyone who likewise wants to receive divine truth through the earthly child will be allowed to receive this light again. For what God sends to His own on earth is not limited, and therefore the human being can distribute it to his fellow human beings, the light will therefore not shine less brightly but spread immeasurable brightness if the light which comes from the heavens and is intended to lead people back to God is respected. light is synonymous with life, but darkness of spirit is indisputably the concept of the lifeless. And he who stands in the light will live; and this life will be the most marvellous thing granted to God's creature.... An incomparable eternal life is promised to the child of God who has received the truth from God and thus has travelled the earthly path in the desire for light.... For God Himself was active in him, Who is the light, the truth and the love Himself....
Translated by Doris Boekers
1888 Decline of vegetation.... Storms - Tempests....
April 14, 1941: Book 28
It is by no means by chance that the earth's surface vegetation has changed as far as it involves stretches of land where human will and activity played a determining part. This particularly applies to forests or tree plantations which have fallen prey to human destructive will, which will not remain without influence on the climate as well as the condition of the soil.
Such deforestation represents a great danger to humanity if it takes place before its time, that is, before the spiritual substances in the plant creations have sufficiently matured to animate the next form. For these prematurely released spiritual substances don't leave the place of their interrupted stay without claiming appropriate compensation by pestering the spiritual substances in their vicinity and, in their unconstrained state, frequently express themselves undesirably, from which they are not prevented by God either. Thus people in those areas will have to suffer extraordinary storms and devastations which will also severely impair the growth of the entire plant world. But where there is very little vegetation other disorders also manifest themselves. The water conditions leave much to be desired, that is, the absence of a constant supply of water turns the earth's soil into sand. And thus such stretches of land can become barren and desolate, and although people believe they have no influence over it they are nevertheless the actual cause of whole stretches of land becoming barren and excessively dry.
The danger is now that this will not be recognised and that people will thoughtlessly sacrifice constantly more areas of land to their greed for profit, for this is usually the reason why whole areas waste away. If the human being destroys creations for the sake of earthly gain it is a deliberate acknowledgment of the evil power. For the sake of money and monetary value he interferes with the divine plan of creation which gave everything its function and not least of all the whole world of plants on the earth's surface. But such interference also has to have an appropriate effect, albeit these consequences are not so immediately recognisable but require a certain length of time.
Storms and tempests will alarmingly increase, floods will make plant cultivation difficult, and this will result in a decline of vegetation and simultaneously restrict the spiritual opportunities of development for the substances which want to take abode in the plant world corresponding to their degree of maturity and are thus prevented from doing so, which will result in constantly new storms and tempests....
Translated by Heidi Hanna
2288 The nature of the eternal deity....
April 3, 1942: Book 32
The essence of the eternal deity cannot be grasped by the human intellect but is more comprehensible to a loving heart, for in order to fathom God the human being has to be filled with love, since love is the fundamental substance of the eternal deity and like can only be comprehended by like. If the human being shapes himself into love then nothing will be strange or inexplicable to him anymore, and thus he will also be able to penetrate the essence of the eternal deity, for it is his spirit which introduces him to knowledge and his spirit can give him complete enlightenment because he himself is part of the eternal deity.... God is in Himself light and power, that is, omniscient and omnipotent.... He is omnipresent.... He is love in the highest potency.... He is a being Who unites all merits in Himself, Who is therefore supremely perfect.... He is unlimited, i.e. bound neither to time nor to space, nowhere is His beginning and His end.... What He wills happens.... He knows about every creature in the world, and His spirit rules the whole universe, and thus the spirit of God always and everywhere expresses itself.... love, wisdom and power.... this is the beginning. Love gave life to everything that exists. Wisdom gave every work of creation its task, and the power of God ensures the existence of what love brought into being. Without power, the love and wisdom of God would be an empty concept, for nothing could be realized because it requires power. Power, however, would not allow anything perfect to come into being if wisdom had not been the determining factor in creation, which gave every thing purpose and goal, otherwise nothing perfect could be conceived. But God is supremely perfect and therefore everything that has come into being from Him will also be perfect and have a certain spiritual order. The essence of God is something exceedingly perfect and yet inexplicable to man, for earthly laws completely switch off and man is not receptive to the knowledge of supernatural laws. Therefore, he will only be able to explain and affirm the essence of God when he has left his earthly body shell and has himself entered the realm of the spirits. Then all earthly thoughts fall away and the soul is now better able to fathom the essence of the eternal deity....
Translated by Doris Boekers
2289 God is Love.... The mystery of love....
April 4, 1942: Book 32
The greatest mystery is the love of God, and this mystery can only be revealed through love, that is, only a person who is actively kind-hearted himself is capable of understanding divine love. Each loving spiritual thought is an emanation of God, Who is Love in Himself. And the willingness to accept such a thought, that is, to direct it from the heart, where it is born, to the brain, hence to effectively take possession of it, is the willingness to receive this emanation of love from God. For the heart's willingness is the prerequisite for God's love to become effective.... God is Love.... This is a mystery and it will remain a mystery for people for as long as they belong to this earth and often still in the beyond. For they associate the concept of love with a Being. In their eyes it is a characterisation of a Being, and yet Love is the Being Itself.... Love is something spiritual which does not explain the character but is in itself a Being.... love it that which is good, divine, when the word is used in relation to people.... whereas God Himself is only imaginable as Love, yet it will only become understandable to those people who are so permeated by love themselves that they, during their activity of love, also feel the closeness of God. For what they feel is only love again, and yet they are close to God, because God and love are one and the same. Everything that shapes itself into love is in heartfelt contact with God, i.e., shaping oneself into love is adapting the hitherto imperfect to the perfect. Love is something perfect.... God is perfection, thus love and God must be one and the same. But lack of love is a degree of imperfection; it is also a state of distance from God, because God without love is inconceivable. For this reason loving activity will always trigger a feeling of happiness, and this is the proximity of God which can be markedly felt by the soul, consequently, all increased activity of love will also manifest itself in an increased feeling of happiness, inner peace and firm self-confidence, because all this is divine, i.e., the evidence of God's closeness which can only have a spiritual effect, thus in emotions of the soul and not in the body's well-being. God's proximity in turn generates love, for since God is Love in Himself, His presence must manifest itself in a feeling of love again. And this love flows back to God as its origin.... the person having shaped himself into love, that is, his soul, unites with God.... Love flows to love, and thus the unification takes place between the being with the Primordial Being, Which in Itself is only Love....
Translated by Heidi Hanna
2290 God's protection for the recipient of the revelations....
April 6, 1942: Book 32
The revealed word of God, i.e. the word which is received directly from God, bears the stamp of divine love within itself, for this word is the direct emanation of the one Who is love Itself. Thus the recipient of this word need have no concerns that he will be harassed for the sake of the word as long as he accepts the divine revelation. Both spiritual and earthly opponents cannot use their power and strength, for this breaks against the power of God. Temptations can certainly approach the recipient of the word in the form of threats, but these threats can never be carried out because God Himself watches over His instruments as long as they have not yet fulfilled their mission. Man's will to be of service to God is the greatest protection against those forces. He thereby forms an impenetrable wall around himself, as it were, which none of the opponents can break through, for anyone who is a recipient of strength from God can also offer resistance through precisely that strength which flows to him directly. Every attack must remain ineffective, and only weakness of faith can reduce the power of resistance. But as long as the spirit from God is obviously at work, the proof is given that God's love is inclined towards His servant and His love and omnipotence will protect him from all danger. Moreover, the divine word can only rarely be conveyed to earth because this depends on a person's willingness to serve. But the necessity of transmitting the pure truth to earth is understandable to every thinking person, and God's power would truly be very small if His will were not sufficient to remove a person willing to serve from the hostility of his opponents. He will be able to carry out his ministry carefree because he is the executor of divine will and he serves a cause which is beneficial for the spiritual well-being of humanity, that is, which is intended to bring salvation to its soul. As long as the human being is willing to serve as a mediator between God and people he, although still on earth, is a co-worker of the beings of that kingdom where earthly power does not reach, and thus he is also beyond the reach of earthly power because the divine power now directs and determines his path of life according to His eternal counsel. And thus his earthly life will now take place according to divine will, for he consciously subordinated his will to it, he allowed himself to be seized by God's love, he allowed himself to be permeated by it, and he now constantly receives divine strength against which earthly power can no longer prevail. Only when the human being has fulfilled his earthly mission will his activity on earth be stopped, but never by people, instead God Himself determines the end by recalling him from earth so that he can continue his redeeming activity in the beyond, where a new task awaits him....
Translated by Doris Boekers
3464 Help of the light beings in spiritual and earthly need....
March 30, 1945: Book 45
In every spiritual adversity the beings of light are ready to help if they are approached; physical adversity, on the other hand, has to be taken upon by people as determined by God's will. Nevertheless, the beings of light also direct earthly events for the soul's benefit if they are approached for help. They exert their influence on the human being's thoughts and convey strength to him, they make him, as it were, able to overcome everything difficult without harming his soul. For the soul is entrusted to their special protection, and they nurture and care for it throughout its earthly life so that it will reach its aim, eternal life....
And earthly life unfolds in a way that is best for the soul. The beings of light immediately comply with every spiritual request, earthly requests, however, must be in accordance with God's will otherwise they cannot be fulfilled by the beings of light. Earthly adversity is only the result of spiritual hardship, and as soon as the human being is accessible to the instructions which are mentally conveyed to him by these beings he need no longer fear earthly hardship either, for they will be remedied in accordance with the human being's spiritual docility.... In times of greatest spiritual hardship for the whole of humanity the individual human being also has to accept suffering and hardship, even though he strives spiritually and strives to comply with God's will. Yet this time of adversity has been foreseen since eternity and embodies people whose souls need strong purification fires in order to be able to enter the spiritual kingdom without slag. And their path on earth has been mapped out and entered with the soul's consent before embodiment in the realization that the prescribed earthly life can bring them redemption from all bondage. Moreover, the spiritual guardians are constantly at its side, giving it strength when it needs and requests it. And therefore those beings of light should constantly be called upon for support so that they can carry out their activity unhindered, so that they can give where their gift is desired. For their gifts signify strength of resistance for the human being in all situations of life, both spiritually and earthly.... They help him to have strong faith, they guide his thoughts correctly so that he often and willingly sends them upwards towards God and thus learns to overcome earth. But they are also close to him in earthly adversity, protecting him from the influence of evil, which pushes itself forward in earthly adversity and wants to weaken the human being's faith in God. The body should give up all desire, it should be killed in order to release the soul unhindered, which desires to ascend. And that is why physical hardship is unavoidable, because the aim has to be reached in a far shorter time because the time of the end has come. And this is why humanity has to go through suffering and affliction which seems almost unbearable but which can be endured with strength from God if the human being makes use of it through God's call and the beings of light which are active on His behalf according to His will.... The human being should faithfully and trustingly call upon God for help and it will be given to him as He has promised....
Translated by Doris Boekers
3465 "My father and I are one...."
March 31, 1945: Book 45
My father and I are one.... I had to speak these words to people who were unable to understand that love, the eternal creative power from which everything emerged, was in Me and thus enabled Me to do the same as the father, the creator of all that is, was able to accomplish.... I wanted to prove to people the strength of love which was active in Me, and I wanted to make it understandable to them that this strength is the original strength which let everything come into being.... and that this strength works in a person who is love in himself. For the father, as the eternal love, unites Himself with everything that has shaped itself into love and is therefore one with Him. The elemental strength unites itself again with that which originated from it as a flow of strength, and thus the human being who has become love is no longer separate from it. And thus the strength will also express itself in all its effectiveness where unification with the father has taken place, and the human being filled with eternal love will be powerful, he will be able to use his might and strength and accomplish things which are beyond human ability.... he will be able to work miracles, just as I had that strength at My disposal and used it to prove the power of love to people. I wanted to illustrate the power of love to people in order to inspire them to work with love, in order to motivate them to follow Me and likewise strive for unification with the father.... Yet humanity did not understand this, for their spirit was darkened by unkindness, and the darkness of spirit could not be remedied in any other way than through loving activity, because spiritual brightness requires the permeation of God's strength of love, but this can only express itself where love is practiced and felt.... But spiritual brightness is light, spiritual brightness is wisdom which is born of love.... And thus light and strength are one.... Wisdom and love cannot be thought of without each other, just as the father cannot be thought of without the son.... love as generating power and wisdom as emanation of it, as light which no longer allows darkness to arise. And divine wisdom had to fill My nature when I lived on earth as a human being, because the fullness of the strength of love flowed into My physical cover and made it able to work miracles. Yet people don't grasp it until they have become love themselves and can feel the strength of love in themselves. They can enter into the most intimate bond with God, their father of eternity, they can be one with their heavenly father, the eternal love, just as I was one with Him.... if only they live in love and thereby align themselves with the eternal love, the elemental strength from Whom they once originated. To be permeated by eternal love is incomparable bliss.... to be knowledgeable and powerful and to receive this knowledge and power directly from God.... to feel no separation from the father, Whose love draws into His domain all that does not oppose Him.... This bliss is so overwhelming that mortal man is unable to bear it. Nevertheless, he can strive for it with the awareness that the father will fetch him into the spiritual kingdom if he has entered into union with Him on earth.... My way of life on earth, however, was intended to make the strength of love visible to people, they were to learn to grasp its significance in order to take My way of life as an example and, like Me, choose the father, eternal love, as the aim of their earthly life.... The union with God already took place on earth, its effect was visible to people who were devoid of all love and therefore without light, i.e. ignorant. I wanted to come to their aid and show them the way to step out of the darkness of night into the bright light of day.... I taught them and gave them the commandment of love.... For God was in Me and so was His wisdom.... I was one with My father.... incomprehensible to mankind.... I was merged with Him eternally, for to eternal love all returns that has changed to love....
Translated by Doris Boekers
3466a "My kingdom is not of this world...."
April 2, 1945: Book 45
Anyone who follows Me will already gain My kingdom on earth, and I Myself will introduce him into the spiritual kingdom.... Yet My kingdom is not of this world, and therefore you must have completely overcome this world if you want to find admission into My kingdom, which offers you incomparably more beautiful things than the world which is still part of My adversary. For the world.... earthly matter.... is the banished spiritual substance which is still apostate to Me, which My adversary seeks to control and which, in the last stage of its development, wants to completely remove from Me. And you shall overcome this kingdom, you shall renounce it and consciously strive towards Me.... And so, if you take the path I took on earth, the path of love.... if you seek to follow Me in it, you detach yourselves from his kingdom, for love is My share, and every loving person belongs to Me, fully and completely.... His heart opens to My love and I draw it to Me into the kingdom which is his true home, where death no longer exists, where everything is life and love. And therefore I let you go through trials on earth so that you learn to overcome them, so that you no longer strive for anything that belongs to someone who is devoid of all love. For love makes you blissful beings, yet it must be turned towards Me, towards My kingdom, so that the spirit will unite with Me, the eternal father-spirit.... Through love you will reach this aim.... And therefore I only gave you the commandments of love which you should fulfil if you want to follow Me. Pray for your fellow human being with love, help him in the adversity of body and soul, don't let him go hungry where you can give, take care of everyone in need of help, create and care for him, and above all strive to win his soul for My kingdom, strive to also inspire him to work with love.... And then you will also love Me Who, as the father of My living creations, wants to win back everything that believes it can distance itself from Me. Then you will fulfil the commandments of love for God and your neighbour, you will assimilate yourselves to My nature and My love will repay you.... it will give to you as you are willing to give, you will be allowed to receive as you give out. And My gift is truly a gift which makes you exceedingly blissful.... Follow Me and walk the path of love.... And I will bless you and fetch you home into My kingdom when your hour has come....
Translated by Doris Boekers
3746 Spirit of truth....
April 19, 1946: Book 47
The mediators of truth will always think correctly as soon as they work for My kingdom. Hence the listener need never fear to be wrongly instructed if he receives divine Words which he has not received from an external source, be it from books or through study. Thus, as soon as a person stands up for Me and My teaching and to a certain extent represents his own thoughts, that is, knowledge which was born from himself, his thinking will also be right, for the origin of the thought is not an unsolved problem for the one who knows. Anyone who speaks for Me, who represents My name and My teaching of love out of himself, is also My labourer, he is in My service and he is correctly guided by Me in his thoughts, words and actions. This is why a bearer and disseminator of My Word can always be believed as soon as he stands up for what he speaks with utmost conviction, as soon as he can refute all objections and counterarguments logically and acceptably to the person who desires the truth.... (19.4.1946) The listener must feel that the teaching person does not represent something he has learnt but a body of thought which has come alive within himself, and he will be able to convince himself of this through speech and counter-speech. He can then also be convinced that I, as the Eternal Truth, work spiritually through this person as soon as he stands up for Me, that I shall not let him spread untruths because this contradicts My love and wisdom. For this reason, however, the listener must also be given the opportunity to express himself so that the teacher's logical thinking can set in and be recognised. Anyone who is not filled by My spirit will never be able to pass on My Word in a living way, even if he has a wealth of knowledge which he has acquired through study. But the knowledge remains dead, and if he is forced to defend it through counter-speech, he will again make use of memorised knowledge, he will not be able to clearly and comprehensibly refute the objections or dispel doubts in such a way that the listener is convinced of the truth of his speech. My spirit must be able to be active in a person, and it will also be active in every teacher of My Word if he eagerly supports the spreading of truth in order to lead his fellow human beings to Me, Whom he has recognised as the Eternal Truth. I guide his thinking correctly, and the most certain characteristic of My spirit in him is that he only represents My Word, that he proclaims My teaching of love to his fellow human beings and tries to make them understand the effect of the working of love.... He alone is the true representative of Me on earth, the bearer of truth and thus My disciple and servant who works on My behalf. His mission is to stimulate his fellow human being into loving activity and, depending on the fulfilment of My first and greatest commandment of love, he will become knowledgeable, he will be permeated by truth as soon as he listens to My Word and obeys it. Then My spirit will also take effect in him, he will be fully convinced that he is living in truth as soon as he lives a life of love, for My spirit protects everyone from erroneous thinking who strives towards Me from the bottom of his heart, who tries to change himself into love in order to conform to Me, Who is Eternal Love Himself....
Translated by Sven Immecke
3747 Significance of the Act of Salvation....
April 20, 1946: Book 47
The profoundness of My Act of Salvation, its comprehensive significance for eternal times, will never be grasped by you on earth, for your intellect cannot comprehend it as long as you are not born again, and this to a great extent. Nevertheless, you will be able to understand that without My redemption you would be lost for an infinitely long time, for eternal times would pass by in order to attain the degree which makes you worthy of beholding God, if you attained it at all. Yet it would be more likely that you would sink ever deeper due to your weakness of will on earth, which cannot be remedied in the kingdom of the beyond without My help. I therefore came to this earth in order to redeem you from a state of torment and eternal hopelessness. What humanity, in its weakness of will, was unable to achieve for its spiritual salvation had to be accomplished by the will of a human being if the whole of humanity was to be saved.... You will be able to understand that, if humanity was to be helped, it had to be shown the way and that this task had to be accomplished by a human being, otherwise no-one would endeavour to tackle a task in itself if it did not appear humanly feasible to him. As a man I had to exemplify life to them, and the man Jesus must be followed by the man who strives for redemption. An extremely strong will is part of it, but this was weak because humanity lacked faith in a God of love, wisdom and omnipotence at the time of My descent on earth. People's lack of faith was the cause of their weakened will and therefore there was no salvation for them until they learnt to believe and also experienced a strengthening of their will through faith. And I tried to restore their faith as a human being, I taught them, I worked miracles in order to prove to them the strength of faith.... I gave them the ultimate proof of the truth of My Word.... that I overcame death, that I rose again as a human being to eternal life.... And thus I, as a human being, also had to be willing to accept the most difficult death, the death on the cross, so that all people could take notice of it in order to be able to recognise My resurrection from death as the crowning glory, as the success of the strong will to reach God in faith in Him. In contrast to people I had to muster a strong will, I had to let Myself be killed in order to prove to them that death is conquerable.... And I accomplished this work in order to redeem people from their weakness of will, which signifies eternal death and eternal times of incomprehensible torment.... I died the most painful, most bitter death for people on the cross because I wanted to lead them to eternal life....
What the whole of humanity was unable to accomplish had to be carried out by the love of a person who was strong-willed in contrast to humanity, whose will was completely weakened because it no longer believed.... because it lacked all connection with Me and thus I was unable to provide it with strength. And through the man Jesus I showed the whole of humanity the path by which it could receive unmeasured strength from Me and thus also become free from the state of death.... I accomplished the work of redemption as a human being not for one person but for all those who believe. And for them earthly life is enough to free themselves from the state of death and attain eternal life. What no one can do in his own strength, he can do with Me, by believing in the Divine Saviour, in Jesus Christ, Who died for people on the cross to make them conquerors of death. Anyone who believes in Me has overcome death, for I died for him and he can remedy his weakness of will with My help, with My grace, which I acquired for the whole of humanity through My death on the cross as a human being.... and he will not die for eternity....
Translated by Sven Immecke
3748 Continuation of the act of Salvation.... Mission....
April 21, 1946: Book 47
My mission on earth has to be continued by constantly proclaiming My teaching of love to people of good will, so that they can all partake in the blessings of the act of Salvation, so that they, through their actions of love, learn to understand what the redemption consists of, so that they can be taught by My spirit from within about the meaning and purpose of earthly life and their associated spiritual task. At the time of My life on earth humanity lived in deepest darkness of night, and this was their own fault because they ignored love.... I showed them the path to light and, by My crucifixion, acquired for them the same ability, the willpower, to walk this path.... I taught them to fulfil the commandments of love and thereby guided them to wisdom.... to the knowledge about every single person’s goal and destiny and the means to reach this goal. And the door of heaven opened for those who followed Me, they were liberated from the pressure which had burdened their souls for an infinitely long time. They realised what it means to possess eternal life.... they were delivered from bondage, delivered from lack of knowledge, from weakness.... They came close to Me and could receive My strength of love, which signified abundance of light and strength for the human soul....
But My act of Salvation was accomplished for all times.... Because the earth will always be inhabited by immature spiritual substance which still languishes in My adversary’s bondage, which is still tied to the ground until it removes this restraint of its own free will. However, it needs to be told of its spiritual state, of Satan’s bondage, of its original state and the opportunity to regain it.... the immature spirit has to be shown the path, it has to be informed of the act of Salvation, which was accomplished by the immense love of a human being on behalf of all humanity to deliver it from adverse forces. This knowledge has to be conveyed to people.... That is the mission for which I need servants on earth, so that My act of Salvation will be continued as long as the earth exists.... Time and again I will awaken servants and prophets, i.e. people who are devoted to Me, who are willing to do the kind of work I require of them. They shall spread My teaching of love and caution people to always act with love.... Only then can the process of redemption begin, only then can the human being become knowledgeable and make a conscious effort, otherwise he will lack all knowledge, which is characteristic of his bondage, characteristic of the spiritual night humanity is living in. Light shall be brought into the darkness and bearers of light shall work by spreading My Word on My behalf so that people will be motivated into following Me, so that they believe in Me and My act of Salvation and through this faith utilise the grace of My act of Salvation, so that their will becomes stronger and enables them to travel the path of ascent with My help, with My strength, which is available to everyone who desires it and through actions of love makes himself worthy of the same.... And death will be conquered, the human being will neither feel nor taste death, he will live in eternity as I have promised....
Translated by Heidi Hanna
3749 Irrevocable end.... Divine order and infringement....
April 22, 1946: Book 47
The time for the end has definitely arrived, and anyone can see that if he so wants. I do not keep My living creations in ignorance, I inform them of this Myself, but anyone who lacks belief in Me and My Word, anyone who does not reflect on the cause of the total decline and is unable to associate it with the spiritual low level, cannot receive additional information either. Nor can the credibility of My Word be proven to him since he rejects all evidence. The time of the end is making itself noticeably felt, however, anything that is earthly recognisable can also be explained by people in an earthly, i.e. natural, way. And yet there is a spiritual cause for everything which has to be observed first; people have to try to resolve the spiritual cause if the consequences are to be averted. But people do not make this attempt, and thus the time is irrevocably approaching the end, i.e. the earth is experiencing its last days in its present form. I speak to people clearly but they cover their ears, they cannot muster the will nor the strength to accept information which would enable them to discover an orderliness even in the decline, in the immense misery and all events.... they don’t want to know about it and don’t want to be truthfully instructed either. And time and again I send them My servants and messenger to guide them into the right way of thinking....
But My plan of eternity is predetermined, My wisdom recognises the necessity of changing the existing state, and My love and My will carry out what is unavoidably needed in order to still save the few which want to be saved. Because humanity’s activity has to stay within limits, and once these are exceeded the time of the end will also have arrived. And the fact that people are behaving in opposition to divine order can be easily seen by everyone. Thus, what would be more logical than to restore the order again in accordance with My will? Nevertheless, it cannot happen in a humanly aspired way but has to take place in keeping with My law of eternity.... A humanly devised change on this earth would not result in any spiritual change, it would not result in any spiritual progress, but this is the only purpose for My living creations’ life on earth, and this has to take place; hence the necessary conditions have to be available for it too and consist of entirely new creations for the spiritual substances which still remain opposed to Me.
Thus the old earth will pass away in as much as all creations on it will be destroyed, in order to be inhabited again by completely new creations according to My will, which signifies the start of a new earth period, the start of a new era of redemption in a spiritual sense. It is easy to understand that a change on earth in opposition to My order also has to result in complete disintegration; but anyone who does not acknowledge an eternal Lawmaker will also refuse to acknowledge a violation of My order, since he is not living within My order himself in as far as he values earthly matter more than the spiritual kingdom which, however, should be the purpose and goal of his earthly life. A person who does not stay within My order through actions of love and conscious contact with Me will not have orderly thoughts either, and his knowledge is deceptive knowledge without lasting value. But anyone who opens his eyes and ears will recognise the spiritual decline and also know that the end is near. He will strive to stay within My eternal order and thus not fear the end because it is the beginning of a new life for him, a life of eternal bliss....
Translated by Heidi Hanna
4015 Divine revelation is the greatest source of grace....
April 4, 1947: Book 49
No person should ignore a divine revelation for it is an invaluable source of grace; where God is expressing Himself He intends to help people advance in their development and wants to guide them onto the right path because they have gone astray; and God only reveals Himself in times of spiritual adversity when people are at risk of falling away from Him or are entertaining the wrong thoughts. In that case He tries to convey the truth to them, and the truth can only be conveyed to earth by God Himself.
Indeed, is there anything more powerful than to be directly taught by God Himself? Is there anything more delectable than to be nourished by Him directly with food for the soul which provides strength in abundance? Can there be, in fact, a substitute which even remotely would have the same effect? Is the Word of God not the most precious gift of grace which a human being on earth can receive?
His Word, the direct emanation of Himself, can be heard by a person and passed on to other people so that they can likewise come into possession of this precious gift of grace. Since God Himself speaks to people they should also have a greater impetus to comply with His Word, it should motivate the will to become active, just as the human being's will should, in fact, be urged by the Word into the right direction. Yet this will only ever be the case if people believe that the Word comes from above, that it is a direct communication of divine truth, for only this belief will encourage the human being to live a way of life which corresponds to the Word. And this belief can be gained by a person if he seriously examines it and appeals to God to enlighten his thinking. Then he will indeed feel in his heart what gift of grace he is receiving....
Then the possession of the divine Word will make him very happy, then he will never again want to miss it and will always allow himself to be nourished with the bread of heaven by God Himself, with the nourishment which guarantees the soul's life and which therefore is so extremely valuable and delectable. You shall hunger for it, then you will also experience the strength flowing to you by accepting the heavenly manna, and you will never again want to be without it, since such a valuable gift of grace cannot be replaced by anything else on earth. Your desire for it will grow ever stronger and also lead you to God without fail, for God is Truth, and God is the Word of eternity....
Translated by Heidi Hanna
4016 "I knock and you do not receive Me...."
April 4, 1947: Book 49
Anyone who does not listen to Me deprives himself of the greatest grace, and one day he will regret it when he has come to realize what My revelation means for the human being. I Myself descend to earth and incline towards My creatures who do not make the slightest attempt to come close to Me. I speak to them as a father speaks to his children.... words of love.... and seek to win their hearts and make My children blissfully happy by instructing them and introducing them to the eternal truth. I offer them spiritual wealth, a treasure which is indestructible and which you can also only receive from Me, for which there is also no substitute, neither on earth nor in the beyond, and which secures eternal life for you. I make provision for eternity so that it will be blissful for you, so that you will live and not fall prey to spiritual death.... And therefore I Myself come to you in the word because I want to make you blissful creatures.... And you do not receive Me.... You let Me knock in vain, and you don't open the door of your heart to Me, which I want to possess because I love you. And one day you will realize what a precious gift of grace you left unnoticed, and the remorse will be great.... Yet I cannot order you to accept My word, for you are of your own free will and have to decide for yourselves, and I also have to offer you the most precious gift, My word, in such a way that you are not forced to accept it. And therefore I have to convey it to you in such a way that you can certainly believe the divine origin but not prove it, for proof of it would be compulsory faith, which I will never use if you are to attain the degree of perfection. Yet it will be easy for you to believe that the word originates from Me, Who is the word Myself from eternity. For My word only teaches love, and anyone who seriously examines it will only recognize love in it and the divine origin will be undoubted to him, for love always demonstrates divinity, because love and I are one. But anyone who rejects without examining has no desire for Me, for truth, for love, for grace and for eternal life. And he will have to answer for it himself that he did not listen to Me.... and he will also prepare himself little for eternity. He will live without thoughts as to how his life should be shaped after the death of his body, he will only pay attention to his earthly life, and he will not hear My voice because he will let it be drowned out by the voice of the world. And the end will come, the day when everything will be cleared away and only those will be saved who have become My own, who accept My word and live accordingly and thus have a rich treasure of grace at their disposal which will make them blissfully happy in the spiritual kingdom.... in eternity....
Translated by Doris Boekers
4017 What is faith?....
April 6, 1947: Book 49
The human being shall become blessed through his faith.... But what is faith? When can a human being rightly claim that he believes? If spiritual doctrines are presented to him he will never be able to demand or produce the evidence for them, for spiritual matters are beyond his intellectual activity and can never be verified. Hence the human being, if he believes, must deem something to be true which cannot be proven. And yet, if he wants to become blessed, more is expected of him than blind faith, which consists of the fact that the human being will not argue against it, that he thus seemingly accepts the doctrines he is offered.... It is demanded of him that he unreservedly affirms it inwardly, that he accepts a teaching because he is inwardly convinced of it even without proof. This inner conviction, however, will always be the product of mental activity, the forming of an opinion about that which he is expected to believe. And this forming of opinion must be initiated by him without external coercion, a doctrine must, in a manner of speaking, keep him occupied, he must consider the pros and cons, until he has finally reached a point of view, but then he will also be able to uphold it if a statement is requested of him. The religious doctrine needs to be thought through before it can become actual mental knowledge, otherwise one has to speak of mere blind faith, which is completely worthless before God. The result of his deliberation depends on his will for truth and his desire for God, which unconsciously also impels him into action of love. God will truly not leave a serious seeker of truth in error if through his conduct in life he makes himself worthy of receiving the truth. However, since error is spread all over the world, since the prince of lies tries to spread darkness everywhere and would like to extinguish all light, it is understandable that erroneous belief has become established among the human race, since God respects every person’s free will and even His sacred Word, which guarantees purest truth, is at the mercy of people’s free will; consequently, it must also be left up to the human being’s will to believe or not to believe, if he scrutinises the individual doctrines and forms an opinion about them....
But in order to be convinced of the latter it is imperative that he scrutinises them, i.e., he must spend thought on them, and if his desire is serious and he fulfils the conditions set by God in order to bestow spiritual knowledge he will become intellectually enlightened, and it will be clear and plausible to him what his heart affirms. And then he can also convincingly say without proof: I believe.... How else would it be possible to recognise misguided teaching, and how could God demand accountability from people if it were His will that people should exclude mental activity and replace it with unconditional blind faith? In that case people would not be responsible apart from the few who try to spread this teaching and want to prevent all opposition by demanding blind faith. Yet this is not God’s will, after all, the psychological work only starts after the mental activity which, in the former case, usually remains ignored. Only mental activity establishes the connection with the spiritual kingdom, then the beings of light will be able to step into action and start their actual work of teaching, this, however, is impossible if the human being believes blindly. And he will assuredly come to a satisfactory conclusion if he is serious regarding the true knowledge, regarding his opinion about God and about his soul. For God will not leave those in darkness who seek the light, and a person will always find the mental conclusion satisfactory if he gained it after faithful prayer to God Who alone can enlighten him as to whether and when he thinks correctly. If you believe in a God of love, wisdom and omnipotence then it will fully suffice to gain a convinced faith through teachings which originated from God as well as to recognise human additions and to what extent they correspond to the truth. For God, the eternal Truth, will always help the person and straighten his thinking, He will give him power of judgment if only he is willing to recognise what is right and to stand up for what he recognises as truth towards his fellow human beings.... for it is God’s will that the truth shall be spread, because only truth leads to ascent and blissful happiness....
Translated by Heidi Hanna
4018 Right thinking of the servants of God.... bringing together for instruction....
April 6, 1947: Book 49
Your thoughts will be guided correctly if you want to serve Me and remain in constant contact with Me through your prayer and active neighbourly love. And thus you need not fear that your thoughts, feelings and intentions will move in a direction other than that which is pleasing to Me, providing you strive to gain My pleasure. For then you are of good will and have given up all resistance against Me, then you are already Mine through your will. And I will always protect My own from erroneous thinking and also not allow them to spread error through speech or also through silence when speech is necessary. I make use of My servants on earth in order to influence their fellow human beings, in order to reproach them for their mistakes in a purely human way, or also in order to direct their thoughts such that they enter into My will of their own accord, that they turn inwards and work on themselves in order to attain a higher maturity of soul. And it is always possible for Me to send My servants to those who need spiritual help, yet I will always do so in a way which does not appear extraordinary so as not to exert any compulsion of faith on people. And thus any conversations can be held, they will cause people to think and can also be of good effect if the human being is serious about his ascent development. And thus My servants will only speak and act in accordance with My will, and their thinking will be ordered by the spirit within themselves, which is My share, thus he will have to think and speak as is beneficial for his fellow human being, even though he wants to attach human weaknesses and erroneous thinking to the one commissioned by Me. I know whose spiritual help is needed and do not arbitrarily bring people together but only for the purpose that they shall complement and instruct each other. And even if it seems as if one person is subordinate in his teaching activity, even if it seems as if he speaks from himself and merely represents his own opinion.... he is in My service and only carries out what I tell him to do, for I also use the most natural means so that the human being will reach his aim.... as high as possible degree of maturity of the soul as long as he dwells on earth. For I speak through the mouth of a human being to all those who need My word, which I can also offer them in the most human way if it is necessary to respect free will and yet influence people who still lack the right understanding....
Translated by Doris Boekers
4019 Opposing a strong will to the adversary of God....
April 7, 1947: Book 49
Only a strong will is able to assert itself when it is necessary to carry out a mission for the kingdom of God and is opposed from all sides. Then the weak person will slacken in his activity, whereas a strong will does not let itself be deterred and pursues and achieves its aim straightforwardly. Every activity for the kingdom of God will incur the opposition of God's adversary, and his endeavour will constantly be to prevent the activity for God or make it impossible. And thus a servant of God will constantly be confronted by opponents amongst his fellow human beings who try to convince him of the uselessness of his work for the kingdom of God in order to stifle the impulse for eager activity in him. These are the people who are strongly influenced by God's adversary and listen to his mental whisperings. But God's adversary is an enemy of truth, and therefore he will always fight the truth, he will ensure that God's servants are constantly harassed by fellow human beings, that they portray spiritual work as unimportant and also cast doubts into the hearts of those representatives of divine teaching. He will be at work wherever there is the possibility of winning souls for the kingdom of God, and only where the servant of God has a strong will to oppose him, where he does not allow himself to be distracted by opposition of any kind, that is where success will also be recorded. Then he will not let up, and his bond with God will also strengthen his will to work for Him. God's adversary works with cunning and force, and where he does not achieve anything with God's representative due to doubts he tries to prevent people from accepting the divine word, he tries to steer them into a different channel so that they ignore the precious gift or turn away from Him. But he constantly scatters weeds among the divine seeds, he tries to undermine and suppress the truth through false teachings. And again, the servant of God must offer him resistance by virtue of his will, he must use his spiritual knowledge and refute every objection if it is possible for him. He must not grow weary but keep the great spiritual adversity in mind which has moved God to obviously come to people's aid and now be a faithful servant to Him who eagerly works for his lord in order to fulfil His will. For the adversity is great, and a good labourer in the vineyard of the lord can accomplish much work, and he will also become victorious over the enemy of souls if only he appeals to God for strong will and for help in his own spiritual adversity....
Translated by Doris Boekers
4615 (Good Friday)
April 15, 1949: Book 53
Death of the cross.... work of redemption....
Jesus gave His life on the cross, He took upon Himself the most disgraceful death, which was punishment and atonement for the criminals, who were denied any improvement. He condescended to this death which He could have averted from Himself by virtue of His power and glory, for the fullness of God's spirit dwelled in Him which He, however, no longer used in view of the work of mercy He wanted to accomplish in order to help His fellow human beings. Out of His deepest love came the will for this deed, the love was so strong that the human will also experienced a strengthening through it which made Him capable of this work. Love drove Him and His human will carried out what love commanded Him to do. And thus He took torments and humiliations upon Himself which contradicted His divine nature and which therefore tormented Him unspeakably but which also strengthened His will to redeem people from this morass of sin. He took pity on the great spiritual hardship in which humanity languished, who, as a result of sin, no longer knew anything about their fate on earth and in the beyond, who were heading towards immense suffering in the kingdom of the beyond and were completely unaware of their state. He took pity on their lack of light and their complete dependence on the one who was to blame for their descent into the abyss. And He wanted to pull them back, He wanted to give them the opportunity to walk towards a blissful state in full freedom of will. He wanted to impart strength to them where they were too weak themselves, and He only acquired the gift of divine strength to strengthen the will through His death on the cross.... He wanted to distribute wealth into whose possession He first had to place Himself through His sacrifice of atonement for the whole of humanity. Sin weighed upon it, its effect had to be lessened; but God's righteousness did not allow for the redemption of the greatest guilt of sin without a sacrifice, if the eternal deity did not want to lower Himself towards His creatures. And in the realization of this eternal order the man Jesus decided to make a sacrifice to God as far as it was possible for His human body. His love for humanity motivated Him to do so, and therefore God accepted the sacrifice because love redeems everything, because love is the strongest power and appeases God's wrath, i.e. His justice is fully satisfied where love is the driving force of every action. But the sacrifice was excessive.... It exceeded the strength of a human being and was therefore also valued excessively, in that full forgiveness of the guilt of sin is assured to those who acknowledge Jesus Christ as redeemer of the world, who unite with Him in thought and will to follow Him...., who therefore seriously endeavour to live a life of love, just as Jesus did on earth, in order to show people the only path to eternal life, which is only recognizable through a life of love and which was crowned by Him through the most painful death on the cross....
Translated by Doris Boekers
4616 (Easter Sunday)
April 17, 1949: Book 53
Spiritual work.... predictions for the end....
The grace you receive is indescribably great if I speak to you Myself and you thus enter the circuit of My love. But you must want to serve Me in full awareness, you must have offered yourselves to Me as a servant of your own free will, otherwise this immense grace cannot flow to you. You must want to work for Me and My kingdom. This assurance of will has to be given first, only then can the working of My spirit begin in a form which is unusual and therefore only rarely recognized by people as My working. But once this process takes place through the human being's will, I protectively stand behind it and ward off all spiritual forces which want to intervene in a disruptive or disintegrating way. And so hear the following: Humanity certainly takes pity on Me and I hear every call for help and mercy; I also recognize the will and the striving of My faithful, but I clearly see the influence of My adversary in its effect and the complete failure of the greater part of humanity.... and My mercy also applies to it, only the path to salvation is different than you humans imagine. And therefore there can no longer be any delay, that is why My plan of eternity is unalterable, and that is why I constantly draw people's attention to what will come in a short time. Anyone who knows about My eternal plan of salvation is active as a co-worker for My kingdom, otherwise this knowledge will not be conveyed to him or he will not be receptive to it. This is why the information about it will always meet with resistance and yet it is profound truth, because My word has to come true, which predicts the end from the start of this era, which will occur when people's spiritual state has reached a degree that an end only signifies salvation for the spiritual, because My mercy will not allow anything to be lost forever and therefore everything that happens is based on My love for the unredeemed. My plan of eternity is not comprehensible to most people and therefore not acceptable, yet they shall acknowledge My word. But they will not be able to deny that an end has been prophesied and repeatedly confirmed by seers, and thus only the point in time is undetermined which, however, will never be determined by people but by Me Myself. And thus I will provide you, who are unbelievers, with the evidence, yet to your horror, because you lull yourselves into a sense of security due to your unbelief and will therefore be very frightened, for it will come as it is proclaimed in word and scripture....
Translated by Doris Boekers
4617 (Easter Monday)
April 18, 1949: Book 53
Sin against the spirit "All sins are forgiven you, except those against the spirit...."
You detach yourselves from the letter too heavily and thus do not penetrate the spirit of the word, which is why much of what I have left you as My word is incomprehensible to you. For this reason you must again and again make use of Me as a teacher Who can and will introduce you to the truth, thus explain everything to you truthfully.
The working of the spirit in a human being is visibly a characteristic of the eternal deity's participation in the perfection of every individual creature, just as it is therefore also a visible expression of its emanation of strength. If I now work in a person through My spirit, the connection between Me and this person can no longer be denied, because the spiritual spark which rests in the human being's heart is inseparably connected to the father-spirit from eternity and now awakens to activity through My approach, thus it 'works in the human being'. However, the working of My spirit in the human being will always mean help on the path to perfection, it will mean a turning of the thoughts into the spiritual kingdom and an urging of the soul to unite with Me, thus an upward progress in spiritual development.... The spirit will make the soul inclined towards all ideas and help it to overcome the desire for matter, the spirit will give the soul enlightenment about its purpose and its former destiny, the spirit will reveal the essence of all divinity to the soul, it will impart clear and profound knowledge to it, thus it will give it a light which is incomparably blissful when it can first work with all luminosity.... The working of the spirit in the human being is therefore a divine revelation.... I take care of the human being Myself and give him a small concept of My glory, and thus I am present to him as soon as he adjusts himself such that My working can take place in him, irrespective of whether the results of My working are obvious manifestations or signify inner enlightenment by mental means. But the human being has then always entered into a volitional connection with Me and has carried out the will by shaping his heart into love, thus into a dwelling place worthy of receiving the eternal deity, Which can now reveal Itself from within. Such an act of demonstrable spiritual activity testifies to Me Myself, thus it is also to a certain extent a proof which surpasses faith. Anyone who has once gained this conviction, because the evidence of My existence and My presence has been provided, understandably stands on a level of development which should make a descent impossible, because this is almost impossible with the realization of truth.... and yet, as long as he lives on earth as a human being he can himself step into the shadow and darken the light.... he can sin against the spirit.... and thereby transgress in the grossest way by rejecting Me again and thus repeating his former apostasy from Me.... He can consciously prevent the working of the spirit, despite better realization he cannot make use of his knowledge, thus he can favour a spiritual regression, fully aware of committing an injustice. He has gained the evidence and conviction of My presence and yet turned away from Me again. Thus his will has again been captured by the adversary whom he had already escaped, and he does not defend himself against him. Only the person who recognized Me and My working through the spirit, who appropriated the wisdom imparted to him as mental knowledge by also having gained the inner conviction intellectually, thus was able to believe and in this firm faith committed himself to it, can sin against the spirit. He received and also made use of My grace in the richest measure and now lets it become ineffective; therefore he cannot expect mercy either, because he pushes away the deity Who, in Its infinite love, had brought Itself completely close to him and pulled the veil from his eyes. And this sin cannot be forgiven because he then also closes himself to Christ's act of salvation, because if he rejects My spirit he also rejects the divine redeemer, thus he no longer wants to believe even though he was able to believe. Thus he also forfeited the blessings of the act of salvation by not making use of Christ's help before he sinned, for the divine redeemer would have dispelled the first such thoughts and put them right if only He had been approached for help. He was in the kingdom of light before and stepped out into the darkness.... He was equipped with the abilities to recognize the truth, and the truth did not please him because it obliged him to redemptive activity which he does not want to carry out because love grew cold in him. This is very rare in people who have experienced My working of the spirit within themselves, therefore it is also unforgivable because it is an open resistance against Me which cannot find forgiveness, which means that he has to stay far away from God for endless times until he turns to Me again and has to acquire the grace again to be looked upon by Me, i.e. that I approach him again. This sin cannot be forgiven out of grace and mercy but it has to be carried away in total guilt, it irrevocably entails a new banishment and thus the whole path through creation, because it is a renewed apostasy which is not inferior to the former apostasy of the spiritual from Me, because it is committed in fullest realization, because a person in whom My spirit can already work is also in the light and therefore commits a grave sin if he betrays Me again against the one who influences him as My adversary, who is recognized by him and to whom he nevertheless is at will.... Thus not forgiving a sin means that the guilt cannot be taken away from him but has to be carried away by himself, which is why he need not be regarded as eternally lost, only eternities will pass before he finally confesses Me....
Translated by Doris Boekers
4876 Christ's path to the cross....
April 8, 1950: Book 55
Anyone who wants to follow Me will walk a lonely path, misunderstood by his fellow human beings as was My share, too, despite the love I gave to fellow people. Anyone who wants to follow Me will have to accept his cross just as I did, although My eternal love will not let anyone's cross become as heavy as that of the man Jesus.... He will have to carry it, yet he can ease his burden at any time if he calls upon Me for help. Then I will place the cross on My shoulders and carry it for him, and with Me everything gets easier, with Me he no longer walks on his own, I will empathise and share his suffering and joy at all times; he can always follow his earthly path in silent togetherness with Me, and therefore he will find his cross bearable and humbly submit to his destiny.... I took all of humanity's suffering on My shoulders as I walked along facing crucifixion and endured unspeakable physical pain. I walked the arduous path that ended with death on the cross for everyone who wanted to follow Me one day. I suffered indescribably as a human being so that people's suffering would be lessened. I participated in all of humanity's suffering and carried the cross on its behalf. And anyone who loved Me followed Me.... There were only a few, compared to the whole human race on whose behalf I died, only a few shared My pain, they suffered with Me and for Me. They, too, carried their cross because they followed Me, since their love for Me made them feel all their suffering twice as much. Yet their love was like balm on My wounds which were inflicted on Me by pitiless people; their love increased My will to suffer on behalf of humanity and to bring help to them through My crucifixion. Many followed Me on the way to the place of execution yet only few sympathized with My pain.... Many people live on earth but only few are My disciples.... I died for all people on the cross but only few accept My sacrifice and make use of the attained blessings. Only few people follow Me and yet, only by following Me can they become blessed. Everyone should take his cross upon himself and remember My sacrificial walk to Golgotha, which was almost too difficult for a human being to bear and made Me fall.... But the love of a person came to My aid when I had almost failed as a human being and I made the sacrifice, I emptied the cup of suffering completely....
And if you humans have to suffer remember My Words 'Whoever wants to follow Me let him take up his cross....' You should know that all suffering you humbly endure in My will is taken into account as a path to the cross which signifies redemption and liberation from all guilt for you.... You should know that you are living on earth in order to release yourselves from guilt, the magnitude of which cannot be estimated by you as human beings, for which I have indeed died in order to lessen it but which every one of you also has to remove, as far as it is within your power, if you want to take part in the act of Salvation which was started by My love with My crucifixion. You humans were only given a small cross to carry because I have taken the heaviest weight from you, but you cannot remain entirely without suffering in order to keep going towards the One Who wants to help you at all times, Whom you should follow so that you will become eternally blessed....
Translated by Heidi Hanna
4877 Unattainability of God.... Recognising His fundamental nature....
April 9, 1950: Book 55
No human spirit will be able to grasp Me as long as it has not united with Me, with My eternal Father-Spirit. And this union with Me is an act which necessitates utmost willingness to enter into My will, thus it means conforming to My fundamental nature. Only what has become as one with Me is able to recognise Me, otherwise it is mere faith and not complete realisation. The human being's spirit certainly has the ability of insight but never by itself, only in unity with Me. It is a spark of My eternal Father-Spirit, it is part of Me which came forth from Me and keeps in permanent contact with Me, but only the human being's will brings it to a state where it can function. And this will has to subordinate itself to Me, then the spiritual spark can become active in the person. But it can often take a long time until the human being's will awakens the spirit in himself, and this time is lost for eternity.
The human being's earthly progress in the state of ignorance is futile for the soul, as then it will only live for the world, it is not yet able to understand the meaning and purpose of its earthly life, it has not yet got in touch with its inner spirit and is completely blind. Only the awakening of the spiritual spark in the person will safeguard the soul's higher development, its maturing. For the awakened spirit will persuade the soul to turn away from the world and listen to the spirit's voice, and then there will be a dawning, the darkness will be dispersed by light.... and the spirit will edify the soul about My Being, about My working and My continuous care for My living creation. Then the person's spirit will guide him into truth, it will convey knowledge to him which he cannot receive from an external source, since it would be presented to him incomprehensibly or he would not be able to grasp it. Then the spirit will persistently urge the soul towards a unification with Me since, being part of Me, it also wants to draw the soul unto itself; hence unification with Me should also become the soul's aim.
The human being will only start to appreciate My fundamental nature when he has reached a certain degree of maturity, even then he will never be able to fathom it in its full profundity. He cannot grasp it as a human being, and even a being of light is still very distant from Me, although permeated by My strength and therefore blissfully happy. It is impossible to completely ascertain My fundamental nature, for I outshine all other beings of light and strength and therefore I Am incomprehensible to every being, even when it has achieved the highest degree of perfection. If it were possible to comprehend Me, I would not be Infinite, neither in perfection nor in power. Yet precisely this incomprehensibility fills a being of light with bliss, so that it is able to look up to Me and love Me ever more profoundly, so that it will constantly strive towards Me with longing, and will always receive fulfilment of its desire. The fact that I Am unattainable to the being will intensify its love because, in awareness of My unattainability, it will regard My love as the greatest gift.
Yet on the other hand, My living creation is inseparably connected to Me.... Its self-inflicted imperfection, its thoroughly contradictory state to My fundamental nature does not limit My love for it and eternally will not induce Me to disown it, thus to separate Myself from it.... Irrespective of how unattainable I Am to the being, it is nevertheless connected to Me, it belongs to Me, because it originated from My strength and thus is a fundamental part of Myself. And this togetherness shall now find its culmination in the conscious unity on the part of the being. By striving to reach Me it should put itself into the state of bliss because, in order to feel My love and experience it as bliss, the being's will must be totally inclined towards Me. There must be no opposition in the being whatsoever. It has to want to reach Me in order to be lifted up by Me, and this lifting up, this drawing-to-Me, is a never-ending state in eternity....
The being will never reach the final goal, yet it will constantly come closer to Me, this certainty is still incomprehensible to you as human beings on earth. However, the being's bliss rests in its continuous desire and fulfilment.... A completely satisfied being would no longer be able to feel desire and therefore also miss the elation of fulfilment. But I want My children to strive for Me at all times, I constantly want to give to them and therefore also want to be constantly desired.... And thus, as the final goal, I will stimulate the beings into utmost love and yearning, but always remain above My living creations, not due to lack of love but because of My greater than great love, for I want to bestow never-ending joy, because My love can never cease in all eternity....
Translated by Heidi Hanna
5092 Christ's suffering....
March 23, 1951: Book 57
Christ's suffering on the cross cannot even be remotely made understandable to people on earth, since in their imperfect state they cannot comprehend what it means for a perfect human being to fall victim to sin, for people's iniquity effectively triumphed over Him Who had not caused them harm. The spawns of hell made the enlightened soul of Jesus, the man, tremble, yet it did not defend itself.... It endured everything; nevertheless it was horror-stricken by so much dirt and evilness from people. It suffered indescribably, even far more than the body, by what it had to endure. The soul was surrounded by darkness and its light was unable to bear darkness; all the same, it did not flee because it wanted to drain the cup to the dregs in order to redeem humanity. It gave up its light, because otherwise that which the love of Jesus, the man, wanted to happen to it in order to offer God a sacrifice for humanity's sins could not have taken place. Thus it allowed its light to become ineffective and found itself in the midst of darkness which tormented and frightened it tremendously and increased its suffering a thousand fold, for the suffering of the soul exceeded the physical pain, which can only be understood by a perfect human being. Jesus, however, was as perfect as His Father in heaven is perfect.... and yet it was still on earth in the midst of sin.... His kingdom was the kingdom of light, the earth was Satan's kingdom, and in this kingdom the soul of light allowed itself to be violated. And the purest and most translucent Being Which ever lived on earth was horrified. It had to allow itself to be touched by hands it detested, because they extended from hell and took hold of it, it had to hear intensely hurtful words; it was effectively detached from its world and totally at the mercy of darkness, which had certainly been its own will for eternity in order to achieve the act of Salvation, yet it was nevertheless no less horrendous, for it was being terrified and tortured to the point of exhaustion.... This is why Jesus exclaimed: 'My God, my God, why have You forsaken me....' At this moment in time it no longer remembered its mission, it only felt the separation from God, from light, for Whom it longed and for Whom it called in its distress.... It was the cruellest thing ever experienced by a person on earth, because He not only had to endure the body's suffering but also because the soul had suffered considerably more still, which humanity cannot understand. For this reason no human being, regardless of how much he would have to suffer, will be able to reach the extent to which Jesus the man had to endure, Who already knew about it long in advance and in His human nature prayed: Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but Thine, be done....' It was also the will of His soul, which had completely subordinated itself to God, to accomplish the act of Salvation and it accepted its fate, for its love for the suffering human race was greater than great, but likewise the guilt of sin was so immense that only the most extreme pain and suffering could count as a sacrifice of atonement, which therefore was carried out by Jesus the human being. Yet the depth of suffering was as immeasurable as His love, which made Him take all suffering of body and soul upon Himself in order to redeem humanity from eternal death....
Translated by Heidi Hanna
5093 Resurrection.... (Easter Sunday)
March 25, 1951: Book 57
He overcame death, He rose from the dead on the third day, as He foretold to His disciples, and all prophecies were fulfilled.... the world was redeemed.... He broke the power of death, by which it is to be understood that He gained victory over hell, victory over satan, who had placed people in a state of death through his influence, who had caused the death of the spiritual substance in the first place, which could not bring itself to life through its own strength because satan kept it bound. And the man Jesus broke this power and was able to break it because He united with His father of eternity during His earthly life and thus took up the battle with satan with His strength, but He acquired the strength because He was full of love and thereby became a recipient of strength from God. As a human being He gave people the proof that it was possible to free themselves from satan’s chains if they, like Him, walked the path of love, which brought them into possession of strength from God which makes everything possible, including liberation from the prince of hell.
Jesus Christ was risen from the dead.... He gloriously emerged from the grave and entered into the midst of His own.... He certainly had to suffer earthly death beforehand because this was the crown of His work of redemption, because He wanted to offer God the sacrifice of atonement for the sins of men. The human being Jesus died, yet the transfigured spirit rose again from the grave and appeared visibly to His own in order to strengthen their faith.... The process which takes place in every human being whose soul has spiritualized itself through love, so that the physical shell falls, took place visibly in Him.... The soul arises to eternal life.... The soul cannot die, it can only still be in the power of God's adversary, then its state cannot be called life but it is still in the night of death, yet through its own fault. For the redeemer Jesus Christ sacrificed Himself for all people and acquired eternal life for them. And thus all people can also claim the graces of the act of salvation for themselves. If they do not do so by not acknowledging Him as God's son and redeemer of the world and appeal to Him for His help, then they are still in bondage to God's adversary and death has not yet been overcome for them. He showed Himself to His disciples, they saw Him because He presented Himself to them in a visible way. They and all those who were allowed to see Him had the maturity to be able to behold spiritual light, otherwise they would have passed away at the sight of Him.... He took His body with Him.... His soul could certainly have shown itself to His own in a recognizable way, but then people would never have believed Jesus' resurrection, which He promised to those who live according to His teaching. The resurrection of the soul was certainly meant, but as a sign of the truth of His words His body also rose from the dead, and this was all the more self-evident because His body had also spiritualized itself and no longer required further development on earth.... Body, soul and spirit had united and turned to God the father, and therefore He was also able to visibly ascend to heaven in all glory and thus give a last testimony of His divinity, a testimony that He has overcome death and gives eternal life to the one who believes in Him and follows Him through a life on earth in love.... For even this one will rise to eternal life, he will not taste death for eternity, because Jesus Christ has overcome death....
Translated by Doris Boekers
5094 Spiritual wealth.... "receive and eat...." work in the hereafter....
March 26, 1951: Book 57
Receiving the messages from the spiritual kingdom means immeasurable wealth if they originate from Me, the original source of all knowledge which corresponds to truth. For these gifts impart knowledge to you humans which is the basis for eternal beatitude; they provide you with wealth with which you can work on earth already and after your physical death in the spiritual kingdom. They are spiritual treasures whose value you will only assess once you have discarded all earthly things and find yourselves in a completely different kingdom than this earth is for you, where everything material is switched off and only spiritual work and creation takes place, where you need completely different treasures in order to be able to live a right life, and where these spiritual treasures will make you infinitely happy, for they alone guarantee you a life in eternity. They alone make you able to be active according to My will. And therefore I want to make the spiritual treasures accessible to you already on earth, I want you to collect them as long as you are on earth and acquire wealth which makes you the most blissful citizens of the spiritual world, as it has been your destiny since eternity. For this reason, however, I will not only distribute spiritual treasures to you but to all people and make your increased knowledge dependent on how you utilize the little knowledge, I will give to you so that you will pass on the gifts and then also receive all the more yourselves.... I want to convey the truth to humanity from above so that it will be received unadulterated and be a blessing for it. The fact that people themselves repeatedly distort it shall not prevent Me from always conveying it to earth in all purity, and its recipients will always have a great treasure at their disposal which they shall distribute to their fellow human beings, just as I have done with the words: "Receive and eat.... take and drink.... do this in remembrance of Me...." You shall receive and distribute what My love offers you from above, My word, which you cannot measure in its value. Then you will already work on earth according to your former purpose, then you will increase your spiritual wealth many times over, and when you die you will be able to look back on a blessed earthly life, after all, you will have gathered spiritual treasures which you will take with you into eternity. As long as you stay on earth you are not fully aware of the value of spiritual gifts, nevertheless, you should believe what I tell you and eagerly strive to increase their possessions, and you will not be disappointed but realize that their value exceeds everything earth could ever offer you and that you gladly leave all earthly things behind for the sake of the spiritual possessions which await you on the other side and make you eternally happy. My word shall suffice you to believe that otherwise My gifts cannot be given to you to the extent that a profound faith guarantees. Therefore, acquire spiritual goods for as long as you are on earth so that you will enter the spiritual kingdom richly blessed when your earthly life is over....
Translated by Doris Boekers
5361 Fall of the angels.... good friday message....
April 11, 1952: Book 59
All of you who walk on earth have been seized by My love and opportunities have been created for you to be able to enter into the original relationship with Me again, you were granted a time for this transformation from a completely God-opposing relationship to reunion with Me.... All graces were made available to you to achieve this aim, and My never-ending love helps you where you are in danger of failing.... but there is one thing that even My greater than great love for you cannot do.... your will to change out of My power.... Your will is the factor which has to be reckoned with, which alone has to accomplish the change and can just as well fail. For your will is weakened by the one who is My adversary and who, having plunged you into the abyss through sin against Me, would also like to keep you in the abyss and therefore obstructs your path to Me in every way, who thus would also like to keep your will weak and thus incapable of accomplishing the change of being.... But the will is weak because the being, which is still under its control, is also devoid of all love and therefore cannot develop any strength, for love is strength in itself and would infallibly also give the will the necessary strengthening.... The entity which belongs to it is completely weakened in will and unable to redeem itself from its dominion over itself. And I brought help to this beingness....
Can you humans now understand what moved Me to descend to earth and bring you salvation? I was the same in the beginning as the spiritual that was pushed into the abyss by Lucifer, I had emerged from God's love as an angelic spirit and recognized God as the epitome of all power and strength and glory from eternity.... As an adversary of Lucifer I stood by Him who had created us out of His power of love.... I too could not see God, but My love for Him was My bliss.... But I was also filled with love for the spiritual beings which had fallen away from God and let the plan mature in Me to participate in their redemption from the power of darkness, because I knew about Lucifer's power and his influence on the weak-willed spiritual beings. I wanted to help him in a way that alone could defeat the adversary.... I wanted to make use of God's strength in order to be able to take action against him and achieve the aim of wresting the beings from him and thus return them to God from Whom they had originated. I wanted to acquire the strength for this fallen one and turn it towards them so that they would become strong-willed and be able to free themselves from satan’s power. Weakness of will is a lack of strength of love, thus it is the result of an unloving attitude.... If I wanted to impart strong will to these beings I had to try to persuade them to love and first awaken their love again through My love.... I had to free them from his control by paying him the purchase price for the soul he held captive.... Although he himself never gives his consent, he never releases the soul, yet the soul now has the strength to liberate itself, which he cannot prevent it from doing if it makes use of My strength, which I willingly convey to it if it is willing to accept it, thus to make use of the blessings acquired on the cross. I paid this purchase price for all souls through My suffering and death on the cross.... Every soul can regain its freedom if only it turns to Me.... if it gives its will the right direction, if it acknowledges Me and My act of salvation and calls to Me for help.... In order to strengthen the will of these beings I died on the cross, I opposed satan’s power with an overwhelming love and defeated him, so that even the hardest fetter can burst who stands by My side....
Two beings which emerged from the eternal strength of love wrestled against each other.... But I made use of this strength of love, I fought for God and with God, love completely filled Me and My earthly body thus became the bearer of the eternal deity, My soul of light joined It at the same time as the body, and the unification had now taken place which every individual being created by Him was also destined to enter from eternity in order to be able to work as perfected beings in light and strength and bliss.
The originally created spirit had fallen away from God, he received light and power in excess and misused them to work against God.... God's strength also flowed through him, but he used it in a negative sense and thereby distanced himself more and more from God.... But using the strength from God in His will also leads to complete fusion with Him, which I achieved as the man Jesus on earth through love.... Love is the strongest power and must also influence the will so that it turns towards God.... And I, as a human being, acquired this allocation of strength for people's will on this earth through My suffering and death on the cross, through unspeakable pain and immense agony, and everyone can make use of this strength who acknowledges Me and brings love to fruition within himself. Every person will want to escape from his previous master and will also be able to do so who calls upon Me as saviour and redeemer for help, for I will not let him fall into My adversary's hands, I will loosen his shackles and set him free.... But I can only do this as soon as the human being's will strives for redemption itself.... against his will I cannot release him.... But My love is infinite and will wrest every soul from the adversary, love will achieve that every being's will will once change and turn towards Me.... And this is why I died on the cross, so that the fallen being's weakened will will be strengthened, and thus I redeemed the world from satan’s bondage....
Translated by Doris Boekers
5362 Reason for the revelations: learning to know and love God....
April 12, 1952: Book 59
You will be shown the path you should take and it is your task to let yourselves be guided and to always remember that you are only the instruments of Him Who wants to make Himself known to your fellow human beings through you. He can only win you humans if He introduces you to the truth, because the truth lets you recognize Him as a God of love, wisdom and omnipotence, as a perfect being Who also has to be loved above all else and returns love in abundance. But you humans will only show your love for Him when you have recognized Him for what He is.... as a kind and righteous father Who only ever wants to please His children and therefore wants to win them over for Himself, and this recognition of His nature can only be given to you through utmost truth, because every untruth, every error, distorts or obscures the image of God and this means as much as that doubts arise in the heart which also reduce the love for God. The truth has to be offered to people, which originates from God Himself.... And therefore God uses willing people through whom He can speak to all people.... He only introduces you to the truth because He wants to win you over for Himself, and you should always acknowledge that it is evidence of immense love and mercy when He seeks contact with you humans, when He wants to speak to you Himself and does so wherever He is heard. But He knows people's hearts, He knows their will, their state of maturity, He knows their innermost thoughts and therefore also knows who is willing and able to accept the truth from His hand. He now directs this to you humans who want to serve Him, who participate in the spreading of His word. He leads those into your path in whom He sees the prerequisite that they want to recognize and accept the truth.... He certainly has the truth ready for all people, yet not all people desire it and accept it. And therefore they will not find the path to Him either, they will still have to take many wrong paths until they reach the right messenger of light who can and will give them enlightenment. Nevertheless, you will also have to instruct such people, for although they will not adhere to you, although they will sometimes laugh at you and mock you, something of what they have heard will nevertheless remain in them and one day it will come to the surface of his thoughts when the hour has come for him to make a decision for God or against Him.... And then the words he hears can still be his salvation, he can suddenly come to recognize the truth and stand up for it with fervour, because the truth has an effect which no-one of good will can ignore. And therefore you should quietly work on all who are led into your path, for these are called and can be awakened by you, they can also come to recognize the truth if you lovingly offer them the divine word which is full of strength and which reveals God's nature to them and can also move them to love Him....
You should be His servants, you should let yourselves be guided by Him, receive His instructions and work as a blessing among your fellow human beings; you should make yourselves His own so that He can speak to people through you in order to save them from spiritual adversity, in order to lead them out of error into truth, through which alone they can become blessed....
Translated by Doris Boekers
5363 Easter message....
April 13, 1952: Book 59
Let Me arise in your hearts and then walk with Me in blissful togetherness. As long as you still walk the path without love I am dead for you.... but you, too, are dead in spirit, you live well on earth but move in spiritual darkness, in a state which is equal to death, for the life of the body can be taken from you at any hour, then you, i.e. your soul, will be enveloped in a dreadful silence of the grave, in darkness, and it will be completely devoid of all strength.... Awaken it to life already on this earth by joining Me, by providing your soul with strength from Me.... Let Me come alive in your heart and you will never die again, there will be no more death for you forever. Seek to be spiritually reborn, thus to experience a spiritual transformation, so to speak, so that you can leave the grave of your physical shell at any time and step out into eternal life in the most radiant light....
My resurrection on the third day has provided you with the evidence that death can be overcome by every person who follows Me in truth. He, too, will rise who has accepted Me into his heart through love, for he will be powerful and full of light.... he will be able to break through the material shell and now live a spiritual life, he will not be able to die according to his soul but only leave the body behind which was only a shackle for him. And I will receive him in My kingdom, I will introduce him and show him the glories which no human eye has ever seen and no human ear has ever heard of; I will prepare a dwelling for him as I have promised. The glories of the heavenly father shall be revealed to him, and he shall live forever.... Let Me rise from the dead in your hearts, only then you too can rightly say: Jesus Christ died for Me, Jesus Christ redeemed Me.... Only then will you no longer need to fear death, for there is only one life for you, you have been taken up from the grave of your sin into the light, you can walk in heavenly realms, you can enjoy the bliss of the spiritual kingdom united with Me, you experience the nearness of Him Who redeemed you, everything that covers your spirit has fallen away from you, you are free and you will live for eternity....
Translated by Doris Boekers
5364 Small herd fighting at the end of the earth....
April 14, 1952: Book 59
My small flock will have to stick firmly together at the end of this earth in order to strengthen and comfort each other, in order to form a strong wall together when the forces of darkness want to run to tear it down. There will only be a few who remain faithful to Me, for I already call away those who would not be able to cope with the final onslaught, whose faith certainly belongs to Me but who do not let it become so strong that they can offer resistance. I know who will firmly stand by Me and prepare them such that they can be a support for their fellow human beings, that they can be an example for them and help the still weak in the battle against darkness. I will bring My own together and protectively hold My hands over them, for the world will always oppose them and would also press them hard before if I did not stand by their side and bring them help when they are in need. I lead them all ways and My spirit guides them so that they will always walk as it is My will, and I always strengthen them with My word.... I Myself speak to those who want to hear Me, and they will never be without strength. For when I speak to them I Myself am with them, I am present to them and also to all those who listen to these words of Mine and receive them into their hearts. Yet the closer it gets to the end the smaller the number of those will become who desire to hear Me Myself, who let Me be present in them. And therefore I say to you: Eagerly seek to win souls which you can still bring to Me, still court them now before it is too late. You can still be openly spiritually active, earthly power does not yet impose any restrictions on you, you may still speak without shyness, you can only find enemies in your fellow human beings who want to fight you, but you can still work for Me and My kingdom on My behalf.... But the time will come when barriers will be set for you, when you will be attacked and have to endure this hostility because you are not allowed to defend yourselves. The time will come when people will try to prevent you, who are active for Me, under threat of punishment. And then you must already have done so much preliminary work that it will quietly bear fruit; you must already have scattered the seed everywhere, you must have made many people acquainted with My word which is imparted to you from above. And the seed will sprout and spread through My blessing....
Do preliminary work wherever and however you can, do not let earthly work keep you from spiritual activity, spread My word, spread the news of it everywhere and bring the gospel to your fellow human beings; do not be satisfied with the activity of the public churches; be eagerly active yourselves and advertise outside the church, for there is great need.... Many people seek and cannot find what is right.... Give them knowledge, and the will of the individual will then have to decide how to utilize this knowledge. Be faithful co-workers with Me, for I will supply you with the people you should work on in the vineyard; I will bestow upon you the gift of speech so that you will use every opportunity to win people for Me and My kingdom.... in order to still supply My small flock with sheep which recognize in Me their shepherd whom they want to follow....
Translated by Doris Boekers
5643 Good Friday.... The path to Golgotha....
April 3, 1953: Book 62
The path to Golgotha was the conclusion of My earthly life, it was the victory and the accomplishment.... it was the harshest and most bitter self-sacrifice, for every individual detail until the hour of My death was clearly in My mind's eye. I knew about all the suffering and pain and nevertheless walked this path consciously. Yet I also saw the tremendous adversity of the sinful human race, the inconceivable guilt of sin and its ramifications laid like an accumulated burden upon My shoulders and I knew, were I to shake this burden off.... which was certainly within My power and strength.... humanity would break down under it and would never be able to deal with the burden alone.... I knew that this burden of sin would torture the human race for eternities and would never allow it to attain freedom and bliss.... I saw these agonies of the whole of humanity before My spiritual eye and I took pity upon the wretched souls. For this reason I relieved the human race from its burden of sin and walked the path to Golgotha, I took the indescribable suffering upon Myself in order to atone the guilt, which was so immense that only superhuman suffering would be suitable as an act of atonement. Therefore, I wanted to suffer and die for humanity and by no means lessen My suffering.... You humans will never be able to estimate the magnitude of My act of compassion, for you, who believe in Me, are also aware of My divine nature which could have lessened even the greatest suffering....
But I lived and died as a human being.... I was subjected to every agony a human being was able to endure, psychologically and physically I was terribly maltreated, My tormentors not only tortured My body but also uttered such appalling and hateful words that My soul recognised them as expressions of hell and felt insufferably tormented.... I have endured every imaginable suffering all for the love of people who would have had to atone for their huge guilt of sin themselves and would have taken eternities to do so.... As Jesus, the man, I was able to assess these people's inconceivable suffering and wanted to avert it by enduring what I was capable of enduring.... My love could not ignore humanity's immense adversity, it wanted to help, it wanted to redeem all enslaved people, it wanted to plead for forgiveness of all sins, it wanted to make
Amends and therefore sacrifice itself to the heavenly Father.... However, people must acknowledge the sacrifice made and allow themselves to be redeemed by Me. For this reason I call to you with most ardent love: Don't let Me have made this sacrifice for you in vain.... Recognise that you are weighed down by a huge burden of sin and let it be your will to be released from it. Accept My sacrifice on the cross as being offered up on your behalf, place yourselves under the Calvary cross, don't let My suffering and My death on the cross remain ineffective for you.... Bring all your sins to Me so that I will be able to release you, so that you may be forgiven, so that the Father will accept you for the sake of His Son's love.... let yourselves be redeemed through My blood which I shed on the cross for you humans....
Translated by Heidi Hanna
5644 Easter.... resurrection - overcoming death....
April 5, 1953: Book 62
Remember death, but do not be afraid of it, for I have overcome death and have risen from the dead to give you faith that there is also a resurrection for you to life which lasts forever. Death has been overcome, I have bought life for all who want to live and do the same as I did on earth, to put the soul and the body into a state of life which no longer allows death, even though the physical shell ceases to carry out its activity, even though the human being dies.
The soul will enter eternal life and will never be able to pass away.... And thus you need no longer fear the hour of death, which was certainly justified before My crucifixion, before My resurrection, for the gate to eternal life was closed, I first had to open it so that the soul could now enter the kingdom of life. Through My death on the cross I acquired everyone's entitlement, I opened the gate and showed all people the path which leads to this gate.... I showed people how they could acquire eternal life like Me, how the human being himself can overcome death, which is a state of powerlessness and darkness and therefore has to be replaced by a state of strength and light in order to have been overcome. People were completely weakened in will under the spell of the one who was My adversary, they were inactive because they were powerless, for they lacked love which would have supplied them with strength without measure. My adversary had people firmly under his control, he prevented them from working with love and therefore also prevented the supply of strength which was necessary for life, for a state of free activity.... And their weakened will was the result of sin.... But I took all people's sins upon Myself, I atoned for the great guilt through My crucifixion and now acquired a strengthened will for people.... I loosened the chains with which My adversary had bound them and helped them to now stir in life-witnessing activity.... They were now able to perform works of love when they called upon Me for help.... I overcame death, i.e. My adversary.... Through My death, My work of love for the enslaved beings, I paid him the ransom and thus bought you off.... You are now free and can work again if you live on earth as I have presented it to you, in unselfish love for God and your neighbour. Then you will also emerge from the grave of death into eternal life, then no power will hold you back in darkness any longer, then you will throw off all bodily coverings and freely enter the kingdom of the beyond, full of vitality and in the most radiant light, then you will also have risen from the dead in truth, your soul will no longer know any fetters, it will only leave behind the immature spiritual, the bodily cover, in order to also enable it to mature. The soul can no longer be held back by the power of darkness, it is free and strives towards Me, Who redeemed it from dark power, Who Myself rose from the dead on the third day in order to show you humans that I have conquered death....
Translated by Doris Boekers
5645 How long Lucifer could create?....
April 6, 1953: Book 62
My strength was effective in the first-created being so long, until the decision of will was put down completely, or even: Lucifer or light bearer could still create beings so long, as he was still full of My love strength, which, however, weakened itself always more with his constant fall in the depth, with his removing from Me, at last to be completely ineffective.... So I did not take away the strength from this first created being, but he himself made it ineffective, as soon as he removed endlessly far away from Me.... But the act of decision of the will was no a thing of the moment, it was also this decision a process, that extended over endless times, because also the will in Lucifer against Me developed slowly, and accordingly were also the beings, who were created by him, they had more or less a will in them facing away from Me. So long as the first created being had not yet made a complete break with Me, it was also still active creating and shaping, but more and more the ability to create faded away, however not limited by Me, but original legally My strength lost its effects, the moment as it came across resistance. So long as the first created being remained in the area of My strength of love, it could also create, but always according to his will, to accept My strength in the knowledge, that he got it from Me as the original source of the force. This time of the still undecided will was fully enough to the creation of countless beings with likewise indecisive will, that then always turned away from Me more and also the first created being had become unable, to bring more beings into life. The intimate contact with Me let stream unrestrained force towards the being, who was once created by My love.... The final separation from Me had led inevitably to a complete weakness too. The force effect reduced itself to the same degree, as the will itself turned away from Me. But so long as it used My strength to create, it also accepted Me as power source, but did not transfer this knowledge to the beings, who were brought into life by him....
And when it did not want to obtain more strength from Me volitionally, in the faith to possess this itself, its decision of will was made.... It rejected the force, and that meant endless distance from Me and thus weakness, so that after his fall in the depth his power was broken too, to be created further beings through his will.... Understand it right: It was an immensely long time between the first moment of opposing and the complete turning away from Me, and the created being was also designed accordingly in this time, so why it was necessary, that I had to radiate through all being with My light of knowledge, from which I demanded the decision of will, but which it used differently as well, as it itself had a different nature.... But it could decide right, the kind of its creation was not determining, but the will of every being was free. By a fall into the depth could already be spoken in the moment of the first volitional turning away from Me.... but that was so far not acomplished completely, as I Myself was still recognized as a source of strength.... And so long the first created being could use the unlimited strength, which is given him by Me, according to his will.... For so long it remained in the current circuit of My love, as it recognized Myself. But it came out of this current circuit, as it resisted Me consciously.... when it itself rejected the strength, not to need to recognize Me, because it imagined itself strong and powerful enough, to be able to create and design high-handedly.... Now My strength remained ineffective according to the original law of eternity.... And now no creation of beings was possible too, because now I used My whole strength of love for returning of the fallen spiritual.... The spiritual work of creation was completed, now the deification of creation began, the education of the creatures to My children in free will.... a work, to which is My complete strength of love and that also My opponent will not be able to prevent, to whom at last this opponent will surrender voluntarily too, to reach the state of unlimited strength again and to use this now according to My will....
Translated by Heidi Hanna
5932 Death on the cross....
April 16, 1954: Book 64
An inconceivable work of mercy took place through My death on the cross, and this work of mercy was for the whole of humanity, for the people of the past, the present and the future.... I died for all people, I took upon Myself the burden of sin of all people, for all people come into the world burdened with original sin.... This original sin therefore moved Me to suffer and die for people because I wanted to atone for this original sin before the one against Whom it was directed.... because I wanted to make satisfaction for God's justice.... You humans are neither aware of the greatness of your guilt nor of the depth of My love which accomplished the work of redemption for you.... Yet no matter how My suffering is described to you, you cannot even begin to measure the extent of the suffering and pain I endured for you, because not only the body but even more My soul suffered, which shuddered at people's sinfulness, which was unable to defend itself when all the forces of hell were against it and did to it whatever evil they could do to it. For My soul was clear and pure, the distance between it and the dark people was enormous and it was in the midst of demonic spheres where nothing but satanic activity confronted it. My light- and love-filled soul looked into the deepest depths, and it shuddered before so much sin and darkness.... The body also suffered unspeakably, for whatever torments and humiliations people could think up they did to Me and still rejoiced in their despicable actions.... It was hell unleashed against Me, it was the most difficult battle a human being ever had to fight.... to remain victorious through the love that was meant for all these wretched people whom satan had in his grip and to whom I wanted to restore freedom.... I saw the overwhelming depravity of My tormentors and yet suffered and died for them too.... For I knew that they were only the henchmen of the one against whom I was fighting, I knew that satan himself was against Me and to defeat him was the purpose of My act of salvation, to liberate humanity from his power was the mission I had voluntarily taken on when I descended to earth; My love for people was exceedingly great and therefore I suffered many times over because My love was repaid in such a way that only hatred and heartlessness against Me spoke out of everything that was done to Me. Yet I wanted to suffer.... because I wanted to atone for people.... and consciously I took the difficult path to the cross, I drank the cup to the full.... I did not allow a charitable swoon that freed Me for a short time from suffering and torment.... I forced My body to endure until My hour had come.... For I wanted to suffer because no other work of salvation was possible for you humans than to absorb the effect of all sins and to burden My body and soul with what otherwise every human being would have had to bear himself, who would have collapsed under it.... I suffered for the whole of humanity and therefore had to suffer immeasurably because the guilt was immeasurably great. But you humans cannot imagine My suffering on the cross and the agony of dying on the cross, for you yourselves would collapse under the force of the impression if I only let you have a glimpse of those hours which preceded My death on the cross.... but one day you will be able to participate in it yourselves.... one day it will be revealed to you what I have done for you and why I did it.... And you will praise and glorify Me and be eternally grateful that I saved you from eternal death, that through My work of redemption I delivered you from the hands of the one who wanted the death of your soul.... And then My love will also be revealed to you, which is valid for you for all eternity....
Translated by Doris Boekers
5933 Covenant with God....
April 17, 1954: Book 64
You make a covenant with Me when you ask Me for My protection and My support, for strength and grace and light.... For you then recognize your own inadequacy and acknowledge Me Myself as perfect, as a being Who can help you and wants to help you.... You therefore believe in My omnipotence and love, and you entrust yourselves to Me.... You want Me to take care of you, that My arms embrace you and support you where you yourselves feel too weak.... You unite yourselves with Me.... If you have come so far in earthly life that you establish this bond with Me, the ascent, the maturing of your souls and the attainment of the final aim is also guaranteed to you, for you have handed yourselves over to Me, you no longer walk alone and ignorant of the right path but you have entrusted yourselves to the right guide Who Himself wants you to reach the aim and Who can only use no resistance in order to safely guide you upwards. Then I will truly not let you go astray, and even if you are sometimes inclined to stray from the right path, even if you often run the risk of being lured away onto a broad but dangerous path.... I will never let you go astray again. I will never allow it again once you have chosen Me as your leader and thus granted Me the right to take care of you and protect you from My adversary's attacks, who will indeed still pursue and tempt you but whom I will ward off as soon as you are in danger of succumbing to him. Once you have made a covenant with Me this means that you will hardly be able to detach yourselves from Me yourselves because My love keeps you bound.... Unless you rebel against Me and forcibly tear yourselves away from Me.... Then I will not hold you, for your will is free.... But you no longer have to fear this, you who gave yourselves to Me of your own free will and in the depths of your heart.... you who consciously want to serve Me, who therefore can no longer detach yourselves from Me because you have a living faith in Me.... Anyone who has once attained living faith is Mine and will remain so. And this person places himself completely into My hands.... he is indissolubly bound to Me and will also remain so for all eternity.... And even the most severe strokes of fate cannot detach his soul from Me, even though the body is unable to offer any resistance and seems to be overwhelmed by hostile forces.... But the soul is and remains Mine, its aim was Me, and therefore it will never lose Me again....
Translated by Doris Boekers
5934 Resurrection....
April 18, 1954: Book 64
Be glad and rejoice for He has risen from the dead....' These were the words of My Own and they believed in Me that I was Jesus Christ, the Anointed of the Lord, that I was really and truly God and had redeemed the world through My crucifixion. I had risen from the dead.... Thereby I had given them the evidence of the truth of My Words: 'Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up....' I had broken the power of death.... However, My resurrection was only meant to be the evidence for people that life does not end with the death of the body.... They should learn to believe in life after death, and therefore I allowed people to witness what every single soul will have to expect after its earthly demise. For everyone lacked this faith, even the priests and scribes referred to the prophets' death as evidence that even the most pious people will ultimately fall prey to death.... For they had no idea about the consequences of people's conduct, they doubted the resurrection of the soul, and therefore the teachings of the man Jesus were incomprehensible and inconvenient for them. And I wanted to clearly show people the spiritual consequences of following My teachings....
I was Lord over life and death.... During My life on earth I raised the dead and yet, people didn't believe that I had power over life and death.... And so I proved it to them, using Myself, that I was also Lord over death.... that life cannot be taken from that person who has already gained it spiritually, even if his earthly life is taken away from him....
But I also raised the physical body as a sign that nothing earthly adhered to it anymore, that it was also spiritualised and thereby had the inherent strength to arise in spiritual form.... Nothing earthly clung to My body anymore, as it had purged itself completely through appalling pain, because everything of an earthly nature had changed itself into spirit and this spirit was subsequently able to arise fully alive.... For this reason the body was able to emerge from the grave, for nothing kept it on earth....
The whole of humanity was intended to be informed of this process that, as well as why, it was possible to come back to life after physical death, for on this information.... on this faith in My resurrection.... also depends the faith in My divinity, the faith in My mission on earth as the Son of God, and, as a result of fulfilling this mission, they would attain complete union with God....
I have really and truly arisen from the dead and visibly showed Myself to My Own.... and thereby I proved to people that I had conquered death as a human being, that the one who had brought death into the world did not have the power to keep My body on earth, which, through the act of Salvation, was already clothed in a spiritual garment.... And this act of Salvation was made for the whole of humanity.... Consequently, no soul can be kept back by My adversary which - having been redeemed by My crucifixion - has escaped his power.... It need not fear death; it will arise to eternal life and can be jubilant and rejoice, for it knows that its Redeemer is alive and that He will give life to everyone who believes in Him and His resurrection....
Translated by Heidi Hanna
5935 Power of the spirit in the end time....
April 19, 1954: Book 64
All of you who believe shall experience the strength of the spirit, for the end is approaching. You will still need much strength during this time and therefore I will obviously grant you My help because you believe and so that your fellow human beings' faith will also be strengthened, so that they will offer resistance to My adversary's onslaught. All of you who live in the last days will have to endure much adversity and hardship because the battle between light and darkness is fierce and will have a tangible effect on you humans. For hell with its powers devises everything possible to make My followers fall away from Me.... it devises everything possible to incite people against each other and to disregard the commandments of love, and it requires much strength and faith to remain faithful to Me in these last days and only ever look upwards from where help will come, as I have promised. And during this time you will all visibly experience My presence, My spirit's travail will touch you, and you will join Me more and more and finally only live your life in closest union with Me and yet also stand in the blessing of this union.... You will be able to work in My name through My spirit, and this means that you need not fear the time ahead of you because you will be able to face everything difficult with the strength of your faith and thus nothing need be impossible for you, nothing need be insurmountable for you. My spirit will work in and through you.... Where a believing circle meets I will also manifestly appear, in that a person filled by My spirit will hear My instructions within himself and will also feel My strength within himself which will then let him carry out what My spirit announces to him. And you will urgently need such strengthening and comforting, for you will be despondent in view of the events and unable to find help elsewhere, for you, My believers, will be ostracized for the sake of your faith. And yet, this time must come so that what is written will come true, that all who believe in Me will be in distress.... But I will help you, and as soon as you have firm, unshakeable faith this time will also pass you by like a difficult dream, because you will be able to banish the adversity yourselves by virtue of your faith. Therefore only seek to attain profound faith.... live in love so that your faith will be strengthened and let yourselves be filled with My spirit.... for it is powerful and if it works in you, you will live and never lose your life again....
Translated by Doris Boekers
6232 Good Friday.... love....
April 8, 1955: Book 67
Love is able to do everything.... love endures the greatest suffering, it endures the greatest pain, because love gives strength to do so.... Therefore only love could make atonement for humanity's immense guilt of sin, which required an equally great atonement for the sake of divine justice.... For never would a being without love have been able to endure what the human being Jesus endured for sinful humanity in order to redeem it. Nor would there ever have been the will to do so where there was no love.... And thus Jesus' act of salvation and God's incarnation are also understandable, that God.... as eternal love.... embodied Himself in a human being in order to accomplish precisely this work of redemption.... and that God therefore allowed Himself to be crucified in order to redeem people.... Love took full and complete possession of a human being.... or also: a human being unfolded love in Himself to the highest fervour, and then the man Jesus endured the greatest suffering and torment with a heart full of love in order to thereby bring redemption to His sinful fellow human beings from their guilt of sin. It was a work of immense love, for the torments the man Jesus took upon Himself were immeasurable, which He endured until the hour of death, fully consciously and without the slightest resistance. He would certainly have been able to end His suffering in His abundance of power and strength, which was characteristic of Him through love. He truly could have reduced the extent of His suffering because God's strength was in Him as a result of His love....... Yet He suffered voluntarily because this was the only way people could find redemption from the immense guilt they would have incurred as a result of satan's bondage, from which Jesus wanted to liberate them. Jesus, the human being, suffered the most dreadful physical and mental torments which could only be endured through love.... because everything is possible for love.... You humans have no idea of the magnitude of your guilt, just as you therefore can have no idea of the extent of Jesus' suffering, Who as a pure human being, as a completely sinless being, suffered in a completely different way than you humans, for His soul felt even far greater torments, which had to stay in a sphere which completely contradicted its light and purity.... This will only be comprehensible to you in the spiritual kingdom when you yourselves dwell in the spheres of light and can only then appreciate what it means to have exchanged this sphere for the darkness on earth, where people were burdened with sin and, like devils, pounced on that pure soul.... which patiently endured everything, which did not resist, which took indescribable torments upon itself only to help the oppressed souls bound by satan to become free.... The love of the man Jesus for His fellow human beings was so profound that He voluntarily went to them into the spheres of darkness, for only through love could they become salvation, only God Himself.... the eternal love.... could bring salvation to people. And that is why 'love' embodied itself in the human being Jesus.... God's incarnation can only be explained to you humans in such a way that love Itself descended from above to people, because otherwise no salvation, no liberation from God's adversary's power, was possible. But everything is possible for love, yet the act of salvation had to be visible to people.... it had to be obvious to people what sinful humanity was capable of and what love, on the other hand, was able to do.... A pure human being had to die on the cross in dreadful agony but this sacrificial death was taken upon himself voluntarily and out of love for people who thereby find redemption if they want the act of salvation to have been offered for them as well.... For love died for all people, it redeemed the guilt of all people.... Love was victorious over satan, who is devoid of love and therefore powerless where only the weapon of love is used in battle....
Translated by Doris Boekers
6233 Suffering and dying....
April 9, 1955: Book 67
My suffering and death on the cross could not be avoided, I had to empty the cup completely, I had to take everything upon Myself if the act of Salvation for you humans, to redeem you from all guilt, was to be accomplished.... Only the knowledge of your pitiful state persuaded Me to make this self-sacrifice because My heart was filled with love for you.... and this love wanted to prevent the appalling fate which awaited you after the death of your body.... Because I knew of this appalling fate, since My eyes could witness the blissfulness of the kingdom of light as well as the suffering and torment in the realm of darkness, and since My love was for you as My fallen brothers I searched for a solution to avert your dreadful fate.... I accepted all the guilt Myself and carried it on the path to the cross....
Whatever had been physically done to Me was more than less just a symbol of what the entire burden of sin meant to Me, an immensely arduous, painful and suppressing burden, which made Me fall time and again and which I nevertheless carried with utmost love.... I took upon Myself all the pain My body could endure, for I carried the burden of sin on your behalf, I wanted to accomplish the atonement which you irrevocably would have had to make.... which you would have been eternally unable to do.... I suffered and fought, I truly sweated blood, I looked into all pits of hell, and fear and horror tore My soul apart.... I endured everything you would have had to endure yourselves.... And My love for you gave Me the strength to endure until the hour of death.
There is no comparison for My torment, no human being could have suffered to this extent.... But I had offered Myself voluntarily because I knew that only in this way could you be released from Satan's chains.... I already knew in advance what to expect and carried this burden around with Me too, I consciously took the path which would finally lead to the cross, but I suffered terribly because of My knowledge and therefore could never be joyful amongst My Own.... I saw the tragedy imposed on the souls, I saw the futility of their earthly life if I had failed and not brought them salvation from sin and death....
And this knowledge strengthened My will so that I accepted My fate without resistance, which has was the purpose and objective of My life on earth.... But right up to the end I had to make a great effort, right up to the end the burden on Me had increased so tremendously that I could feel My strength diminishing and thus I called as a human being to God, to let the cup pass Me by.... But the strength of My love was stronger than My human weakness.... And the day of My indescribable suffering and My death on the cross became the day of Salvation from all guilt for you humans.... And the knowledge of this enabled Me to patiently accept everything so that I could finally call out 'It is finished....' And My soul could return from whence it had come, since through My death the complete unification with My Father, from Whom I too had once emerged, took place....
Translated by Heidi Hanna
6234 Death and resurrection.... life....
April 10, 1955: Book 67
I walked the path which was marked out for Me, but which I had to travel voluntarily in order to reach the aim.... to be completely united with the father from eternity. I walked the path through death to life.... through darkness to light.... And I proved the light and the life to men through My resurrection on the third day.... I had to suffer death in order to enter into eternal life, for 'life' is only in union with God, Who in Himself is 'eternal life'. It is about far greater things than you humans easily understand by the word 'life'. It is the divinization of that which has been created which has been set as the aim for that which has been created, and in order to achieve this complete divinization, the depths must be overcome, a path must be travelled which leads over death to life.... And death is everything that is far from God.... The path to life is the path to God.... and since once the created 'fell' in plurality, it must now 'resurrect'.... And it must return from darkness to light.... it must emerge from the night of the grave in which it languished for eternity and step out into the light of day. I have risen from the dead, I have given you humans the proof that you too can rise to life, even though you suffer earthly death.... I have proven to you that death can be overcome, that you can all step out of the night of death into the light of day if you follow Me.... if you live as I lived on earth: if you lead a life of love.... For then you will strive to come closer to God, then unification with God can take place, and then there can no longer be death for you, because you have united yourselves with 'life' after all but still have to discard the earthly body which is only a hindrance to you for a life in freedom and bliss.... Thus you have to die earthly, your soul emerges from the grave which previously kept it locked up; it enters radiantly into the kingdom which is its true home.... it rises from darkness to light.... what happened to Me will also happen to you, and therefore you need no longer fear death, because I have taken away all its terrors.... I rose from the dead on the third day, made visible to My disciples, who were to behold My spiritualized body, so that they themselves might believe and go into all the world proclaiming that I live.... But before My crucifixion people still remained in the abyss after their death, the path had not yet been cleared for their entry into the kingdom of light, and therefore I also had to descend into the abyss after My death and also build the bridge from there upwards into My kingdom, and all souls which languished in the abyss were allowed to follow Me. My love also called them to follow Me.... The day of resurrection had also come for the souls in the depths, they too could attain life through My act of salvation.... For death was overcome through My work of love, and all souls will rise to eternal life who, like Me, seek union with the father from eternity....
Translated by Doris Boekers
6235 Struggle time before the end.... afflictions....
April 11, 1955: Book 67
You will still have to fight a difficult battle against yourselves and also against your enemies.... you will be so oppressed from outside that you will find it difficult to give up everything, and therefore you will also have to struggle with yourselves so that earthly matter does not become a disaster for you.... that you give up Me for its sake.... For you would make a bad exchange, because it will only last a short time when your body has to live in want and in miserable conditions.... For I shorten the days for My own sake, because I know that they need much strength to stand firm against their enemies. And then they will receive the reward for their faithfulness.... Therefore I warn and admonish you humans not to let yourselves be oppressed, no matter what may come over you.... All this must precede, and so the decision must also be demanded of you; but then you should also know that the end will soon be there, that I will come to fetch you.... and that this very test of faith will mark you as My own.... Therefore always remember that people can indeed kill the body but not your soul, and if you firmly believe this your body will also endure everything and I will give you the strength so that it will not feel as it appears to other people. It will certainly be a battle you wage against yourselves, yet only until you immerse yourselves in My word.... until you let Me Myself speak to you.... Then a wondrous calm and strength will flow through you, and then you will not hesitate for a moment anymore, you will surrender what is demanded of you, but you will defend your faith with words which My spirit gives you.... You will no longer feel fear but be My confessors with a joyful heart as soon as the confession for Me and My name is demanded.... But therefore I admonish you to let Me speak to you first as often as possible.... I therefore admonish you so that you already store up strength within yourselves, so that you don't get into inner distress first, so that you know what lies ahead of you and already detach yourselves from everything in your heart which will nevertheless be taken away from you if you want to remain faithful to Me. You truly have nothing to fear if your heart belongs to Me completely; only for the lukewarm this battle is difficult, and to them I therefore speak urgently that they should prepare themselves for the time of battle when it is a matter of proving loyalty to Me or of denying Me for the sake of the world and its goods.... You, too, will have to take the path of the cross, yet you, too, can become conquerors of death, for My love will always helpfully stand by your side as soon as you are willing to testify for Me. Yet again and again I must point out to you that it will be a battle, that you may not effortlessly acquire the palm of victory.... but that you are capable of surviving the battle and therefore should only prepare yourselves, that you should remain in constant contact with Me and then also constantly draw strength to endure until the end. You, who are allowed to receive My word, you are blessed, for you constantly receive strength, and you can also pass on the word with its strength.... Then you will have to make a special effort to also come to the aid of the weak, to lift them up and to make them understand the significance of a decision for or against Me.... You will be specially trained for this time of battle and you need not fear any failure because you have offered yourselves as fighters for Me and I Myself will fight by your side.... But you must be restlessly active to represent Me and My word beforehand, you must prove yourselves as My true servants on earth who only ever carry out their lord's order and proclaim Me and also the near end.... You must willingly let yourselves be guided and recognize everything as My guidance.... And your work will be blessed and bear fruit in the coming time of battle. You yourselves will rule your office full of strength and distribute strength in the richest measure to all who listen to you and want to remain faithful to Me....
Translated by Doris Boekers
6513 Atonement of guilt through Jesus Christ....
March 30, 1956: Book 70
Taking humanity's suffering upon Myself was indescribably difficult.... There was not one bad deed which did not have to have an effect on people, and you would have had to suffer immeasurably if you yourselves had had to remove every sin weighing heavily on you. The sin of the former rebellion against God was so immense by itself that you would have been unable to atone for it, neither in your constrained nor in the human state.... For this reason I took all your guilt upon Myself, I collected the result of every evil deed and burdened My human body with it, which then atoned for your guilt by suffering an extremely painful death on the cross.... I was moved by My love to help you.... And all the spirits of light, all first created entities who remained loyal to Me, were filled by the same love for you.... Love, however, will never let anything go astray, love will not leave anything in darkness, distress and agony.... Love offered Itself for the deliverance, for the redemption of the immense guilt.... Love Itself descended to earth in an entity filled with light and love.... But the forthcoming events on earth had to take place in a human form; Love had to take on a human garment, I had to embody Myself in the flesh and therefore took abode in the human being Jesus, Who was nevertheless so pure and without sin that I was able to manifest Myself in Him.... And this human being Jesus made
Amends for your guilt, Jesus the man took humanity's enormous burden of sin upon his shoulders and walked with it to the cross....
Even if the inhuman suffering were described to you many times, you would be unable to comprehend its profundity because your nature's imperfection would prevent it.... His suffering was incomparably severe, and He knew of this well in advance since He was filled by My spirit, because I Myself had taken abode in Him. Consequently He knew everything, He knew about His mission as well as His crucifixion. His soul trembled and shook because He was a human being, and although the Divinity He had achieved due to His love certainly gave Him strength, it did not diminish the extent of suffering.... A human being walked to the cross Who wanted to suffer on behalf of His fellow human beings in order to help them. Because this human being knew about the immense suffering of those who were held captive in the abyss by My adversary.... Jesus knew that a sacrifice had to be made in order to purchase the souls from this opponent.... He knew that the immense guilt of sin had to be atoned for to satisfy the Father's justice, Who could not admit any child burdened by guilt into the parental home.... He wanted to return My children to Me, He wanted to pay the purchase price for the souls.... And since the guilt was enormous, the sacrifice also had to be exceptionally momentous....
And for this reason Jesus the man knowingly accepted the suffering, for this reason He allowed what was done to Him and what no other human being except Him could have endured.... He consciously walked the path to the cross and suffered indescribable torment which ultimately ended with a most painful death on the cross.... You humans are still unable to appreciate the magnitude of this act of compassion but you should always remember that He was completely innocent and suffered on behalf of you, who could never have returned to the Father from the abyss without His act of Salvation.... I Myself was within Jesus the human being, He was full of love because He could never have done this task without it. However, I had to remain silent during the most painful hours of His path of suffering because a human being had to suffer and die, since the Divinity within Him could not suffer, but according to divine justice the Divinity within Him could not redeem any guilt without atonement either.... One day you will be able to understand the full depth of what is still inconceivable to you, and then you, too, will be able to participate in this greatest act of mercy. Due to His human existence Jesus the man lived in your realm and His soul, having descended from the kingdom of light, suffered terribly because it had looked into the deepest darkness and was besieged by the forces of hell.... Thus Jesus the human being not only suffered physically but endured the most intense torments of soul which increased His suffering a thousand fold.... However, He brought you humans salvation from sin and death....
Translated by Heidi Hanna
6514 Resurrection into life....
March 31, 1956: Book 70
People shall arise from the dead into life.... They shall emerge from their graves and ascend to the light, they shall escape death and then become capable of being powerfully active, i.e., 'of living'.... I died on the cross for you humans and with My resurrection on the third day gave you the evidence that I had overcome death, that there need not be eternal death, that you therefore can also arise from the dead into eternal life if you live your earthly life like Me, if you live a life of love.... Then you will defeat the one who brought death into the world, then you will constantly draw God's strength of love to yourselves and no longer experience a state in which you lack strength and light, then the body can perish and the soul will step out of its shell into radiant light, it will arise from its grave and live forever.... I walked a bitter path of suffering on earth and was often afflicted by fear that I might fail, for I knew about My mission which made Me descend to earth as the spirit of an angel.... The human shell weighed heavily upon Me and often caused Me to doubt the power of My will and My strength.... The human shell made me fearful and disheartened, nor was I spared inner conflicts and suffering, even before I already suffered unspeakably as a result of these occasionally emerging fears that I might not be able to cope with My mission.... Yet My love for My fellow human beings grew and so did the strength. I knew that I had to struggle as a human being and had to be victorious were I to help people become free from the adversary's control since I, after all, expect them to take the same path so that they will be able to arise from the dead into life, but that they would never have been able to take the path of a God in their encumbering sinful nature....
Therefore I was indeed without sin, i.e., My soul came from above, but My body was of the same substance as that of My fellow human beings and thus I also had to fight against all cravings, weaknesses and oppressing states for which there was only one antidote: love.... For this reason you humans can likewise emerge as victors from this earthly life, if you live a life of love like Me, for love is the strength which achieves everything, which cannot be resisted by anything.... And I demonstrated this strength to you by My resurrection on the third day.... My soul emerged from the tomb and took all spiritualised substances of the body along.... which is a process every soul goes through, only that this process, because it is purely spiritual, cannot be seen by people on earth.... this is why I Myself let this resurrection proceed visibly in order to provide you humans with the evidence of a resurrection into eternal life after death. Therefore no person needs to fear his body's death, for only the shell passes away but the essence continues to exist.... The soul escapes from the body and enters into eternal life, providing it takes the path of following Me, the path of love.... My resurrection on the third day was the crowning glory of My act of love and mercy on earth which was indeed tremendously difficult for Me as a human being, but the human part of Me had thereby achieved complete unity with the Divine.... which is everyone's goal in earthly life but which you would never have been able to achieve without My help. I exemplified the right kind of life for you and.... because you were too weak to implement it.... through My crucifixion acquired for you the blessings for strengthening your will, of which all of you can avail yourselves in order to reach your goal with certainty.... You need not fear death, for you will arise again just as I arose on the third day.... And you will be able to enter a life of glory, yet you must have the will.... otherwise the night of death can still keep you captive for a long time.... Your Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ, however, will lift you out of your graves as soon as you call upon Him....
Translated by Heidi Hanna
6809 Experiencing the work of redemption in the hereafter....
April 19, 1957: Book 73
No matter how the suffering and agony of My crucifixion and My death on the cross are described to you, you cannot measure the work of mercy and love I have accomplished for you.... But one day you will also be allowed to witness it, one day you will be able to experience everything for yourselves in retrospect, and only then will My infinite love be revealed to you which motivated Me to accomplish this act of salvation. For as soon as you have reached a certain degree of light there will no longer be any concept of time for you, and thus you will also be able to experience the past as present.... And you will be overwhelmed by an event which no human mouth is capable of reproducing and which no human intellect would be able to grasp if it were also described to you correctly. For the sufferings and torments were immeasurable.... because I, although human, suffered unspeakably from the filth of sin, which contradicted My pure, divine nature.... As a human being I nevertheless harboured the fullness of the eternal deity within Myself, thus I could not at the same time grant access to the adversary, who, however, approached Me via My tormentors and therefore caused Me to defend Myself to the utmost, so that My body and soul had to suffer torments which you humans cannot comprehend because the contrast between immaculateness and sin is hardly comprehensible to you.... My body, however, was still earthly oriented, it felt all sufferings and torments in excess, the soul resisted its oppressors and multiplied the torments many times over, (suffered the torments even far more), for it looked into the deepest hell, it faced the greatest depravity, it saw into abysses which made it shudder, and all its fears and terrors were still transferred to the body, so that truly every other human being would not have had to suffer the death of the cross, because he would have already lost his earthly life under the hands of his tormentors.... Yet I also took pity on them, for I knew that they were under My adversary's control and thus were acting out against Me on his behalf. And therefore I wanted to take upon Myself the greatest measure of suffering, therefore I wanted to complete the act of salvation in order to also bring salvation to those, in order to also release those from his control.... What took place on the day of My crucifixion on earth takes place again and again in the spiritual kingdom, evident to all souls which stand in the light and again and again praise My love and mercy in view of the sacrifice of atonement for the whole of humanity.... But not that the process is constantly repeated, but that all spiritual beings full of light experience the past retrospectively as present.... that past, present and future are apparent to them at all times, because there is no longer any limitation for the being of light, thus also every concept of time is switched off.... Even if you humans on earth try to imagine the work of mercy of the man Jesus it will only ever be a weak comparison to what you will one day be able to experience yourselves.... For you can certainly visualize the external events but not the nameless suffering which Jesus' soul had to endure and which only becomes comprehensible when a soul stands in the light and knows about the horrors of darkness.... when it knows what it means to have to exchange the kingdom of light with the kingdom of darkness and to now be at the mercy of all demonic powers. The soul of the man Jesus came voluntarily from the kingdom of light and sought to compensate for all counter-influences with love.... But even this love could not prevent the adversary from taking possession of His body, from testing all the powers of hell on Him. And therefore He patiently took upon Himself even the most severe suffering: He took the path to the cross.... He endured abuse and maltreatment and forced His soul and body to endure until death on the cross. For the burden of humanity's sins was immeasurably great, and therefore the work of atonement also had to be immeasurably painful. I Myself was in the man Jesus, I Myself gave Him the strength but I did not determine His will, only that I, as love dwelling in Him, was the strength which enabled Him to carry out the sacrifice on the cross. And therefore the sacrifice on the cross is not to be judged as a human work but it was offered for you humans by Me Myself in Jesus Christ.... And therefore you will only be able to grasp the great significance and the immense suffering when you yourselves experience it in retrospect in the spiritual kingdom in order to then also praise and glorify the one Who redeemed you from sin and death....
Translated by Doris Boekers
6810 Resurrection on the third day....
April 20, 1957: Book 73
To what extent you humans acknowledge My act of Salvation determines whether you believe in life after death, in a resurrection from the grave into the kingdom of the beyond. Because the act of Salvation, My suffering and crucifixion, found its culmination in the resurrection on the third day, which was meant to verify all My earlier teachings. It was meant to provide people with the evidence that life is not over when the body dies but that spiritual life begins once a person lives in accordance with My teaching. Admittedly, My resurrection is doubted and only taken notice of as a myth.... And neither can it be proven, such teachings can only be believed or rejected. This belief is also a result of My act of Salvation or an indication that the person is redeemed by Jesus Christ.... because he believes in Him as the divine Redeemer and therefore also utilises the blessings of the act of Salvation. However, the fact that My body visibly vanished from the grave does not mean that ‘the flesh’ had risen from the dead, instead My physical shell had completely spiritualised itself due to My suffering and crucifixion. It was the spiritual garment the soul had put on, which I only made visible to people in order to show them that death had finally lost its fear because I had conquered it. My life on earth intended to show people the path that leads from the abyss to the pinnacle....
To every one of My teachings I attached the promise that eternal life would await them.... But I required faith in Me in Jesus Christ.... Yet I found little of it, and even My disciples had little faith, and they were frightened to death when I handed Myself over to My enemies.... Their faith was not yet strong enough to believe that I was also Lord over death, consequently they did not remember My Words that ‘I will rebuild this temple in three days....’ Every one of My closest followers was seized by great sadness, something had fallen apart for them when they had to witness My death on the cross.... I wanted to help them, I wanted to strengthen their faith again and at the same time provide them with the evidence that I Am Lord over life and death....
For this reason I made something visibly take place which, however, is granted to all souls.... that they cannot die but wake up in another kingdom, which is in accordance to their life on earth. The soul leaves the body but this, still being immature, stays behind. Therefore a person has no proof of a resurrection after death and neither can it be given to him, on account of his freedom of will. But I was able to resurrect My body simultaneously because its substances had spiritualised themselves, and thus My resurrection on the third day need not be doubted. However, not all people were able to see Me, I only appeared to My Own because I had announced My resurrection on the third day to them, and because their degree of maturity allowed for it.... But those who found My tomb empty looked for many other reasons to explain the disappearance of My body, and therefore they were not compelled to believe. I had risen from the dead.... People had only been able to kill My body, and even this was no longer subject to natural law after My crucifixion, for it was liberated from all constraints....
But a human being on earth only rarely achieves the degree of maturity which enables the body’s substances to align themselves with the soul after the earthly death of the body, and therefore the belief in a resurrection is extremely fragile or associated with wrong concepts. Therefore it has to be preceded by the redemption through Jesus Christ, because someone who is still burdened by the guilt of sin is still completely under control of My adversary.... And he will suppress every thought of a possible resurrection, he will only ever influence the human being in a negative sense and thus also portray My act of Salvation and My resurrection as implausible to them. The fact that the resurrection on the third day took place all the same will hardly be doubted by anyone who whole-heartedly professes Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation, since My spirit will tell him so. And thus his thoughts will be guided correctly by Me, since I can work through My spirit in every person who has found his way back to Me in Jesus Christ. He will not taste death anymore either, because he will enter into the life which Jesus Christ promised him.... He escaped death because he escaped the one who brought death into the world. And he escaped from him because he fled to Me in Jesus Christ. From the moment of his surrender to Jesus Christ he has risen from the dead, only now has he come alive, and he will eternally not lose his life again.
But even the disbeliever will not cease to exist, he, too, will only lose his earthly body and not his soul’s existence, it will merely enter the kingdom of the beyond in a state which is similar to death.... The grave will keep it locked in, and if Jesus Christ Himself does not roll away the heavy tombstone, it will stay there. But the divine Redeemer died for everyone on the cross, and one day the hour of resurrection will come for every soul, because one day it will call for Me in Jesus Christ, and I will not let its call go unheeded.... Then it will rise from the grave and awaken to life, then the darkness of the grave will recede and it may behold the light.... Because I died for all human beings, and even those who rest in their graves will take notice of the fact that I arose from the dead and that I will give life to anyone who desires to live....
Translated by Heidi Hanna
6811 Resurrection of the dead into life....
April 21, 1957: Book 73
Humanity was held in bondage.... and it would never have been released had I not sacrificed Myself to redeem the souls from the one who held them captive. My overwhelming love motivated Me to make this sacrifice, to pay the purchase price which gave me the right to seize the souls from My adversary, providing they themselves wanted to leave him and follow Me. But the sacrifice I made by My crucifixion was intended for all once fallen spirits, it applied to all people past, present and future. It was made for the spiritual essence which has taken, and has yet to take, the path across earth as a human being.
I bought freedom and paid with My blood for every entity that once was pulled into the abyss by My adversary and is kept there in bondage, and no being needs to stay in the abyss any longer against its own will. But it has to yearn to leave the abyss, it has to want to ascend, it has to want to return to Me from Whom it once turned away voluntarily. Hence its former rejection of Me was the cause of its death, because the abyss amounted to complete lack of light and strength for the beings, the state of death.... So that it should rise from death into life, so that the being could rise from its grave and step into new life again, I purchased a life for the dead with My death, and no being need be subject to death forever, every being is able to rise from the dead just as I Myself came back to life on the third day....
But My adversary will want to prevent the beings from escaping his domain and therefore they have to be helped, since they are unable to rise by themselves and My adversary keeps the grave, which engulfs the beings of darkness, tightly locked. But one cry to Me will penetrate even the most impenetrable tombs, one cry to Me in Jesus Christ and I Myself will hasten to help the weak and tormented soul, and My adversary truly cannot stand firm against Me Myself, he has to leave because I paid the ransom and thus he has no further claim on the soul who wants to leave the grave of darkness, the grave of sin and destruction....
Do you now understand the significance of My act of Salvation, of My sacrifice on the cross, which was achieved for the release of the once fallen beings? Do you understand why only your own will can lead to this salvation, why you yourselves have to want to leave the grave before I can roll away the gravestone?
My adversary lays claim to you as long as you grant him this right, as long as you don’t resist the restraint he had put on you, as long as you don’t call for the only One Who can remove this restraint. You only need your will and you will be free.... because you will receive the strength to free yourselves as soon as you acknowledge Me in Jesus Christ, as soon as you desire to be redeemed by Him and request His help. But then My adversary cannot hold on to you any longer, he has to release you, then he has to accept that I roll away the gravestone and help you to rise, for I acquired the right to do so through My death on the cross.... I paid the ransom on your behalf, and therefore it is not irrelevant whether or not you humans on earth acknowledge the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ.... because you are wretched as long as you stay in the grave.... And thus the day of resurrection will sooner or later come for every soul, just as I was resurrected on the third day, and you will live and eternally not lose your life again....
Translated by Heidi Hanna
6812 Indicating the end of an era....
April 22, 1957: Book 73
You will all enter a new stage of development, for one period of Salvation will come to an end and a new one will start again. It has been said to you many times already without finding credence amongst people. And yet it is of greatest significance that you believe in it, because you will decide for yourselves as to whether you will advance or regress in your development, and because you will be affected by two entirely different destinies: exceedingly lovely and glorious or incredibly painful. Life will no longer go on as monotonously as before.... the upheaval approaching you will be so great that you will be unable to imagine it and thus you will live on indifferently although it is pointed out to you time and again. But you won't believe what My messengers proclaim to you and one day will bitterly regret that you did not accept and comply with the advice given to you. My Word is the only way to draw your attention to it, consequently I keep talking to you through a human mouth and only want to find enough belief so that you will become thoughtful and give account to yourselves about your way of life. But who listens to My Word? Who recognises it as the Father's voice Who wants to save His children from ruin? People's spiritual pride is so great that they overestimate their own thinking, that they don't want to accept anything, they don't believe to need any instructions and are satisfied with dead teachings which have lost all sanctifying strength. And those who claim to be My representatives on earth have too little contact with Me themselves, otherwise they would be able to hear the same Words from Me and would let Me speak through their mouths, in which case they would proclaim the same to their listeners as I announce time and time again: that you are facing a significant turning point, earthly and spiritually....
You humans plan far in advance, you create and work as if you had an infinitely long time at your disposal.... You don't want to believe in the conclusion of an era which is nevertheless approaching you shortly. Thus you are tirelessly active in an earthly sense.... But what are you doing for your souls? Why don't you consider it in the same way since you know, after all, that you will have to die one day and you cannot take any of your earthly possessions with you into the kingdom of the beyond? But since I tell you that all people's lives will come to a sudden end it should prompt you into working harder at improving your souls and make you realise the futility of earthly hunting and striving.... But you do not believe and cannot be forced into this belief. Even so, you shall hear it time and again from Me through My messengers who bring you My Word.... You shall not be able to say that you remained without knowledge; you shall not be able to say that you were taken by surprise, thus time and again people will cross your path admonishing and warning you, and the happenings surrounding you will also contribute towards making you thoughtful.... And blessed is he who takes notice of it and prepares himself for a change that will occur.... He will truly thank Me one day that I pointed the forthcoming out to him.... for the time granted to humanity to attain spiritual perfection has come to an end....
Translated by Heidi Hanna
7083 Good Friday....
April 4, 1958: Book 75
You should always remember My infinite love which motivated Me to accomplish the act of Salvation for you.... Whatever the man Jesus had experienced and endured on earth He had accepted because of His love for His fellow human beings whom He knew were suffering grave spiritual poverty. Even as a man He already knew of humanity's immense guilt of sin and the hopelessness of releasing itself without help. This knowledge was the result of His life of love, and thus He took pity on humanity and wanted to help. However, as a result of His love He also realised that He had to fulfil a mission.... that I Myself had sent Him to earth to serve Me as a vessel, and thus I Myself could accomplish the act of Salvation in Him for the redemption of the said immense guilt of sin.... And in accordance with this mission His life on earth progressed.... a life of untold difficulties and pain which first had to mature Him and which His soul experienced simply because of His association with sinful people, because His soul had descended from the kingdom of light into darkness.
But first the earthly shell which enclosed the soul had to be purged by these pains and difficulties, by always resisting the lusts and passions which adhered to it in order to become a worthy receptacle for Me Myself, but Who then completely and utterly permeated Him and thus became as one with Him.... And now His real mission began: to bring light to the people, to proclaim the truth to them, to preach the Gospel of love and thus to show and exemplify the path which they had to take as well if they wanted to enter the kingdom of light and bliss after their death.... in order to finally conclude His earthly path with an incomparable act of mercy.... with His most bitter suffering and the excruciating death on the cross as sacrifice for humanity's guilt of sin.... And this mission was indeed accomplished by a human being but I Myself was in this human being, I Myself, Eternal Love, accomplished the act of Salvation, because only love was able to make such a sacrifice, only love could suffer the torments of the cross, and only love could find the strength to patiently endure in complete consciousness until His death.... And although the man Jesus exclaimed on the cross the words 'My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me....' it was, after all, only a declaration that the Deity within Him did not compel Him to His action but that the human being Jesus voluntarily offered the sacrifice on behalf of His fellow human beings, that the love within Him motivated Him to continue but that It did not inhibit His freedom of thought and action. Jesus, the man, took humanity's entire burden of sin on His shoulders and walked with it to the cross....
Not one of you can understand the full meaning of these Words.... Although I Myself accomplished the act of mercy, because without love the man Jesus would not have been able to take the extent of pain and suffering upon Himself.... yet at the same time the 'Deity' could not suffer and thus the level of pain and suffering had to be endured by a soul capable of suffering, by a human being Whose body was sensitive to pain and Who thus made
Amends in this way for what had caused the whole of humanity to become guilty before God. And His soul also suffered beyond words since it came from the kingdom of light and experienced the darkness on earth as indescribable torture.... The man Jesus was 'My Son, in Whom I was well pleased....' He was devoted to Me in every sense, with all His love, He lived amongst sinful people and His soul ceaselessly searched for Me, His God and Father of eternity, His love forced Me to flow into Him incessantly, and thus unification between human and God could take place, i.e. 'God's human manifestation' could proceed in absolute lawful order. For I could never have chosen to take abode in a human shell which was not pure love because I Myself cannot unite with something impure....
And every immature substance became spiritualised through the suffering of the man Jesus.... and at the same time the whole of humanity was released from the guilt of sin because one human being had sacrificed Himself for love on behalf of His fellow human beings. The man Jesus glorified Me Myself through His death, and I glorified Him by choosing Him as the eternally visible outward appearance for Myself.... by becoming a visible Deity in Him for all My created beings who make themselves worthy of 'Seeing God'. As long as you live on earth you can forever visualise My infinite love which had helped you to become liberated through the act of Salvation.... but you will only understand the complete profoundness of this act of mercy when you have entered the kingdom of light yourselves, when the light of realisation permeates you once again as it did in the beginning.... Then you yourselves can participate too, you will experience it as reality and only then understand My infinite love which did whatever needed to be done to regain its children who once went astray due to the immense guilt of apostasy from Me....
Translated by Heidi Hanna
7084 Faith in a mission of the man Jesus....
April 5, 1958: Book 75
In order to be able to believe in Jesus Christ and His work of redemption, in a mission of the man Jesus and its execution, scientific research or intellectually acquired knowledge is not sufficient, for His mission was a spiritual one, and spiritual things cannot be fathomed or proven intellectually. The man Jesus certainly walked the earth like any other human being, for even those unusual phenomena which sometimes accompanied His birth and His earthly life can now only be believed.... They can be explained by opponents as natural today as they were then, as far as credible evidence for such phenomena still exists. Yet this, too, was planned by Me, precisely because faith in Him and His act of salvation should not necessarily be achieved but has to be a free matter of will for every individual person. This faith could be gained under certain preconditions and, as long as the earth exists, it will again and again demand these preconditions.... precisely because it concerns the spiritual maturing of the soul, the final release from My adversary. And thus people will be able to be introduced at any time to knowledge which precisely has Jesus Christ's act of salvation as its most important content.... and it will always be possible for people to gain a living faith in that which is dismissed with ever greater zeal as a legend, for which such evidence can also never be produced which forces people to believe in Jesus Christ.... Again and again I will work amongst people in the spirit.... But such working of the spirit will also always not be allowed to be one hundred percent proof for fellow human beings. Spiritual knowledge will only ever be believed and understood by those people who strive spiritually themselves, who awaken their spirit within themselves to life and who then truly no longer need proof and yet are full of inner conviction. Anyone who approaches the questions concerning Jesus Christ and His act of salvation intellectually will get lost in all kinds of thoughts and will not find his way through. For he only ever tries to fathom human things, he weighs up all pros and cons and in the end is just as ignorant as he was before.... For although he finds evidence for the existence of the man Jesus, for the reasons of His condemnation and His shameful death on the cross.... as long as he does not know about the spiritual motives of His existence on this earth.... as long as he does not believe that I Myself wanted to create and have created a connection in this human being with the whole of humanity.... as long as he lacks any spiritual knowledge at all, it is also completely irrelevant to want to prove the earthly life of the man Jesus or to explain His earthly activity, because it is also completely irrelevant to such people whether He lived on earth or not, whether His existence can be proven historically.... To recognize Jesus Christ as the divine redeemer, as My emissary Who served Me Himself as a cover, is the only decisive factor.... And this mystery cannot be fathomed intellectually but it can easily be understood by people who desire Me, who keep My easy commandments of love. These will awaken the spirit within themselves which gives them light about everything and especially about the act of salvation. And therefore it will be possible at any time to attain full enlightenment about the one Who has to be acknowledged as the 'son of God and redeemer of the world'.... Who has to be acknowledged because He sheltered Me Myself and thus His acknowledgement is also the acknowledgement of Me Myself at the same time, which you once denied Me and therefore also fell into a state of ignorance. The man Jesus fulfils a mission with His earthly life: to atone for your former sin. And as long as this mission of the man Jesus is not recognized, as long as the human being lacks living faith in it, he will remain unchangeably in this state of ignorance, and then it will not be possible for him to change this state intellectually either.... But as soon as he starts to look at everything from a spiritual point of view which requires a life of love true to My commandments.... he will also find the explanation for all events during Jesus' life on earth. Although he will still not be able to 'prove' anything, he will be inwardly fully convinced that he is thinking correctly.... Thus he will believe alive, and then no intellectual thinker, no matter how sharp, will be able to dissuade him from his faith, for then Jesus Christ Himself will help him, then His spirit will work in him as He has promised.... Then the human being's will is turned towards Me Myself in Jesus Christ and he will brightly and clearly recognize what is still hidden from everyone else....
Translated by Doris Boekers
7085 ‘Jesus, my Redeemer lives .... ’
April 6, 1958: Book 75
The spiritual world is rejoicing and glad about My act of Salvation, for that which had taken place on earth is repeatedly revealed anew to all beings of light and they praise and glorify Me as their Saviour from sin and death Who opened the gate into the kingdom of light for them .... They realise the spiritual significance of My suffering and dying, of the crucifixion and the resurrection on the third day .... They know that a ‘resurrection’ is assured to the human race as a result of this greatest act of mercy, that it is not doomed to eternal death and that one day the hour of redemption will strike for all people after an infinitely long time of harshest captivity. And so their gratitude, their jubilation and their love for Me is immeasurable and increases as soon as they participate in the act of Salvation, which they may repeatedly experience again as happening now because in the kingdom of light no time limit exists, and thus they also experience all past and future events as happening in the present. And if people on earth would likewise try to associate with the process of the crucifixion and resurrection, they, too, would derive the greatest blessing from it, and joy and profound gratitude would enter their hearts in view of the fact that I Myself in Jesus Christ delivered you humans from sin and death. For this was a unique process, no human being has ever taken such immense suffering upon himself, and no human being has ever travelled in complete innocence the most bitter path to the cross which ended with His death on the cross, even though people very often come into situations in which the cruelty of fellow human beings presents them with a seemingly unbearable fate. Yet the spiritual processes which also played a part in Jesus Christ’s act of mercy intensified His physical suffering many times over, because the soul was profoundly enlightened and therefore able to understand everything .... both the spiritual adversity, which all people had fallen prey to, as well as the spiritual state of those who tormented Him and carried out this abominable work on Him, who abused his pure body for their appalling cravings and evil instincts, and who He experienced as emissaries from hell. However, He persevered until His death .... And on the third day He arose again in all glory from the grave which was unable to keep Him imprisoned .... And so His resurrection was the culmination of His act of Salvation, for all those who want to let themselves be redeemed through Jesus Christ can rest assured that they, too, will arise from the dead to eternal life .... Although prior to this people’s lives had not come to an end with their physical death either, because the soul cannot die, it exists forever. But whether the state of the soul will then be a state of life or of death entirely depends on the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ .... Only He can give life to the soul, and only He is the gate to life in beatitude .... Therefore, a soul can also enter the kingdom of the beyond in a state of death and will indeed remain in this state until it calls upon Jesus Christ, appealing to Him for life .... ‘And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die …’ The hour of physical death can already be the hour of resurrection for every person, no-one needs to fear his hour of death, because One has conquered death and this One promises life to every person who believes in Him .... And so, even people on earth would be able to rejoice and be glad were they to grasp the whole significance of Jesus Christ’s act of Salvation and take part in it .... Then death would have lost its sting for all people .... and all people could join the light beings’ song of praise ‘He has truly risen .... Jesus, my Redeemer lives .... ’
Translated by Heidi Hanna
7086 Jesus' resurrection took the sting out of death
April 7, 1958: Book 75
Every person's final hour is preordained.... And yet he need not fear it because it is not his actual end, instead, he will arise again.... because his soul will merely discard its earthly shell, which was only a shackle for it in earthly life, and enter the kingdom of the beyond unburdened, providing that its way of life on earth corresponded to My will.... that his soul therefore attained a specific degree of maturity on earth. Thus, there is no end, even though there is death, i.e. a dead state of the soul, the soul will not have perished. This is the reason why I died on the cross and arose on the third day again, so that the human being, that is, his soul, can also experience the resurrection, so that it can arise from the grave and enter the kingdom again, which is its true home. The fact that the soul will not cease to exist is an irrevocable law because.... everything that came forth from Me.... is and will remain imperishable. And the soul is the spiritual being which originated from Me, thus it continues to exist even though the body will die, but the fact that it can arise after its physical death in light and radiance only became possible after My crucifixion and My resurrection, because before this it was still burdened by the original sin of its past apostasy from Me.... There was still darkness, the dark of the grave, which the soul was unable to escape.... the tombstone had not yet been removed by Jesus Christ, the divine Redeemer.... in other words: the atonement for these souls had not been rendered as yet and without atonement the guilt of sin could not be redeemed.... Consequently, there was also darkness in people's souls, they lacked all faith in a resurrection after death, they were engulfed by the bleak night of the grave and death had become a fearful event.... And I rose on the third day from the dead to provide people with the evidence that the body's death is not the end, that the soul will rise again and merely leave the body behind, which is not so spiritualised as yet that it can take it along into the spiritual kingdom as I was indeed able to do because body and soul were clothed in a spiritual garment and the body no longer needed to go through a further maturing process on this earth....
Through My resurrection I wanted to take people's fear of death away, I wanted to prove to them that the soul merely changes location when it discards the earthly body, when the inevitable hour of death strikes. For this reason I have risen from the dead, for I conquered death, i.e. the one who had brought death into the world. And so no person needs to be afraid of the hour of death, for it is only the entrance into the actual life which is everlasting.... Death has lost its sting.... Nevertheless it is necessary that the human being acknowledges My act of Salvation and accepts the blessings I acquired for you through My suffering and dying on the cross.... that he allows himself to be redeemed by Jesus Christ, that therefore his original sin will have been atoned first so that Jesus Christ can subsequently push the tombstone away for the soul to rise from the grave's darkness into bright light, that it thus will enter eternal life.... Anyone who fears the hour of death is still subject to this immense guilt, he has not found salvation through Jesus Christ as yet, he has not released himself from the darkness enshrouding him, he still lays in the grave of his sin, even though his body still lives on earth.... For he will lose all fear of physical death when he has placed himself into My arms, when he sincerely appeals to Me to take care of him at the hour of his death.... For he will blissfully fall asleep in peace with his God and Father, he will leave only his body behind on this earth while the soul will arise, it will ascend to the light, it will not feel the darkness of the grave surrounding it, for Jesus Christ Himself will take its hand and lead it out of its physical shell, He will guide it through the gate of life. And it will know that it, too, has risen from the dead, that it will now live in eternity.... The fact that the human being Jesus rose from the dead is certainly true, and those who believe in Him as the Son of God and Redeemer of the world, as My Emissary in Whom I embodied Myself on earth, will not be afraid of their own hour of death, for Jesus Christ gave them the promise that He will go to prepare a place for those who believe in Him.... Thus they will also be raised to eternal life and He Himself will fetch them as He has promised....
Translated by Heidi Hanna
7318 Good Friday....
March 27, 1959: Book 77
Jesus' walk on the cross and His death on the cross were painful beyond measure.... And should this suffering be made so obvious to you humans that you could grasp it, you would truly perish with horror and be unable to comprehend that a human being could endure such a measure. But it was the strength of love which endured such things for fellow human beings who were under satan's bondage and whom He wanted to liberate from this bondage. The man Jesus, by virtue of His high degree of love, saw the immeasurable suffering of the whole of humanity under satan's rule. And this took pity on Him so that He wanted to take everything upon Himself in order to reduce people's suffering and to clear the way to their heavenly father, Whom they had once voluntarily left and therefore fell into the adversary's hands. He knew about the infinitely great sin of apostasy from God, but just as He also knew that people were never able to make satisfaction for these sins. And thus this inability also meant eternal separation from God, from the father, as Whose children they had once come forth in supreme perfection. In His infinite love for God and also for the fallen brothers He sought to reunite them and was willing to pay the highest price for it.... to offer the act of salvation on the cross as a sacrifice of atonement for the great guilt of the once fallen. But the man Jesus contained a soul from the kingdom of light.... But this soul, in the form of a weak human being, had to accomplish the work of redeeming the guilt, which meant that the magnitude of the guilt was disproportionate to the degree of torment and suffering a human being was capable of enduring, and a human body would never have been able to endure it, what the human being Jesus took upon Himself had He not, through His greater than great love, also possessed a measure of strength which enabled Him to die the most agonizing death on the cross after immense suffering and pain before which would have been enough for any other human being to take his earthly life. But Jesus wanted to suffer for the sake of people, and the strength of His love endured until the end.... But the suffering was immeasurable and incomprehensible to you humans, and only because love offered this sacrifice did God accept it, and He allowed the tormentors to pounce on a pure, sinless human being as emissaries of satan and inflict ever new pain and wounds on Him in order to increase His suffering. It was truly an act of utmost mercy which can only be explained by the fact that Jesus also saw the appalling spiritual hardship people were facing and wanted to redeem them from this adversity. Earthly life will end once but spiritual life will continue, and He overlooked this spiritual life in all its agony and bondage. He knew that there was no longer any salvation from it, that people themselves could not save themselves from it, that the great debt had to be paid first, which people themselves were incapable of doing.... And this knowledge moved Him to His plan of redemption with all its torments and sufferings, with all fear and the most bitter suffering and dying on the cross. Jesus went to His death quite consciously, and precisely the knowledge beforehand increased His suffering many times over, because as a human being He had to endure the same fears and pains and thus had no reduction of them through His divinity.... For the presence of God in Him had not determined His will, which had to decide completely freely until the end, which cost the most bitter struggles and overcoming before the last act of the act of salvation took place. But He had passed the battle, He voluntarily gave His life on the cross, for He had the power to turn everything away from Himself until the end, yet He no longer used this power but suffered and died in excruciating pain in order to accomplish the act of salvation.... to make atonement for humanity before God again and to open the way to the father for it, which until then had been closed to it.... For Jesus' love for His fallen brothers was endless and this love took everything upon itself to bring them help, to redeem them from sin and death....
Translated by Doris Boekers
7319 Easter....
March 28, 1959: Book 77
Even if you take notice of My act of Salvation, of the act of mercy I accomplished on your behalf.... you will be incapable of grasping its full depth and significance, since on account of your imperfection your spirit is still unenlightened and only allows for occasional rays of light to flash up, which enable you to exchange the darkness with a dim light if you empathise with this greatest act of mercy.... if you deeply and inwardly look at the individual stages of My path to the cross and My suffering and dying of the crucifixion and accompany Me on this path with profoundly heartfelt love.... This will enable you to somewhat sense, if only momentarily, My immeasurable love for you which made Me make this sacrifice and you will, as it were, participate in it if your soul puts itself in this position and tries to understand what is incomprehensible to you as a mere human being. I shed My blood for you.... These Words are casually recited and truly not grasped in their profundity.... I bought back the life you lost to My adversary with My blood, with My life, and I truly paid the highest purchase price a human being is capable of paying, for the fullness of love within Me until the hour of death gave Me the strength to patiently suffer all pain and accept the most bitter affliction in order to give you humans the life you had lost back again. I died for you.... For you had deserved this death yourselves due to your past sin of apostasy from God.... that is, you stood in the midst of death, you lacked the life for which you were created.... Therefore you also lacked the bliss, for only 'life' is bliss. And I wanted to return this bliss to you and thus had to purchase your life with the greatest sacrifices only a loving human being was capable of making. However, even I found this sacrifice inconceivably difficult, for My human body was no differently natured than that of any other human being, but the burden of the cross was so heavy that I was only able to carry it with tremendous effort and love and indeed have carried it for you, My fallen brothers.... But words alone cannot describe this burden, and neither can the human being's intellect grasp the magnitude of the sacrifice; only a heart with an abundance of love is able to put itself in this position, and this heart will suffer vicariously and take the path to the cross with Me and make Me immensely happy, because a heart like that is a redeemed victim from My adversary and belongs to Me forever and because it is truly a greater than great joy for Me to know that the sacrifice on the cross was not made in vain for such souls who love Me and endeavour to follow Me. They will indeed be enlightened by a small light, they will have stepped out of the spiritual darkness and passed through the first degree of realisation, even though they will only realise the whole significance of My act of Salvation in the spiritual kingdom, but its rays of light already shine and blessed is he who can already live in its radiation while he still exists on Earth.... blessed is he who thus belongs to the redeemed and has become My child through My crucifixion....
Translated by Heidi Hanna
7320 Resurrection on the third day....
March 29, 1959: Book 77
And you all can rejoice, for the Lord has risen from the dead.... Thus it rang out in the kingdom of the spirits as well as with My Own to whom I appeared on the third day when I had left the tomb and showed Myself to My disciples.... Deep sadness had entered their hearts for they had lost what had been their sole purpose in life throughout the time they had spent with Me on earth.
They believed that they had lost Me to death forever, since they did not and could not believe that I would rise from the dead, even though I had informed them of it before. The disciples were still earthly bound in that way and the reality of the earthly world was sobering to them, they were seized by so much fear and lamentation that I wanted to comfort and strengthen them and thus appeared to them after My resurrection.... I had given them the task of going out into the world and proclaiming Me, that is, spreading My divine teaching of love and informing people of the act of Salvation which I had accomplished for all humankind.... But in order to carry out this mission they had to be completely convinced of the truthfulness of their proclamations....
And the act of Salvation also included My resurrection which ultimately was the crowning glory of the work of Salvation, for the people should be informed that I had defeated death, that death need never ever be experienced again by anyone who follows Me, who wants to receive the blessing of My act of Salvation and who thus leads the kind of life that I had lived on earth. Hence he will not need to fear death anymore because I had defeated death and thus also the one who had brought it into the world. And that is why My resurrection was visibly witnessed by people, that is, only by those whose degree of maturity permitted spiritual vision since My body was spiritual, it was no longer a body of flesh and therefore only visible to those who already possessed the ability to see spiritually and to whom I therefore also had announced My resurrection.
The fact that My tomb was empty certainly also surprised the other people, yet they all looked for other explanations than that I had risen from the dead.... And this teaching will simply always require a 'belief' which, however, can be acquired by all people who voluntarily step under My cross, if they want to belong to those for whom I died the most bitter death on the cross. The belief in Me and My act of Salvation simultaneously includes the belief in My resurrection, because a soul having been redeemed by My blood already has the inner certainty of an indestructible life....
The disciples were not yet permeated by My spirit, they were still in the dark after My crucifixion, for their fear did not allow any light. And thus I helped them by means of My visible appearance but which then convinced them so overwhelmingly and made them so joyful and happy that they now thought they could easily carry out their mission and with increased strength wanted to apply themselves to the proclamation of My teaching and My crucifixion as well as My resurrection. In the days after My resurrection I was able to convey instant strength to My disciples, for the salvation of their souls had progressed and they were already able to free themselves from their previous lord, and then they unhesitatingly proceeded with their preaching ministry because they knew that they could no longer die, or that only their body could die but that they would continue to live in My kingdom, and thus death had now lost its sting for them too....
Hence the act of resurrection was more or less first an aid for My Own, whom I had left behind in utmost psychological distress because their faith had still not reached the necessary steadfastness for their task of spreading My Word throughout the world.... But they were meant to speak on My behalf, and therefore they had to also have this convinced faith which only required their complete redemption, but then all My disciples irrefutably possessed this faith so that they were able to be truly devoted proclaimers of My teaching once their mission began....
Translated by Heidi Hanna
7321 The divine cross-bearer Jesus Christ....
March 30, 1959: Book 77
Carry all your burdens and worries under the cross.... As soon as you entrust yourselves to the divine bearer of the cross you will be tangibly relieved of your burden, for He will help you carry it, or He will take the burden from you and throw it into the great burden of sin for which He died on the cross. All you humans make far too little use of this great privilege, you often torment yourselves for a long time and yet you cannot lighten the burden yourselves; but neither do you take the path to Him Who has always promised you His help, Who loves you all and does not want you to suffer. And He has said to you: "Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest...." Again and again you should remember His words and thus go to Him, entrust yourselves to Him in your adversity and then humbly wait for His help, for He will help you because He has promised it to you and because His promises will truly come true. He certainly knows about all your hardship but He demands that you come to Him, that you thereby testify to your faith in His love and power.... He demands your trusting devotion to Him, He Himself wants you to burden Him with your burdens, He wants to carry them for you in order to release you from them, for He can do this as soon as you acknowledge Him as the redeemer Jesus Christ, Who is one with the father, or also: as soon as you acknowledge Jesus Christ as your God and father of eternity, Who walked across the earth for you in the man Jesus in order to redeem you. And every burden is still a sign of guilt, of imperfection, which therefore shall drive you under His cross, because thereby you testify to your faith in Him and then He can rightly release you from the one who oppresses and afflicts you.... Every burden is bearable for you if you are strengthened by Him, the divine bearer of the cross, or if He helps you to carry it. For a small cross is imposed on all of you so that you can follow Jesus. And you must also take this small cross upon yourselves humbly, for it will strengthen your power of resistance and you will become strong fighters against the enemy of your souls, strong fighters for the lord too, by Whose side you will truly not fight unsuccessfully. But He will also not allow the cross to weigh you down, that it rests too heavily on your shoulders, He will always be ready with His strong arms to support you or to take the cross on His shoulders, because His love carefully watches over you so that you don't become the victim of the one who wants to bring you down. Therefore always remember Jesus' words: "Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden.... I will give you rest...." You need not despair hopelessly, you need only always turn to Jesus Christ and entrust yourselves unreservedly to Him, and He will hear you.... He will draw you to Himself in fatherly love, and body and soul will be strengthened by His love and mercy, which only ever seeks to make you happy....
Translated by Doris Boekers
7577 Good Friday....
April 15, 1960: Book 80
Through My suffering and death on the cross you found redemption from sin and death.... I offered the sacrifice for you as a human being, I gave My life in dreadful agony in order to redeem your guilt of sin, in order to open the kingdom of light for you again which was closed to you due to your fall into sin. And this sacrifice was made by love in Me, for this alone was capable of accomplishing such a work of mercy, because love is the strength, because love is God Himself from eternity.... What the man Jesus suffered you humans will never be able to measure, for although I Myself was in Him the human body was not spared the suffering and pain because He wanted to atone for the great guilt for the sake of righteousness.... The sin of the past apostasy from Me was so immeasurably great that the beings themselves could not have atoned for it, even if eternities had passed. For the beings were full of light when they rebelled against Me.... And the man Jesus, by virtue of His immense love, knew about this great guilt, He knew that this sin demanded an immense atonement so that justice would be satisfied.... And He offered Himself as a sacrifice to Me, and I accepted this sacrifice because love offered it, or also: I offered it Myself, I Who am eternal love.... I took abode in the man Jesus, I filled Him with My spirit, with My love, which is strength, and thus the man Jesus also mustered the strength for this work of salvation, which was associated with immeasurable suffering and torment, which corresponded to the magnitude of the guilt.... For He wanted to redeem this guilt of sin, He wanted to make atonement for the sake of righteousness.... He also knew the hardship humanity was in when no help was brought to it, and His soul had offered itself to Me as a sacrifice, His soul had remained with Me when His brothers plunged into the abyss, and His soul offered itself for their salvation because they were no longer able to ascend and because the path of return into the father's house was also blocked for them as long as their great guilt of sin had not been redeemed. The soul of Jesus knew everything.... I had sent My son to earth, I had accepted His offer to make atonement for His fallen brothers.... And He knew about the measure of suffering that awaited Him. But His love impelled Him, His love was for Me and the fallen brothers whom He wanted to bring back to Me again.... He descended to earth and walked the path as a human being, He completely accepted Me into Himself; the love which filled Him more and more.... I Myself.... determined everything He did, for this love was only meant for enslaved humanity which He wanted to release from My adversary's fetters. And so He walked the path of the cross.... the path of suffering and love.... until the time had come when He sacrificed His life for His fellow human beings, until the day had come when He suffered death on the cross in excruciating pain and agony, when He sacrificed Himself on the cross in order to redeem the great guilt of sin which burdened humanity. He suffered unspeakably, unspeakable pain was inflicted on Him by His adversaries who, as My adversary's emissaries, went wild on Him.... They were sufferings which no human being would have been able to endure had He not been sustained by the strength of love.... had not love itself filled Him and given Him the strength to persevere until His death. And this act of love redeemed humanity from eternal death.... God's justice had been satisfied, My love had made the atonement and people were free from their guilt who acknowledge Jesus' act of salvation and want to participate in it.... I Myself took pity on people, I Myself accomplished the act of salvation in the human being Jesus, I chose a human form which took superhuman suffering upon itself so that My act of mercy became evident to humanity, so that it recognized the magnitude of its guilt and now carries its guilt to Him of its own accord Who died for it on the cross.... And since I Myself was thus in this man Jesus, people now come to Me with their guilt and ask Me for forgiveness.... They acknowledge Me as they once refused to acknowledge Me, and they thereby recognize and confess their guilt.... And I accept everyone who carries his guilt under the cross, and for everyone the path to Me is now also free, for everyone the path to the father's house is free, for Jesus Christ has opened the gates which were closed due to the fall...._>Amen
Translated by Doris Boekers
7578 Mental drought....
April 16, 1960: Book 80
The spiritual drought has spread alarmingly and everywhere the influx of the living water is resisted.... And even if My messengers spread My word everywhere, it rarely enters the hearts and fertilises them, it is often only listened to with the ears or read according to the letters, but the heart remains untouched by it. There is great spiritual hardship, the fields lie fallow, no little plant thrives on them because it is not fertilised by the water of life.... And therefore My word also remains dead, it does not awaken to life without love. And people go towards the end. They don't know what this great spiritual hardship means for them, they don't know that the soul must have found life when the human being's physical life has ended, otherwise it will remain in a state of death for endless times again.... The spiritual drought is frightening and yet could be remedied so easily, for I continuously let the living water flow and all places could absorb it and become a Garden of Eden, for My water of life possesses this power to transform arid places into fertile land.... But people feel at ease in the drought, they lack nothing and therefore don't accept anything which could contribute towards a transformation. And My divine flow of love flows constantly, but only a few are under its effect of strength, only a few submerge themselves in this flow of love and recover to new life. But where My flow of love is resisted its strength will also remain ineffective, and the human being will walk along in dry steppe and be unable to draw a refreshing drink from anywhere. For satan walks through the world and prevents people from receiving the blessings of My love.... he represents to them the path that leads to the source.... he presents them with a mirage which they strive towards and never reach the aim.... My adversary determines people's will and they obey him wherever they could resist him. And when My messengers offer the water of life he whispers empty words into their ears and they pay no attention to what My messengers bring them.... And he has this power over people because they are without love, otherwise they would also possess the strength to resist and they would already be helped if their will turned away from him. And in this spiritual adversity I would like to come to their aid again, as I once did when I descended to earth.... I only want to direct people's eyes to the act of salvation, to Jesus' death on the cross, I want them to remember Him and take refuge in Him, Who alone can help them. For I also accomplished the act of salvation for these people, and I would also like to help them to life of the soul, but their own will is required.... They must feel their spiritual drought to be agonizing and long for the water of life, they must call to Me in Jesus Christ, they must take notice of My word and thus allow themselves to be addressed by Me.... They must want the seed to sprout in their hearts and bear fruit. They must want to become blessed, so that they do not remain in death but attain life. They must want to "rise from the dead.".... As soon as this will is fulfilled they will surely escape death, because then I will be able to influence their thoughts, because then they will deal with life after death in their thoughts and because then they will no longer pass by the source of the water of life but the soul will long for the drink which awakens it to life.... And then the spiritual drought will be remedied, then the soul will not need to fear falling prey to eternal death, then it will be fed and watered, it will come to life and will now no longer lose this life eternally...._>Amen
Translated by Doris Boekers
7579 Easter....
April 17, 1960: Book 80
And I rebuilt the Temple again as I had promised.... I arose from the dead on the third day, and My body also left the grave because it was My will that people should take notice of My resurrection. They did not believe in life after death and I wanted to provide them with the evidence that it had also been possible for Me to conquer death so that they would believe My promise that every person who believes in Me will arise into life. For this reason I let the body in its spiritual state arise from the grave, I appeared to My disciples who were able to see as well as touch Me because they should believe that I arose from the dead as I had previously announced. But only those whose spiritual state permitted it were able to see Me, for I was no longer physically among them, instead, body and soul had spiritualised themselves and therefore were only visible to those who were able to behold Me with spiritual eyes because I had opened their spiritual vision. And this, on the other hand, was the reason why people doubted, that they argued and voiced the suspicion that My body had been unlawfully removed.... just as even today My resurrection on the third day is still doubted by those who do not understand the soul and body's process of spiritualisation. People do not believe in a resurrection of the soul and yet, all people will experience the same process, when their body dies, of the soul leaving the body and entering the kingdom of the beyond, for it cannot die, but its state can be entirely different depending on its way of life. Had the latter resulted in maturity, the soul would arise into life.... to a new life in the spiritual realm.... My soul was fully matured, it had united with the Father-Spirit of eternity and during earthly life also knew how to influence the body to adapt to its desire, so that the body would already have attained the spiritualisation of all substances on earth and thus was able to arise after death with the soul, of which I provided the evidence on the third day. Yet even this process can only be believed because it can no longer be proven. But anyone who is spiritually awake, who knows of the human being's purpose and goal on earth, also believes in My resurrection on the third day with convinced faith, for he will be informed by My spirit which, after My resurrection, also illuminated My fully mature disciples who had spiritual vision, because it was My will and because they were already prepared such that the event of the outpouring of the spirit, My ascension, no longer signified a coercion of will. Therefore only a few individual people were able to behold Me after My resurrection and I strengthened these individuals for this unusual event. They saw Me.... and I wanted it this way, because My disciples were meant to go into the world in order to proclaim My Gospel and because they were to bear witness of My resurrection on the third day. However, I did not appear to the unbelievers, for they would not have been able to endure My abundance of light which would have illuminated their spiritual darkness. But anyone who hears My Gospel, who believes in Me and My act of Salvation shall also be able to believe in My resurrection from the dead, and it will indeed be possible for him to believe it because the spirit in him, which emanates from Me, educates him in the same way and grants him a living faith. He will not require any other evidence, inwardly he will be completely convinced that his soul will arise into life, consequently, he will also live his life on earth consciously, he will strive towards unity with Me, he will keep to Jesus Christ and in Him enter into contact with Me Myself.... he will strive spiritually and constantly try to live up to My will.... and he will not need to fear death because he will know that he will arise into eternal life....
Translated by Heidi Hanna
7580 Overcoming death.... resurrection....
April 18, 1960: Book 80
And your life will be a blessed one, for to have risen from the dead is to have overcome him who was once to blame for your wretchedness, who cast you down to the depths.... To be raised from the dead is to have risen from the depths to the heights, to be able to enjoy light and life and to have escaped darkness eternally. And life is unceasing activity.... you will receive strength and be able to create and work in light and freedom, you will enjoy life, for your activity will make you happy, you will be able to create like Me, and what you want will come into being.... As long as you are still bound in form, be it as a human being or in the works of creation, you are still in the state of death, even though as a human being this state is already somewhat relaxed.... even though as a human being you already possess vitality which you only need to utilize correctly in order to attain eternal life. But I first had to buy this eternal life for you with My blood.... I first had to die on the cross for your sins and then rise from the dead on the third day, because I also had to overcome death and the one who brought death into the world. And only now were you able to come to life, which you will never lose again.... But therefore no being will ever be lost, for the act of salvation was accomplished for all people, and therefore the miracle of My resurrection also applies to all people, I overcame death for all people so that all who are still dead in spirit shall attain life. With My resurrection I have proven to people that death need no longer have any terrors, that there is no death, by which is to be understood a complete passing away of the ‘self’.... Every person will come to life one day, and it is only up to him whether he spiritualizes himself during his earthly life, as My soul and also My body did through a life of love. For love is true life, love is the strength which stimulates unceasing activity, and every person who wants to reach life from the state of death has to practice love. Then there will be no death for him either, he will only leave the external shell, he will step out of the grave which meant earthly matter for him, his body of flesh, and he will enter eternal life as a free spirit which can dwell everywhere, which can always be active, which is no longer bound to place and time and which is therefore also inexpressibly blissful...._>Amen
Translated by Doris Boekers
7862 The "bound" shall be redeemed....
April 1, 1961: Book 82
You should open your hearts to My illumination of love from above and you will receive delicious spiritual knowledge, because My love pours into an open heart and thus the flow of My love is synonymous with the 'truth from God' which resounds in you as My word. And thus, as soon as divine truth can be bestowed upon you, you will also most lightfully recognize My once spoken word to you of spiritual meaning.... You will know how I want these words of Mine to be understood:
You are in My adversary's chains as long as you have no faith in the divine redeemer Jesus Christ, for you have become his property of your own free will, he has power over you, you are not free but creatures bound by him.... And if you want to become free again, then you must be redeemed by the one Who is stronger than he is and Who broke his power through His crucifixion, Who redeemed you humans from his power with His blood.... This one, Jesus Christ, has broken the chains, the adversary can no longer offer resistance to this one, since He gave His life on the cross in order to restore freedom to the bound creatures, in order to "redeem" them..... But this 'redemption' could not take place abruptly because every creature which had emerged from My strength and love had its free will which now has to decide for itself whether the creature longs for redemption from its dungeon master, whether it wants to escape from his control. When I appointed My disciples to their ministry, when I instructed them to go out into the world in order to proclaim the gospel to all nations, I instructed them to mention My act of salvation so that people should know that I had descended to earth in order to restore their freedom.... I Myself initiated My disciples into My plan of salvation, I informed them that people were 'bound' and in the adversary's power if they did not take their path to Me, that I would release them from his power.... I instructed My disciples to exercise their ministry and, in turn, to instruct their fellow human beings which path they had to take in order to escape their bondage, in order to become free from My adversary's chains.... for they were supposed to be active in My stead, because I only lived on earth as a human being for a short time, even only with the ultimate aim of redeeming people. But anyone who fully consciously availed himself of the blessings of My act of salvation was prompted by My disciples to change his will, and his return to Me was now also guaranteed, he had taken the right path on earth and this path was now also decisive for eternity.... You humans must understand that you are still 'bound' when you embody yourselves on earth as a human being, and that you take this earthly path in order to find your way out of this bondage. Yet for this reason you must also know that you are bound and who keeps you bound.... And again you must know that there is one Who can bring you release from your bondage and what you must do in order to become free. The knowledge of this is conveyed to you through My word, which My true servants proclaim to you. And these servants must be taught by Me themselves so that they can impart truthful knowledge to you.... And My instruction to these servants will always be to make My will known to people. And whoever listens to these servants and messengers will therefore let them show him the path which leads to freedom.... For My servants will point him to Jesus Christ, Who alone can set them free from the adversary's power, Who can loosen their chains because He broke the adversary's power through His death on the cross.... He alone redeems, He alone sets them free, and it is He Who shall be proclaimed by My servants and representatives on earth. And therefore their work is also blessed, for through their service for Me they can show people the path to freedom who are therefore willing to walk it...._>Amen
7863 (Easter)
Original light from eternity.... Jesus Christ....
My spirit has become effective in you when you enable Me to speak to you, when I convey My word to you and you hear it in your heart as My direct address. And this word shall convey the truth to you which you need in order to become blissfully happy. Everything you need to know will be announced to you through the voice of the spirit. For as long as I cannot teach you Myself you are blind in spirit, that is, you are without all knowledge, you are without inner light. But I am the original light from eternity, and all beingness which has emerged from Me shall move in this light, otherwise it cannot be blissful.... Thus I let My light emanate into infinity; I radiate through all beingness which does not oppose Me.... I let My light shine down to earth, I guide it to people who are lightless at the beginning of their embodiment.... I guide them into truth, into truthful knowledge which also explains their existence on earth and which provides them with information about the meaning and purpose of their life.... And this knowledge means light for them, which emanates from the eternal light and also leads back to the eternal light again. This knowledge is very extensive, for it encompasses My entire plan of salvation, it encompasses the work of My creation, the apostasy of the created and its return to Me.... It is an act of My greater than great love for you that I convey this knowledge to you, that I give you a light again, you who once rejected this light and thereby became darkened in spirit. But you shall not remain in this darkness forever, and therefore I Myself want to illuminate your earthly path on which you can return to Me again.... If you know about your past apostasy from Me, about your original sin, which was the reason why you once had to walk the earth as a human being, then all other knowledge will also become understandable to you.... And when I Myself can impart this knowledge to you through the voice of the spirit then you will have already come considerably closer to Me, then you will have already separated yourselves from the one who once dragged you down with him to the abyss.... You have then established the bond with Me, otherwise I would not be able to speak to you.... You have become free, you have escaped the adversary's power, you have consciously turned to Me, your will desires Me again, from Whom you once took your departure.... And you were able to set yourselves free because the divine redeemer Jesus Christ helped you to do so, without Whom it would never be possible for you to become free from satan's bondage. And the knowledge of the divine redeemer Jesus Christ is the strongest light which shines to you through My love, for it determines your beatitude.... You must be permeated by this light, for as long as you are without knowledge of the great act of mercy of the man Jesus you will walk along in darkened spirit and be unable to recognize another light. For in Jesus Christ I Myself, the original light from eternity, descended to earth in order to dissolve the darkness, in order to kindle a light of love in people's hearts which illuminated their path upwards. All of you humans will come to a crossroads on your earthly journey.... And then you will be pointed to Jesus Christ and you will have to take the path to Him, Who died on the cross for you humans in order to redeem the original sin of your apostasy from Me.... My greater than great love will try to provide you all with the knowledge about Him, I will also give you all a light beforehand by trying to enlighten you about Jesus and His mission.... But first this light has to find nourishment in yourselves and light up into a bright flame. You yourselves must turn to Him of your own free will.... And then your return to Me is also assured, Who Myself in Jesus accomplished the work of salvation on the cross.... In the darkness of spirit you lack all knowledge, and darkness of spirit is when My adversary tries to push you away from the light, when he prevents you from working with love, because love is the light from eternity.... And therefore I will only ever stimulate you into loving activity and do so through the voice of conscience as long as I cannot address you directly.... But My spiritual spark in you expresses itself very quietly for the time being, so that only a small help is given to you.... And your will will then decide. And when it has decided in favour of Me then My light will shine ever brighter in it; it will recognize Jesus Christ, it will recognize Me in Him and never ever will it fall back into darkness, for My light will draw it upwards, in the light it will recognize the path and reach its aim.... he unites with Me forever...._>Amen
Translated by Doris Boekers
7863 Original light from eternity.... Jesus Christ....
April 2, 1961: Book 82
My spirit has become effective in you when you enable Me to speak to you, when I convey My word to you and you hear it in your heart as My direct address. And this word shall convey the truth to you which you need in order to become blissfully happy. Everything you need to know will be announced to you through the voice of the spirit. For as long as I cannot teach you Myself you are blind in spirit, that is, you are without all knowledge, you are without inner light. But I am the original light from eternity, and all beingness which has emerged from Me shall move in this light, otherwise it cannot be blissful.... Thus I let My light emanate into infinity; I radiate through all beingness which does not oppose Me.... I let My light shine down to earth, I guide it to people who are lightless at the beginning of their embodiment.... I guide them into truth, into truthful knowledge which also explains their existence on earth and which provides them with information about the meaning and purpose of their life.... And this knowledge means light for them, which emanates from the eternal light and also leads back to the eternal light again. This knowledge is very extensive, for it encompasses My entire plan of salvation, it encompasses the work of My creation, the apostasy of the created and its return to Me.... It is an act of My greater than great love for you that I convey this knowledge to you, that I give you a light again, you who once rejected this light and thereby became darkened in spirit. But you shall not remain in this darkness forever, and therefore I Myself want to illuminate your earthly path on which you can return to Me again.... If you know about your past apostasy from Me, about your original sin, which was the reason why you once had to walk the earth as a human being, then all other knowledge will also become understandable to you.... And when I Myself can impart this knowledge to you through the voice of the spirit then you will have already come considerably closer to Me, then you will have already separated yourselves from the one who once dragged you down with him to the abyss.... You have then established the bond with Me, otherwise I would not be able to speak to you.... You have become free, you have escaped the adversary's power, you have consciously turned to Me, your will desires Me again, from Whom you once took your departure.... And you were able to set yourselves free because the divine redeemer Jesus Christ helped you to do so, without Whom it would never be possible for you to become free from satan's bondage. And the knowledge of the divine redeemer Jesus Christ is the strongest light which shines to you through My love, for it determines your beatitude.... You must be permeated by this light, for as long as you are without knowledge of the great act of mercy of the man Jesus you will walk along in darkened spirit and be unable to recognize another light. For in Jesus Christ I Myself, the original light from eternity, descended to earth in order to dissolve the darkness, in order to kindle a light of love in people's hearts which illuminated their path upwards. All of you humans will come to a crossroads on your earthly journey.... And then you will be pointed to Jesus Christ and you will have to take the path to Him, Who died on the cross for you humans in order to redeem the original sin of your apostasy from Me.... My greater than great love will try to provide you all with the knowledge about Him, I will also give you all a light beforehand by trying to enlighten you about Jesus and His mission.... But first this light has to find nourishment in yourselves and light up into a bright flame. You yourselves must turn to Him of your own free will.... And then your return to Me is also assured, Who Myself in Jesus accomplished the work of salvation on the cross.... In the darkness of spirit you lack all knowledge, and darkness of spirit is when My adversary tries to push you away from the light, when he prevents you from working with love, because love is the light from eternity.... And therefore I will only ever stimulate you into loving activity and do so through the voice of conscience as long as I cannot address you directly.... But My spiritual spark in you expresses itself very quietly for the time being, so that only a small help is given to you.... And your will will then decide. And when it has decided in favour of Me then My light will shine ever brighter in it; it will recognize Jesus Christ, it will recognize Me in Him and never ever will it fall back into darkness, for My light will draw it upwards, in the light it will recognize the path and reach its aim.... he unites with Me forever....
Translated by Doris Boekers
7864 Redemption of guilt through death on the cross....
April 3, 1961: Book 82
From the night of death you came to life through My death on the cross. Darkness was your fate and would have remained so if I had not taken pity on you and opened the gate into the kingdom of light for you again by redeeming your guilt of sin Myself, by shedding My blood for you, by paying the purchase price for your souls to the adversary who had held you captive for eternities until I Myself redeemed your guilt on the cross. Now he had to release you, he could no longer keep you in bondage if you are willing to release yourselves from him, if you take refuge in Me, Who accomplished the act of salvation for you.... Your guilt of sin of the past apostasy from Me was immeasurably great, and thus the work of atonement also had to be unusual.... And a soul of light, an original spirit that came forth from Me, offered itself for you.... His fallen brothers.... to make atonement for you in order to lead you back to Me Myself again, in order to clear the path into the kingdom of light for you again, which otherwise would have remained eternally blocked for you. This soul of light descended to earth, it took on a human shell, it lived a life of love as a human being and thereby prepared itself to become a vessel in which I Myself could now take shelter.... And I took abode in this human being Jesus and accomplished the work of salvation in Him.... The man Jesus took immense suffering upon Himself, for He wanted to atone for all of humanity's guilt of sin through His path of suffering, which ended with the most bitter death on the cross.... He wanted to make satisfaction for My righteousness because He knew that no being could stay close to Me which was still burdened by sin. And I accepted His sacrifice because love brought it.... For love was in Him, and love was I Myself.... This act of becoming human in Jesus will always remain a mystery for you humans, for only when you have fathomed the 'essence of love' will you also be able to understand this act of love of My becoming human.... For I Myself, as 'God', could not suffer, the atonement had to be made by a 'human being' who was capable of suffering and also willing to suffer, for I could not determine a human being to make such a sacrifice for his fellow human beings.... But Jesus, the human being, was full of love, and this love determined Him to freely offer Himself as a sacrifice of atonement to the father, Whom He loved with all the ardour of His soul. Thus He accepted Me completely into His heart, for every thought, every breath, was meant for Me, from Whom He had come forth.... But he who abides in love abides in Me and I in him.... thus it was I Who completely filled the man Jesus and Who therefore also offered the sacrifice, Who accomplished the act of salvation for all people of the present, the past and the future. The man Jesus took immense suffering upon Himself in order to atone for the great guilt, and I was satisfied with this act of love and redeemed the great guilt, and the path to the kingdom of light was cleared, the bridge from the kingdom of darkness to the height was built, which can now be entered by every person who wants to ascend from the abyss.... And I conquered death, which he had brought into the world who first apostatized from Me.... I have risen from the dead, I have conquered death and acquired life for every human being who only acknowledges Me as redeemer of the world, who consciously avails himself of the graces of the work of salvation, who bears his sins under the cross and asks for forgiveness of his guilt.... I have risen from the dead to give you humans the evidence that you, too, will rise to eternal life if only you believe in Me, if only you let yourselves be redeemed by Me. Then there will be no more death for you, then you will be free from all guilt because I Myself have redeemed it as the man Jesus...., then the kingdom of light with all its glory will be open to you...., then you will truly have emerged from the night of death into the light of life, and then you will also never lose this life again, for you have now received it from My hand, Who has loved you from the beginning and will love you for all eternity...._>Amen
Translated by Doris Boekers
8156 Agonizing sufferings of Jesus Christ.... Incarnation of God....
April 20, 1962: Book 86
With the most bitter suffering and pain I concluded My life as a human being on this earth, when I shed My blood for the sins of men in order to redeem their great guilt.... Only one "human being" died for people on the cross.... and a human being also took the most agonising suffering upon Himself in order to offer the sacrifice of atonement to Me, yet I Myself was in the human being Jesus because love provided Him with the strength for this work of grace and mercy, and I Myself was this love.... As long as you live on earth as a human being and are not yet perfected you will not be able to understand that I Myself was in the man Jesus, because it is incomprehensible to you that God is love.... that God can only be spoken of when it concerns love, which is God's fundamental nature.... The human being Jesus was full of love, and His greater than great love motivated Him to sacrifice Himself for His fellow human beings because He recognized their wretched state and wanted to bring them help. But I Myself was the love which filled Him, I Myself was in Him in My fundamental element, and therefore I Myself accomplished the sacrifice on the cross in the man Jesus, yet the 'human being' endured the most agonizing suffering because I, as 'God', was unable to suffer. You humans should only believe that I embodied Myself in the human being Jesus.... You should only believe that I Myself chose this human shell because otherwise you would not have been able to take notice of My act of mercy.... You should only believe that I made Myself 'visible' to you humans in Jesus and that you therefore have to acknowledge Him if you want to acknowledge Me again, Whom you once refused to acknowledge.... My incarnation in Jesus is such an enormous problem that it cannot be expressed in a few words.... Nevertheless, time and again I try to solve this problem for you as far as it can be made understandable to you. I Myself accomplished the sacrifice on the cross for you because it was love Which wanted to redeem you humans from sin and death.... The human being Jesus took immense pain upon Himself, His human shell, His body, suffered unspeakably and died the most agonizing death on the cross in order to atone for the great guilt of sin.... But this human being Jesus was in intimate union with Me, otherwise I could not have taken abode in Him, otherwise love could not have completely filled Him.... I was in Him, He had become a shell for Me.... The Godhead, Whose primal element was love, radiated through Him completely, so that He was completely merged with Her.... that He became one with Me.... Jesus and I are the same, Jesus had become a visible God, whereas before I could not be seen by any of My created beings.... because they would have passed away in the primeval fire of eternal love.... But the suffering the man Jesus endured for His fellow human beings was unimaginable, and thereby the great original sin of the beings which had once fallen away from Me was atoned for, so that the path to Me became free again for all beings.... into the kingdom of light and bliss.... You humans will never grasp the full depth of this work of grace and mercy, but you will be able to believe that it was not a purely human affair which was carried out on earth by the man Jesus, but that profound spiritual motives underlay christ's act of salvation and that I Myself must be recognized and acknowledged in Jesus. And time and again I will convey this knowledge to people so that they will know that they cannot ignore Jesus Christ and His act of salvation if they want to attain eternal life. Time and again I Myself will inform people of this through My spirit, because school-transmitted knowledge will never be accepted or find the right understanding which, however, is the prerequisite for acknowledging Jesus Christ as the son of God and redeemer of the world, in Whom I Myself became human in order to redeem humanity....
Translated by Doris Boekers
8157 Spiritual resurrection from the night of the grave....
April 21, 1962: Book 86
A great spiritual awakening shall still bring about your work in My vineyard, a 'resurrection' from death shall take place before the graves close for an infinitely long time.... Understand it: Everyone who finds his way to the light will also surely rise from the night of the grave, he will step out into the light of day, and he will live because he can now work according to My will.... As long as you humans walk in spiritual darkness you can truly speak of a night of the grave which surrounds you.... And as soon as a glimmer of light touches you, you will emerge from your grave and thus rise again.... And My vineyard labourers have the task to carry a light everywhere, because light alone awakens in the human being the desire to leave the darkness of the grave.... because light alone points the way which leads out of the darkness. It is a spiritual awakening, it is not yet the resurrection of the soul after the death of the body.... But it is a resurrection to spiritual life, which is the actual meaning and purpose of earthly life.... For as long as man lives only his earthly life, this life is still an idle one. Only when he awakens from his dark state, only when he strives for truth, will a light be kindled in him, and then he will begin to live a second life.... Then he is born anew, or also, he arises from death. For the soul is in a lifeless state as long as it does not take the spiritual path and fulfils the actual purpose of earthly life: to shape itself according to divine will, to take on the form again which it originally possessed when it came forth from Me as a perfect being. The 'spiritual awakening' is of such great significance for every human being that you, My servants of the last days, will truly experience My blessing if you contribute to it.... if you spread light so that the soul will emerge from its state of sleep.... And carrying light only ever means spreading My word, because this is the direct supply of My divine light of love which.... if it touches a person's heart,... irrevocably ignites and enlightens it, which initially informs the person of My will and will always shine brighter the more seriously the person makes the fulfilment of My will his concern. Anyone who lives in My will will also attain eternal life, for My will is a life of love, and this, in turn, is the human being's transformation into love.... it is the transformation back to his original being. And again a life of love will mean increased light, and the human being will have escaped the night of the grave, the soul will have come to life which it will now also never lose again. And time and again I will help you humans to achieve this by sending a ray of love-light to earth which only needs to be caught by you in order to now also work in you.... Then a light from above will touch you.... you will be addressed by Me Myself and receive My word.... be it directly or also conveyed to you through My messengers. And being allowed to hear My word will always be a light for you, for you will receive purest truth, and you need not fear any error which is again like spiritual darkness but which I Myself want to chase away with My light which radiates to you from above. And when I admonish My vineyard labourers to spread My word to the world.... when I encourage them to eagerly spread what they receive directly from Me, I only want the light to shine out into the darkness of night. I only want you humans to find a path which leads out of this darkness and that you recognize Me Myself in the glow of light, your God and creator of eternity Who, as a loving father, is concerned about the well-being of His children who are still in dark spiritual night.... For light alone is life, light alone is bliss.... And light can only emanate from Me Myself, I Who am the source of light and strength from eternity....
Translated by Doris Boekers
8158 Resurrection of Jesus.... Easter....
April 23, 1962: Book 86
My body was resurrected on the third day.... And even if this event seems unbelievable to people because they cannot find any evidence for it, humanity should nevertheless be told through My spirit that I truly rose from the dead. Because through My act of Salvation I overcame death which My adversary had brought into the world with his descent into the abyss. And with My resurrection I proved to you humans at the same time that death does not exist for the spiritualised being. Hence the re-transformation into the original being.... which is achieved by a life of love as I exemplified to humanity.... also excludes every condition of death, every helplessness and weakness, and as soon as this transformation has taken place during earthly life the soul can enter eternal life.... Death was conquered by My sacrifice on the cross because the original sin was redeemed by it and the being was given the opportunity again to transform into its original essence which then also guaranteed its eternal life.
I wanted to prove to you that the physical body can be spiritualised too and thus will not have to fear death either if the human being succeeds in spiritualising his body while still on earth.... I Myself, as Jesus the human being, spiritualised all of My body's still immature substances through My life of love, I matured them; love calmed everything that was unspiritual in Me and persuaded it to unite with My soul, so that body and soul could join the eternal spirit God within Me and thus a complete fusion with Him took place. And an entirely spiritualised being cannot be subject to death anymore, because death is a condition of helplessness, but a spiritualised being is light and strength in abundance and liberated from every restraint. The event of My resurrection was therefore also visible to people because they found My tomb empty.... It was understandable that the disbelievers tried to convince their fellow human beings that My body had been abducted but they could not substantiate this.... And My resurrection will only ever be accepted as truth by believers, by people who are already intimately connected to Me through love or their good will to live in the right way before My eyes.... But it is true that it happened because with it the promises, which were transmitted to the people by seers and prophets, were also fulfilled.
My resurrection was a huge defeat for My adversary to whom I proved that love is stronger than hate.... that he would not keep his followers in a state of death forever, because I Myself had overcome death and therefore could give life to anyone who acknowledges My act of Salvation and accepts the blessings I had acquired for him on the cross. Hence My resurrection was a defeat for My adversary, and for this reason he tried to mislead people and cast doubt into them about My resurrection.... Nevertheless he will not be able to prevent the resurrection of those who follow Me, who believe in Me and to whom I can now give eternal life, as I promised. And he will constantly have fewer followers, since time and again people will rise to eternal life because I overcame death, because he cannot eternally burden a being who has the will to return to Me, and who will thus seek refuge beneath My cross in order to escape My adversary's force.... Death has been conquered for them and their resurrection to life is guaranteed....
Even My disciples did not want to believe that I had risen from the dead, although I made this promise to them beforehand.... But I strengthened their faith, and they recognised Me when I came to them.... Hence they had proof that I had overcome death, because they should proclaim Me with complete conviction. They should speak of My death on the cross and also of My resurrection, since this knowledge had to be given to people who were meant to believe in Me and start on the path to the cross.... since they could only be redeemed if they, too, carried their guilt to Me under the cross. But My most important act of mercy would soon have been forgotten again had My spirit not been active time and again in those human beings who had entirely given themselves to Me, and whom.... being redeemed.... I could fill with My spirit in abundance, who educated them from within, who made the knowledge of Jesus Christ's act of Salvation comprehensible to them.... Because the written records passed on to people did not remain truthful for long.... Where human intellect was used on its own misguided opinions crept in, which were also passed on as 'written records' and consequently there was no further guarantee for the pure truth.... But where My spirit could work in a person, the pure truth was revealed time and again, and the knowledge of My suffering and death on the cross as well as My resurrection was given to people, because this knowledge is absolutely essential if people are also to have complete faith in it.
And My spirit will always work in a person who gives himself to Me in order to receive the pure truth.... Time and again people will hear the message and be given the right explanation, so that you humans can indeed believe in My resurrection and My triumph over death, that death need not exist for you anymore if you keep by My side, if you yourselves want Me to have died on your behalf.... when you have a living faith in Me and My act of Salvation, which I Myself accomplished in Jesus the man. I was resurrected from the dead, and after the death of your body you will be resurrected in this way to eternal life too.... And you need not fear death anymore once you are freed from the enemy of your souls, from My adversary.... once you allow yourselves to be redeemed by Me.... Because then there will be no more death for you, then you will live in and with Me and eternally not lose this life again....
Translated by Heidi Hanna
8465 Why is the information about the process of return not known?....
April 12, 1963: Book 89
If only you would always take the path to Me, you would be helped in every adversity and distress, be it spiritually or earthly.... you would be looked after such that it will benefit your soul, for only pure truth is beneficial. I have not imposed any restrictions on you, and if you want to increase your spiritual knowledge I shall always be willing to instruct you.
You want to know why information is revealed to you now of which you have had little or no knowledge so far.... I want to give you the reason for this: time and again there have been people whose spiritual state enabled them to be introduced to the most profound mysteries of creation, and who thus also knew about the very first beginning of creation, about the apostasy from Me and about My eternal plan of Salvation. But such knowledge could never be passed on to other people as long as their state of maturity was lower than those who had received it from Me.... Its profundity would never have been understood, and had people merely adopted it literally their intellect would have caused them to reject it as the fantasy of a dreamer, since an unenlightened spirit would not have been able to grasp it.... And so, at the time of My life on earth people still had a very low spiritual level too, because they were still completely under the control of My adversary, who had been the cause of the immense spiritual darkness....
Consequently, there were only a few people whom I could instruct about such mysteries of creation, and even they had difficulty in understanding it because they were still burdened by the original sin and this meant that their power of perception was inadequate. They certainly questioned Me time and again but I could only refer them to the enlightenment of their spirit after My crucifixion, after the act of Salvation, which lifted the dense darkness from those who loved Me. Hence they gradually came to understand what I had taught them but they would not have been able to pass the knowledge on for the very reason that their fellow human beings, whose spirit was not yet awakened, would not have been able to comprehend it.... Since this knowledge.... i.e. the enlightened spirit.... was only the result of a right way of life, of the fulfilment of the commandments of love which I had taught people as a matter of priority, people first had to be motivated to fulfil My commandments of love....
Furthermore, you should also know that I gave My disciples the task of writing everything down for future generations.... For even they were still unable to understand the most profound wisdom and therefore only adhered to My instruction to proclaim what I had said to the people who followed Me, who regarded Me as a prophet and expected miracles or the healing of their every affliction from Me, who drew comfort and strength from My Words, and whose faith in the one and only God I was able to strengthen because they were of good will.... But there were only a few who wanted to learn more, and they were more motivated by their intellect than their heart to ask about things which only I was able to answer.... They certainly accepted the explanations but they did not leave a deeper impression on them apart from a few whose hearts were very willing to love and who recognised Me as their God and Creator....
The fact that they were initiated by Me and very happy about such knowledge need not be mentioned, but it always just remained pleasing spiritual knowledge for those followers whom I instructed Myself, however, it did not get passed on to their fellow human beings or their descendants, since they were unable to understand it and therefore such discussions were not mentioned by My disciples either. Besides, such knowledge about the very first beginning and ultimate goal of all creation was not necessary for people and indeed not always beneficial. Had they been informed of it as dogma it could have, to some extent, compelled people's will, who.... if they had faith.... would have considered their development until the human stage with a shudder and would have felt unfree or unable to muster love for a God Whose plan would have been totally incomprehensible to them.... But where it was possible for Me to transmit divine revelations to earth this knowledge was given to people as well....
And the proximity of the end explains why clear information about this is always given, because people cannot be reminded strongly enough of their responsibility now, for the act of a new banishment is at stake, which only takes place at the end of a period of Salvation and is extremely significant for all ascending souls.... Prior to this, souls who had failed to reach maturity on earth still had the opportunity in the kingdom of the beyond to reach full maturity.... But at the end of a period of Salvation this opportunity no longer exists, then the most appalling event occurs whereby the souls will be disintegrated into individual particles and be banished into hard matter again.... What would now be more reasonable than Me informing you humans about the fate that awaits you if you fail?
You are also able to pass your test of earthly life without any knowledge if you lived with love.... But when love has grown cold, so that failure is inevitable and the souls' fate is sealed with a new banishment, then I will use any means beforehand in order to disturb humanity. Then I will also make sure that people receive the information about the great plan of creation.... even though the success is nothing more than that people will listen with incredulity to such information and far more will reject than accept it. But I also know the will of individual people, and therefore I also know who will not reject this knowledge and who will draw the consequences from it.... and truly, they will receive it from Me, just as I have always guided those into truth, into profound spiritual knowledge, who desired it in their hearts and through a life of love were also receptive to it.... For you should also recognise a God of love, wisdom and might in every happening that you experience, and you should trust Me and always call upon My help, because the hardship will still be considerable before the end, yet anyone who perseveres will be blessed....
Translated by Heidi Hanna
8466 What is prayer in spirit and in truth?....
April 13, 1963: Book 89
This is your actual task, that you enlighten those who are mistaken, that you give truthful answers to those who ask questions and that you thus bring light into the darkness.... For humanity walks along in darkness, their thinking is misguided and therefore they do not recognize the right path which leads to Me.... to the final perfection. Truth alone can bring about this perfection, but never error or lies.... And if you, who want to serve Me, want to give clarification you must first receive it from Me yourselves, because only I can convey truthful knowledge to you.... And therefore you should come to Me with all questions which move you, so that I will answer you and thus train you to become teachers who will now work beneficially amongst their fellow human beings.... When you pray to Me it is only important that you intimately unite with Me, that you don't call upon a distant God like a being Who is inaccessible to you, Who certainly has great power and therefore you hope for help from Him.... from Whom, however, you consider yourselves far away but would like to make use of His power because you are in need.... Such a call gives Me no pleasure.... But if you see your Father in Me, Who lovingly cares for all His children.... if you now converse with your Father in all humility, if you trustingly present your adversity to Me and thus have entered into an intimate bond with Me through your trust, then this is a prayer which I hear because it is a living call from the child to the Father.... Such a prayer has nothing veiled, nothing secret, it is also nothing formal, but something deeply felt in the heart.... Hence it is a true prayer where the child's heart exposes everything before the Father, where it spreads itself out before Him and confesses its weakness and helplessness and is therefore also valued by Me as such, for it demonstrates profound humility and love for Me and I can now pour out the cornucopia of My grace in abundance. Then you will pray in spirit and in truth, and then you can also safely hope for fulfilment, for as soon as you are devoted to Me with love you will only address such requests to Me whose fulfilment will not harm your soul, because your love for Me enlightens your spirit and your thoughts are already far more turned towards the spiritual kingdom than towards the world and its illusory goods.... But now consider the nature of the prayers which are mostly uttered by people. Consider that a true prayer in spirit and in truth requires a 'withdrawal into the quiet chamber', by which I only want to be understood that at the moment of prayer the human being must mentally withdraw into the chamber of his heart. And no matter how short the prayer is, if it is only a call to Me in adversity.... But this call has to come from the heart, and then a prayer truly needs no learned words or a certain form.... for I understand the babbling of a child and don't want to hear any high-sounding words which have already been born again by the intellect or which are taken over by other people.... This is why a mass prayer can only have a beneficial effect if everyone prays silently in his heart, even if everyone has the same request, for as soon as masses say the same prayer aloud they have to use a specific form, and then it will not be possible to have a confidential dialogue with Me which alone guarantees the fulfilment of the request. You humans can achieve a lot through right prayer but for the most part you don't pray right.... As soon as you believe in a God your heart shall impel you to unite with this God in thought, and then you will speak to Him like a child speaks to its father, and then you will pray correctly, you will pray in spirit and in truth, whereas formal and general prayers usually lack the intimate, confidential bond with Me, which, however, is entirely human, because external impressions always have an effect and therefore the withdrawal into silence is required. But you cannot expect any particular blessing for the souls from loudly spoken formal prayers, from general prayer actions, except for those people who are able to completely close themselves inwardly and pray in their heart.... who don't listen to what their fellow human beings say aloud.... I only want to explain all this to you so that you will understand why so many prayers remain unanswered and why I require of you a prayer in spirit and 'in truth'.... Only the core is ever valid before Me, not the outer shell, and I see into a person's heart and cannot be deceived by lip prayers or daily habits which are performed soullessly. However, if a person calls loudly to Me in his heart's distress, then such a call is also proof that it is not just a form but deeply felt internally, and this is how it is also valued by Me, Who always endeavours to help in order to prove the Father's love to My children.... because I also want to win your love. And therefore you should always give account to yourselves when you pray whether you first establish a child's heartfelt relationship with the Father or whether you are satisfied with a habit, with a form, with prayers which cannot reach My ear. For prayer to Me is also an immense gift of grace, because you can thus establish the bond with Me at any time and thereby also provide the evidence of having passed the test of will, which is the purpose and goal of your earthly life....
Translated by Doris Boekers
8467 Where do the temptations go out?....
April 14, 1963: Book 89
Much is offered to you because My love for you is boundless, and do you believe that I will leave a request unfulfilled which is for the benefit of the soul? But the soul will derive the greatest advantage if I instruct it in truth, for then it will learn to recognize and love Me, and then its goal is also guaranteed, that it will unite with Me through love.... You humans shall still experience much through My teachings, you shall penetrate ever deeper into an area which can only be made accessible to you spiritually, and therefore I will reveal Myself to you time and again, through My spirit I will impart knowledge to you which shall make you happy and help you achieve perfection. And it is important that you know how you are made up and why you are made up the way you are as a human being on earth. You have to pass your last test of will on this earth, it is a matter of accomplishing the reshaping to your original being, which means as much as that you change everything negative, which still clings to you, into the positive and become the perfect beings again, which you were in the beginning. Your imperfection consists in the fact that your free will, which was able to develop in all directions, turned around, that it strived for the opposite of what corresponded to My will, that is, it was lawful order. It stepped out of the law of eternal order, it misused its will and thus turned its nature into the opposite.... But now, through the endlessly long process of return, it has again become able to make a decision of its will again.... which it could not do before in the state of bound will.... This process has already been explained to you in detail.... But now, at the beginning of its embodiment as a human being, the being is still far from perfection because it has many negative things in itself which it first has to overcome in earthly life.... For the being is still entirely under the power of the one who caused its fall into the abyss.... And since the beings once voluntarily followed him to the abyss, he also still has a right to the souls.... But I also have a right, because all My creatures came forth from My strength.... Now the soul itself has to make the decision to which lord it wants to submit itself, and both I and My adversary fight for its will during earthly life.... Thus My adversary also has the right to influence the human being's will, and therefore he also does everything in order to win him over.... Since the human being.... the embodied once fallen creature.... has much negativity in him, i.e. characteristics and urges which mark his affiliation to My adversary, the human being must now wage a battle against these characteristics and urges.... He must overcome himself, reject everything negative and change his nature again by adopting divine qualities.... by finding a just measure for all instincts which are naturally inherent in him as a human being, so that he can test himself and wage a battle against himself, i.e. against the thoughts, actions and senses of the human being which have been brought into disorder by the adversary.... and which, as a result of the former fall, have completely perverted the nature, i.e. violate the law of eternal order.... The battle for the human being's will between Me and My adversary constantly takes place during earthly life, and the adversary will use his arts of seduction at all times, he will always encourage the human being to act contrary to law, thus to violate My order of eternity.... And time and again the human being will have to muster the will himself to resist these temptations but will always receive the strength to do so if only he asks Me for it.... The temptations always originate from My adversary, whereas I only want to be called upon to protect the human being from falling. Whatever it may be.... in which way the human being is tempted.... it is always the work of My adversary. Such temptation never emanates from Me, but I Am always willing to help you humans to resist temptation. It is a matter of you humans detaching yourselves from My adversary who fights for you by repeatedly trying to tie you down and bring you down.... I will never lead you into such temptations in the same way but seek to deliver you from them.... But I cannot dispute My adversary's right to fight for you who have become his kin in free will.... And likewise, I did not place these wrong urges in you, so that they could pull you down by natural law.... but your free will must set the limits itself, you must find the just measure, then you will never sin.... My adversary, however, will always try to induce you to transgress the just measure.... thus to turn everything good into the opposite, to abuse all natural law instincts within you and thereby drive you to sin.... He will never cease to tempt you until the end of your life, but you can overcome him with My grace and My strength.... However, the fact that I allow all these temptations does not mean that I Myself "lead you into temptation".... but I lead you out of temptation and deliver you from all evil.... if you ask Me for it.... Nothing negative can be claimed by Me, I Myself cannot have put anything negative into a human being either, but I can only ever create perfection, which, however, the being itself can turn into the opposite in free will through the influence of My adversary.... But in earthly life you should test yourselves as to whether you are willing to fight against everything ungodly in you, and I will help you to do so in every way.... For I want you to reach perfection, but I Myself will not increase your spiritual adversity by adding to your possibilities of defeat.... For I love you and want to make you blissfully happy forever....
Translated by Doris Boekers
8468 Only Jesus can strengthen the will....
April 14, 1963: Book 89
The fact that I died for you humans on the cross was an act of grace of such profound significance that it cannot be held up to you often enough, so that you will also make use of the grace which the man Jesus acquired for you humans through this death. For as soon as you disregard Jesus Christ's act of salvation there will be no redemption for you, and you will remain bound in the power of the one who is and will remain your enemy, who never wants your beatitude but will only plunge you into ruin since he lacks all love. You yourselves are also devoid of all love due to your past apostasy from Me, for you rejected My illumination of love.... And as long as you are still in the power of the adversary who caused your apostasy from Me you will never be able to receive My strength of love either, for this requires your own voluntary willingness to let yourselves be illuminated, and you will never be able to muster this will, for your will is extremely weakened. Through My death on the cross I acquired for you the blessings of a strengthened will, thus it will no longer be impossible for you to release yourselves from the adversary's power if you seriously want to do so and turn to the divine redeemer Jesus Christ to release you, to redeem you from sin and death. Apart from Him there is no-one who could help you in your adversity, for Jesus is your redeemer, He is your God and Father, it is He to Whom you owe your existence, for Jesus and I.... your father from eternity.... are one. I Myself offered the act of salvation for you humans in the form of the man Jesus, so that the act of atonement visibly took place for you humans and you can now also consciously carry your guilt of sin to the cross, for you can only be redeemed from your original guilt if you want this yourselves.... when you realise that you have sinned against Me yourselves and you now ask Me Myself in Jesus to forgive your guilt.... What was impossible for you before My crucifixion, that you were able to muster the strength to fight the enemy of your souls, became possible for you after My crucifixion, because then you had an abundance of grace at your disposal which you only needed to use by turning to Jesus of your own free will and asking Him that He may also have died for you.... And truly, your guilt will be redeemed for the sake of Jesus' blood. Yet you can never be released from your past guilt if you pass by Jesus Christ, then you will irrevocably continue to carry your burden which presses you to the ground, and you will remain a slave to My adversary, you will continue to live in darkness and weakness, you will be wretched beings who walk the earth without any spiritual success, whom My adversary does not release and who alone cannot muster the strength to detach themselves from him.... If only you humans could grasp the significance of Jesus and His mission on earth, and if only you could muster the will to turn to Him for help in your adversity, for only if you acknowledge Him as the Son of God, in Whom I Myself became human and Who died on the cross for you and your sins.... will He strengthen your will, and then you will also have the strength to detach yourselves from the enemy of your souls. But because you don't know about the correlations, about the cause of your existence as a human being, about your actual relationship with Me, your God and Creator, you don't seriously think about what Jesus' earthly life and His suffering mission was based on, and you don't consciously make use of the blessings which, however, are at your unlimited disposal if only you want to accept and make use of them.... Just as once Lucifer.... the first-fallen angel spirit.... plunged you into the abyss, so now Jesus, the Son of God, will help you up out of this abyss again.... but you were not forced to fall then, and so you are not forced to return now either.... Your free will has to prompt you to turn to Jesus, and then you will truly feel His strength and power, then you will be released from My adversary and become full of light and strength again yourselves, because the divine redeemer will give you light and strength as soon as you acknowledge Him and thus Me Myself in Him.... He redeemed the great original sin of all fallen spiritual beings and has now opened the door for them again into My kingdom, which they would not have been able to enter in their state burdened by the original sin.... He paved the way for all beings to return home to their Father's house. Yet no being is forced to take this path, instead, he (the human being) has to follow Jesus voluntarily, he has to want to be redeemed through Jesus' sacrificial death on the cross and therefore also voluntarily renounce My adversary.... And what he cannot achieve on his own he will be able to do with the help of the divine redeemer, Who has paid the ransom for all souls, so that the adversary must release every soul which wants to be released from him.... And in order for it to want to do so, the man Jesus died the most bitter death on the cross, He offered Himself as a sacrifice and bought all souls free with His blood.... This work of mercy is so immeasurably significant and yet many people pass it by and do not avail themselves of the most delicious thing that can be offered to them on this earth.... They persist in sin and refuse to acknowledge Jesus, and thus they do not acknowledge Me Myself either, Who died for you in Jesus on the cross in order to redeem you....
Translated by Doris Boekers
8469 Resurrection of Jesus....
April 15, 1963: Book 89
Death has been overcome, and so you humans will also rise after the death of the body, and your soul will live forever. For I have given you the evidence that I rose from death on the third day because I overcame the one who brought death into the world. I Myself have promised you eternal life if only you believe in Me, for without redemption through Jesus Christ, in Whom I Myself died on the cross, your soul cannot awaken from the state of death.... For so long My adversary still has control over you, who does not want to let the soul come to life.... And even if you humans doubt that I truly rose from the grave you can still attain life if only you abide by the teaching I gave you on earth.... if you live in love, for then you will awaken from the night of the grave, then the light of day will shine for you, then your soul will also have attained eternal life. But I had previously informed people that I would rise from the dead on the third day, and My promise was fulfilled, and numerous people witnessed that the grave was empty, that nothing had remained in it.... I only wanted to provide you humans with the evidence that you can also spiritualise your body if you follow Me, that there need no longer be any death for your body either when all its substances have spiritualised themselves and joined the soul, and that you can then truly enter the kingdom of the beyond alive, as My ascension has also proven to you. The fact that after a long time you are no longer able to believe what happened at the time of My life on earth and when this life on earth ended for Me is due to the state of unkindness in which humanity now finds itself.... But anyone who lives in love also knows of his own accord that everything happened as it was conveyed to you, for he is told by his spirit which introduces him to the truth.... And nothing will be able to dissuade a person who has been taught from within from believing in Jesus' suffering and death, in His resurrection and ascension. And this person will have no fear of bodily death, for he knows that he cannot perish but will only now return to his true home where he will live for eternity.... I have overcome death, for without My act of salvation you humans would have remained in the state of death forever, because you would have remained eternally distant from Me and thus My love and vitality would not be able to shine through you.... But I gave My life in order to purchase life for you in return, so that you need never fear death again but will enter eternal life when your soul leaves the earthly body.... Yes, you too can take your body with you into the kingdom of light and bliss if you spiritualise it in earthly life, if you dissolve all dross from the soul through love, if you can also determine the body to completely hand itself over to Me and to live in My following.... Soul and body can rise from the dead, as I have proven to you, yet you will only rarely succeed in this total spiritualisation in earthly life.... But that it is possible is why I died on the cross and abolished all horrors of death for all who acknowledge Me as the Son of God and redeemer of the world, in Whom I Myself descended to earth to suffer and die for the whole of humanity.... And this act of salvation has found its conclusion with the resurrection, which was intended to be the evidence of the truth of My teaching for all people, for I predicted My resurrection on the third day. The fact that there is no longer any concrete evidence for it has to be in order not to curtail people's freedom of faith and will, but they can create the evidence for themselves at any time if they live according to My teaching, thereby awakening their spirit and now receive teachings through this spirit which concern that act of salvation until the end, until the resurrection on the third day. Human beings will not be able to provide you with proofs, but the spirit within you.... which is of divine proportion.... can introduce you to the truth, and then you will be able to understand and believe everything which otherwise seems unacceptable to you. But as soon as you can believe in My resurrection you will also know that your life does not end with the death of your body but that your soul will be resurrected to a life which will last forever....
Translated by Doris Boekers
8787 A knowledge is needed to understand the work of redemption....
March 29, 1964: Book 92
In order to be able to grasp the full truth, which concerns the work of redemption of Jesus Christ, the knowledge must also be imparted to you about primeval beginning and final aim of all beingness once created by Me. Because only one explains the other. And only few men are able to receive this knowledge and to understand it because for this the change of their nature to love is necessary. The more now love disappears among men, the more rarely also the knowledge about it will be able to be accepted and grasped by a man. And this results in humanity no longer being able to grasp the significance of the act of salvation and its reasoning and therefore no longer believing it.... it has the result that a body of thought displaced that knowledge, and what has now still survived is, in the best case, the knowledge that once a human being walked the earth Who led an exemplary way of life and inspired fellow human beings to follow His example. Irrefutably (irrevocably) man would now again come to that deep knowledge about the meaning of the work of redemption of Jesus when he would really be a right follower of Jesus, when he would make an effort to lead his life like Jesus in completely unselfish neighbourly love, because such a walk of life would guarantee him a bright inner light, and he would be introduced through his spirit from the inside into fullest truth. This working of the spirit therefore guarantees brightest knowledge, but due to people's lack of love it has become impossible, and this results in the fact that precisely about Jesus and His actual mission all knowledge has been lost to people, that for them Jesus is just a 'human being', albeit standing in high perfection.... They admit that He has reached the highest possible perfection on this earth, which all other people should strive for as well. People know nothing about the deeper connections which have to be associated with the spirits' apostasy from Me. And so therefore also nothing about Jesus' actual mission to redeem people from the guilt of the former apostasy. They also know nothing about the plan of the deification of all beings, which I have created. And they can also only understand all this in a certain degree of love, because love is the light, which enlightens their hearts and gives them full enlightenment about their being, about the beginning and aim of every man. It is therefore no wonder that Jesus' act of salvation is either unknown to people or unbelievable, since they cannot muster any understanding for it due to their low degree of love, and this degree of love will constantly decrease and therefore very few people will strive for redemption through Jesus and the path to the cross will be an incomprehensible concept for the majority.... an empty word.... has become. People would also never have needed to be instructed about it in a direct way, as it now happens through the supply of My word from above, for an unselfish life of love would have ordered and enlightened their thinking, the truth would have arisen in the human being himself, and all spiritual correlations would have arisen clearly and full of light before their eyes. The truth, which every human being's spiritual spark contains within himself, would also have come to man's awareness, and everyone would have directed his path to Jesus Christ of his own accord in order to request the redemption of his original sin from Him.... But mankind now stands shortly before the end exactly because of its loveless state. And therefore it is also explainable that all knowledge has got lost to it, that spiritual knowledge has sunk down and men themselves do nothing anymore to again kindle the light in themselves. And thus they have also lost all knowledge about the reason and significance of Jesus Christ's act of salvation, and the 'path to the cross' is no longer justified in any way if people merely take the 'man Jesus' as a model for their way of life.... Then, as a result of their original sin, they are completely weakened in will and without redemption from their original sin, they are no longer able to walk after Jesus.... You must understand that during your life on earth a constant struggle against all temptations is demanded of you, that in order to reach perfection and to "follow Jesus".... you need a lot of strength and a strong will, otherwise the aim is unattainable for you.... But as a result of your original sin you are of such weakened will that you would never ever be able to fulfil your earthly task of maturing your soul, precisely because of this weakness of will, and that My adversary would never release you.... You must therefore first be redeemed from this original sin, you must have asked and obtained forgiveness for it, then you will also receive the graces of the work of redemption.... a strengthened will.... and you will succeed in your plan, you will be able to attain perfection, which, however, is completely impossible without redemption.... And that is why I enlighten you men in the time of the end very especially about what preceded your being as man. I instruct you about everything so that it becomes understandable to you why you must acknowledge Jesus Christ as redeemer, why you are not allowed to eliminate Him, if you want to fulfil your purpose of earth life and reach the last aim, the union with Me, which is completely impossible without redemption through Jesus Christ. And who makes an effort to lead a life of love, who listens to My word and lets the power of My word have an effect on him, who fulfils My will, which I announce to him through My word.... who is therefore doer and not just listener of My word, he will truly also be able to understand everything, and he will not doubt, because he is inwardly enlightened by a light and because every question is solved for him, which still moves him. And that is why I can only ever encourage people to live a life of unselfish neighbourly love.... Then full clarity will soon be given to him, and then he will also know about the meaning of redemption through Jesus Christ, and he will strive for it in all seriousness to reach life, which lasts forever...._>Amen
Translated by Doris Boekers
8791 Good Friday....
March 27, 1964: Book 92
None of you people can measure the suffering of the path to the cross and the crucifixion, because for human terms they were unbearable, and only the strength of My love for you made it possible for Me, to accomplish this most difficult sacrifice, that should bring again the reconciliation with the Father for the mankind.... And if you also try to imagine My agony and pain, there will always remain only a weak comparison, because they were superhuman, they were so big, that My sacrifice of the cross will truly been unique and will remain, because a „man“ would not have survived this time of torments, because any other man would not have been able to carry it out, because even a small part would have sufficed to take man’s life. But I wanted to suffer and die, in order to accomplish the equitable atonement for the sins of mankind, I wanted to take all the guilt of the people on Me and offer the atoning sacrifice therefore, to give back the Father’s lost children, who never could have come in His near without this act of salvation.... And I have gone the way.... voluntarily and with love to the Father and to My fallen brothers. I have known about the hard fate, that awaited Me, and therefore suffered twice, because I always saw the picture of the crucifixion, I always saw the way of suffering, that was leading to the cross.... But I fulfilled this mission by free will, and I bought all his souls from the opponent, who were willing, to let themselves redeem by Me. Because I knew the reason of the weakness of men and acquired them all strengthening of their will by My death on the cross, I acquired them countless graces, with their help they could reach the height again, from which they had fallen once in the deepest depths.... I knew, that they never could reach the height alone again, if they would not be helped. And My fallen brothers took pity on Me, because I knew the bliss of nearness to God, I knew, what they had given up and that they were banished forever from the face of the Father, if not the One deleted the great guilt, that they had burdened themselves by their past apostasy from the Father.... But it was a very difficult work, to take upon Himself all the physical and emotional pain in full consciousness of the output, and to go a walk in fear and poverty, to be able to carry out the act of mercy to the end.... Because I was a man with all physical feelings, and My thinking was always more human, when it came to the execution of the last mission, when I was captured and mercilessly condemned to the most cruel death, which the people could think up.... Because for the liquidation of the immense guilt, for liquidation of the primal guilt of the former apostasy from God, the ability to suffer of a human was necessary.... because God, Who was probably as love in Me, could not suffer and thus He Himself retired for the final phase of the work of redemption, what in Me an unspeakable fear triggered and I was driven to the words: My God, My God, why have Thou forsaken Me.... The consciousness of the Father in Me would have been a alleviation from the pain, but the measure of My pain could not be large enough again, in the face of the guilt of all mankind, of the guilt of all fallen original spirits, who I wanted to save from the deep.... As „just man“ I wanted to lead the work to an end, and that is why I gave Myself up to the will of the Father, who also has been My will from the beginning, only in the face of the death I began to sway for a short time, but then I Myself submited completely to His will, as I cried out: „Father, not My will, but Thy will be done....“ And I have truly brought a hard sacrifice, which neither before nor after a man had accomplished and could accomplish, because it exceeded human strength.... But I received the strength from the love of the Father, because love was in Me until the hour of death.... otherwise I would not have said the words: „Father, forgive them, because they do not know, what they do....“ And so I remained connected to the Father, although I did not apply the strength of love, to take Me away from the sacrificial death.... Once you will also be able to experience this My death on the cross, when you live in the kingdom of light, and only then you will know about My enormous love, which was meant for My brothers, which took everything on itself, to give them back their life, who had chosen death voluntarily. And everyone can also come back to life now, who recognizes Me by free will as his savior and wants, that I have died also for him, that he also belongs to the redeemed, for whom I have shed my blood and who find forgiveness for their guilt of sin by My blood, that kept them separate from the Father, who I therefore absolved by My death on the cross....
Translated by Heidi Hanna
8792 A good farmer scatters good seeds....
March 28, 1964: Book 92
Much spiritual knowledge is offered to you, you are provided with an abundance of seeds.... you should only ever cultivate the fields which are the human hearts to whom you should bring My Word.... That is the work those of you, who have offered yourselves as My labourers, shall do in My vineyard.... Only good seed can bring forth good fruit, and therefore I provide you with seed which is not like any other.... I convey the truth to you from above and you can endorse all of it before the world because nothing exists which could surpass this spiritual knowledge. Because it originates from Me.... Consider these Words: I speak to you Myself and impart knowledge upon you that corresponds to the truth and that cannot be given to you by anyone else but Me. And yet, humanity treats this Word of Mine half-heartedly, it is not visibly affected by the exceptional origin apart from a few people who recognise its value and are blissfully happy about the grace of being allowed to receive this Word of Mine.... But they will draw great benefit from it; they will gain spiritual success because My Word incorporates the strength which helps the human soul to progress. The task you have to accomplish on earth is to regain the maturity the soul possessed in the beginning when it came forth from Me as a perfect being.... For the sake of this task you travel the earthly path as a human being.... You can think and act of your own free will.... consequently, you can certainly reach your goal of becoming perfect. Nevertheless, your thoughts, intentions and actions can also move in the wrong direction by heading towards My adversary, then you will have missed your purpose of earthly life.... And in order to clearly show you the right path I convey My Word down to Earth and speak to you, directly or indirectly, and leave it up to you to accept My Word and to fulfil My will which is expressed in My Word.... or to reject My Word. In that case, however, you will not reach your goal, and then you are like fallow fields which cannot bear fruit because they lack good seeds, because they only contain stones, shards and weeds, where nothing can grow unless the fields are first cleared, reclaimed and prepared to receive good seeds.
I Am a good farmer and use the plough everywhere; I break and turn over the ground, I clear away all weeds before I scatter My seeds in order to be able to reap a good harvest one day. If, however, the weeds are not removed first, they will also devalue the good seed.... It will be unable to develop and be overgrown by the weeds. What I mean is that even the pure truth, which you are offered through My Word from above, does not tolerate being accompanied by erroneous teachings, for misguided teachings will soon overshadow the truth and anyone who cannot detach himself from error, who does not remove it from his heart first, will not recognise the pure truth as such either, and thus it will not touch his soul and mature it. Always remember the work of a farmer and act accordingly. Liberate yourselves from all misguided thoughts, dispose of all wrong seeds placed in you by ignorant people who claim to be vineyard labourers and yet were not appointed by Me for their service. You should gratefully accept the right seeds, embed it deep in your hearts and let it mature and, truly, the harvest will be a good fruit, for the seed you receive from Me Myself is pure truth which will lead you to the goal, to Me, Who is the Truth Itself. Anyone who has offered his service to Me will also be introduced to his work by Me, I will place him where his work will be successful, I will entrust him with a task which corresponds to his ability and he will also accomplish it according to My will. Time and again you need to be told that you will never be lacking the right teaching material, that you will constantly be able to accept it from Me, and since I Myself want to achieve a good harvest, it will also always be up to Me to give you everything that guarantees a good harvest.... Yet you must also seek to remove all faults and imperfections from yourselves, you must prepared your hearts to receive the gifts of grace I distribute in abundance.... And you must know that you humans can only be led to perfection by the pure truth and that this truth can only originate from Me Myself.... But I love you and will always bestow upon you what you need in order to mature in your souls....
Translated by Heidi Hanna
8793a Do 'non-fallen' spirits attain childship to God?....
March 29, 1964: Book 92
You will receive an answer to every question in order to disprove every misguided point of view, so that you will not remain ignorant when you desire the correct information: The deification of My created beings is the goal I set Myself with My Creation and which I will certainly achieve one day. Everything that came forth from Me was supremely perfect, the beings I externalised as independent beings were like Me, they were images of Myself.... Nevertheless, they were only ever My creations.... which were unable to be any different than I had created them. They were My living creations.... But I wanted to have children next to Me. For this reason I released them from My will when they were to prove their will as to whether they would retain their perfection despite the option of turning it in the opposite direction. This passed test of will also subsequently presumed that the being was subject to all temptations which it had to resist, for all strength requires the resistance upon which it can prove itself. Understand this correctly: each being was confronted by temptation because it possessed free will which was able to choose either direction. Thus the first being.... Lucifer, the bearer of light.... which My greater than great love had externalised, was the first which was supposed to provide Me with the proof that it wanted to keep the supreme perfection it was granted. It was so exceptionally permeated by My strength of love that it revelled in absolute bliss and thus used the constantly inflowing strength for the creation of equal beings because, in its perfection, it was able to be just as creatively active as I Am.... And this process of creating beings lasted for eternities.... they were therefore always 'living creations' which could not possibly be anything but supremely perfect.... Then I expected My first-created being, Lucifer, merely to acknowledge Me Myself as the source of strength.... thus I expected of him to present Me to his created beings as the One from Whom he himself had also emerged.... But since he had free will, it was also possible for him to ignore My will, which he did by presenting himself to the beings as the highest being, because they were unable to behold Me but he was visible to them in all his glory.... Thus he did not pass the test of will and confronted the created beings as a tempter.... He tried to influence their will to likewise be in opposition to Me: And he was very successful.... For many of these beings, despite their abundance of light, despite utmost realisation, acknowledged him as the Lord of eternity and renounced Me.... precisely because I was not visible to them. And these apostatised beings, having fallen into the deepest abyss of their own choice, must first reach higher spheres again, they must try to deify themselves of their own free will, which is indeed possible with My help. Once they have reached this goal they will have become God's children, perfect beings, who aspired to and achieved this perfection themselves.
But a large proportion of originally created spirits also remained loyal to Me, they resisted all temptations by Lucifer; thus, they passed their test of will when they had to decide whom they should choose as their Lord. So what is their situation in regards to the childship to God? You must know that these beings enjoy utmost bliss, for they did not forfeit their perfection and are constantly permeated by My strength of love, which makes them incredibly happy.... But on account of their perfection they are also knowledgeable; they know My plan of Salvation, the wretchedness of the fallen original spirits is evident to them and their love is so great that they also take part in the work of redemption in order to advance the return of the once fallen spirits. This redemptive work, however, requires eternities.... which you humans are incapable of estimating.... And time and again the original spirits in the stage of a human being are in need of active help, for although they shelter the divine spark of love within themselves which enables their return, they are so weak that they require assistance. This is granted to them by those beings of light which embody themselves on earth for this very purpose and therefore also take the path through the abyss where they are subjected to all temptations and consciously pass their test of will, which lets them become a child so that it can create and work completely freely next to Me and not only work according to My will.... even though these non-fallen spirits are also granted unlimited bliss. It is the immense number of fallen beings which requires eternities until the goal is reached.... Consequently, there are also endless opportunities for the beings of light, having remained faithful to Me, to achieve the childship to God through overcoming the abyss they voluntarily enter for the salvation of the originals spirits, and this signifies constantly higher levels of beatitude for the original spirit which once remained faithful to Me.... For no limitation exists for Me, and thus I can and will make My children happy to an inconceivable degree .... A countless number of original spirits have already offered to take the path across earth, who mainly had the salvation of their fallen brothers at heart; hence they did not embody themselves on earth for selfish reasons.... they did not walk through the abyss for the sake of the 'childship to God' but nevertheless attained this childship to God and returned to Me as My children. The only advantage the beings which remained faithful to Me have over their fallen brothers is the fact they will never need to take the path through the creations of earth and that they will never fail in earthly life either, that they must certainly resist all temptations but that they will always have much strength at their disposal, because love is within them and they will not relinquish it during their life on earth.
However, the people in whom such original spirits are embodied are unaware of it and often have to travel very difficult earthly paths. They fight and serve and reach their goal with certainty .... the complete unification with Me on earth which, although it was not interrupted, must nevertheless be sincerely aspired to by every person, because it is and will remain the goal, because the right decision of will of every being is to profess Me freely. All of My 'created' beings will be My 'children' one day, for a concept of time does not exist for Me, even if eternities will still pass by.... I will definitely achieve what I have set Myself as a goal. Nevertheless, you humans should not believe that these beings which remained with Me can be called less happy, for their will is already so inclined that their love for Me is exceedingly powerful and constantly growing, and I reward this loyalty to Me accordingly, but neither will I deny them the bliss which is guaranteed to them through the childship to God.... The whole sequence of events from the very beginning and for all eternity happens in lawful order.... I cannot proceed contrary to My eternal order.... Once I have designed a plan it will be carried out because My will is irrevocable....
Translated by Heidi Hanna
8793b Do 'non-fallen' spirits attain childship to God?....
March 30, 1964: Book 92
(Supplement regarding B.D. 8793a)
The beings which were once emanated by Me carried My will as long as they were connected to Me with a heartfelt bond of love, as long as I was able to permeate them with My love and thus no other will but My own was able to be in them, that is, their will and thoughts concurred with My will and thoughts. And yet the beings had free will, precisely because they were created by Me and were profoundly perfect beings that had the same will as Me in them without having been under duress. Hence they had free will from the start but it was not different from Mine.... And this similarity of will lasted for eternities, since it was not possible to disturb this similarity of their will with Mine as long as these beings were permeated by My flow of love.... Only when Lucifer, the first-created original spirit, used his faculty of thought wrongly, when he no longer accepted My Word flowing to him with a craving for love and thereby slightly weakened the flow of My strength of love, did the free will in him begin to express itself without being prevented by Me, and only when he began to reject My strength of love increasingly stronger was it possible to speak of an expression of his free will which, until then, had completely concurred with My will despite it being free. At that time My first-created image had to make a free decision, because I only expected the test of will of him when his will started to deviate from Mine because he rejected the flow of My love's strength.... And the same happened with all beings which our mutual strength of love created.... which then again were prompted by Lucifer to express their will, which was free and likewise concurred with Mine for as long as they received My flow of love unimpeded. They, too, began to misuse their thinking ability and associate more with Lucifer's will, and I did not prevent their free will for I wanted them to openly test their will as to with whom they wanted to stay. Thus free will only became active when the beings closed themselves to My love, because before this their will, despite being free, completely concurred with the One from Whom they emerged.
The being therefore only proved its freedom of will when it rebelled against Me, since prior to that its great love prevented it from wilfully opposing Me, for love will always share the same will as Mine.... It has to be said that every living creation is undeniably in possession of free will as a divine attribute because it was in My image.... but it had not used this free will for eternities because it was completely as one with Me and continuously stayed within the circuit of My flow of love, which meant that it did not leave the eternal order.... Only Lucifer's change of thinking led to a change of his will, and I gave free reign to both his wrong thoughts as well as his wrong will, which.... after an infinitely long time.... affected his created beings increasingly more .... and thus the will divided and 'free will' openly manifested itself.... Therefore, when it is said that the beings were unable to want differently than was My will, then it required the state in the beginning when they only accepted My will because of their exceedingly great love for Me and as a consequence of My overwhelmingly powerful emanation of love.... A different will than My own was not possible in this state, nevertheless, in the beginning the beings were not subject to a state of coercion, instead I only externalised each being as proof of supreme perfection. However, the fact that Lucifer and a large proportion of his followers had fallen and experienced immense wretchedness, made becoming a child of God possible.... It is just that the being had to go through the deepest abyss and wage such an immense battle on its path of return to Me that it thereby acquired the right of a child.... whereas the non-fallen beings enjoy uninterrupted heavenly bliss and yet are not excluded from equally striving for and attaining the childship to God; all the same, I truly know what I bestow upon My living creations and which paths they must take in order to reach the highest goal.... Nevertheless, it is always the unification with Me which leads to their greatest bliss, and I Am so close to My children that they are able to feel Me and yet so far away that they will constantly strive towards Me and time and again may receive My illumination of love as evidence of My presence....
Translated by Heidi Hanna
8794 Resurrection to life....
March 30, 1964: Book 92
You, too, will rise from the dead, that is, you will only leave your earthly body but the soul will enter the spiritual kingdom.... And I gave you the evidence of this, I let the process take place visibly in Me, for the whole world was to take note of the fact that I had overcome death, that there need be no death for the human being who has procured the state of maturity for his soul on earth, that it can enter the kingdom of light as spiritualized after its departure from this earth.... But this 'resurrection into life' must always be preceded by redemption through Jesus Christ, otherwise the soul will remain a slave to death, for as long as it is still in My adversary's power it has no life, it is bound and completely inactive, it is truly a state of death in which an unredeemed soul finds itself. But I acquired eternal life for it through My death on the cross.... It no longer needs to fear death, for I gave it life which lasts forever, I merely release the soul from its body of flesh and it can enter the kingdom on the other side in freedom, the soul rises from its grave, it enters a state of light which is completely opposite to the bound state before. That is why I therefore gave men a proof through My resurrection on the third day, because no-one believes in it that there is a further life after death, and because they therefore led their earth life indifferently and lukewarmly and did nothing to secure a resurrection in light for the soul. And I had to prove it to them through the fact that also My body rose, that it broke the fetters of death, that I emerged from the grave to appear to Mine again and to prove to them the fulfilment of My promise that I will rise again on the third day. All of you men are to believe that you are not only created for earth, that with your death not everything is over, but that the actual life only then begins. And you should shape your nature in such a way that you still spiritualize yourselves in earthly life, that not only the souls but also your bodies can rise again out of the grave after death, that they can enter into true life, and that such is possible, for this I gave you the proof.... The ignorance of those men at the time of My walk on earth, their spiritual blindness was so great that they themselves knew nothing about purpose and aim of their earth existence, and they thought to be extinguished again with the moment of death, and accordingly they also only lived purely worldly directed sense; they did not think of their soul's salvation and did not fear the responsibility before their God and creator. And that is why it was necessary to give exactly these men a proof, which indeed was also only accepted by the good-willed as credible, while the others tried to explain to themselves in all possible ways the disappearance of My body out of the grave. But My own were strengthened in their faith, to whom I appeared as I had predicted to them and whom I also sent out into the world with a mission.... To carry My gospel out into the world, to proclaim the teaching of love and to make people believe in life after death and to preach about My resurrection from the grave to all who were of good will and listened to My disciples. Men were to be strengthened in their own responsibility for the guidance of their life; they were to consciously strive for a resurrection after death, and as soon as they believed in Me and in My work of redemption, which I have accomplished for sinful mankind, they could also believe in My resurrection and now also go towards their own resurrection without fear and in trust in Me, Who will raise them up one day in eternity. Because I Myself have given you the promise: Whoever believes in Me will live for eternity.... And even if his body dies.... his I, his soul, cannot die, it only changes its abode and enters the kingdom of the beyond, but which is now constituted according to his way of life.... And if I Myself can awaken the soul from its sleep of death, then it will also be granted a life of bliss.... For as soon as it believes in Me it has also found Me in earthly life and carried its sins under My cross.... And then it is free of all guilt and enters the kingdom of the beyond carefree, where it will now live and can never ever lose this life either...._>Amen
Translated by Doris Boekers
8964 Good Friday....
April 16, 1965: Book 94
The sin I had taken upon My shoulders was an inconceivably heavy burden and could only be redeemed through an equally immense sacrifice of atonement, as the path to the cross and the extremely painful suffering and dying on the cross was for Me. For this had been excruciatingly painful.... You humans are incapable of even remotely imagining that measure of suffering, for I felt abandoned by the strength of God, I.... Who had always been united with the Father.... had to walk the path alone, which seemed to last forever but which I nevertheless took upon Myself in infinite love because I pitied the human race and knew that only this sacrifice of Mine could bring salvation to humanity.... Time and again I had to experience the brutalities of the executioner's servants, and the whole world of hell participated.
Yet I was not allowed to defend Myself by using My indwelling divine strength, for this act of Salvation had to be an act of free will, on account of which I covered this path of suffering as a 'mere human being', always praying that I would be able to complete it, that I would not fail before the end, that I was also permitted to endure the death of the cross, which concluded the act of Salvation in the first place. You will only be able to assess the whole extent of torments and humiliations I had to endure when you enter the kingdom of the beyond, where you will be able to behold My crucifixion. Yet during your human existence you lack all concept of My torments, since a lesser measure would have killed you already, however, My will to redeem you was so strong that it gave Me the strength to taste all suffering to the extreme.... that I also endured the death on the cross consciously and still was able to pray for My tormentors 'Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do'....
They did not know that by nailing Me to the cross they nailed the Father Himself to the cross, Who wanted to redeem all people from every sin.... I knew that He had merely withdrawn Himself from Me so as not to exert force on Me as a human being, for only the human being Jesus was able to suffer and this suffering reconciled the Father. For this reason I spoke the Word 'It is finished....' in order to state that an eternally predetermined act had been accomplished.
However, its results encompassed the past, present and future.... And thus all beings which once had fallen away from God are redeemed.... One day in the beyond you will always be able to witness the crucifixion of Jesus, the human being, but no person will ever be able to assess the appalling torments as long as he still lives on earth.... for he will lack the understanding. His immense suffering, the immense suffering of the man Jesus, not only involved the physical pain inflicted on Him, instead, the suffering of His pure soul, having descended to earth from the kingdom of light for the sake of this act of Salvation, was far greater.... Only a soul which already dwells in the kingdom of light is able to comprehend what it means for a pure soul to be in the slough of sin.... what it means for a perfect soul to stay in the midst of imperfect creatures.... but then it is also able to understand the depth of love which motivated Jesus to provide help for His sinful brothers, and then they will tremble with awe and give thanks and sing their praises to the One Who has redeemed the world from all sin....
Translated by Heidi Hanna
8965 Easter Sunday....
April 18, 1965: Book 94
The man Jesus has offered a work of deepest love and mercy for you because He wanted to redeem the exceedingly great sin guilt, which otherwise would have kept the kingdom of light closed to you for ever, but you must also accept this work of redemption in full awareness that you had loaded a great guilt on yourselves and you now want to become free of it. Because what the man Jesus suffered for you, until He ended His work of mercy with death on the cross, is not to be described, because they were greatest agonies, which His infinite love took upon itself, because He wanted to help His unhappy brothers in their spiritual trouble. But you will never find understanding for these agonies, because they were immeasurable, but the love in Him gave Him power to bear them, because He could only expiate the guilt with such a sacrifice, because His soul and His body had to suffer in a measure, which would have been unbearable for every other man. That is why also the suffering of a man can never be quoted for comparison, because only the body of man will always be affected by the suffering, but for Jesus the suffering, which His soul has endured, was far worse, and it is also not to be described approximately, because He suffered as it were for the former sin of the rejection of the love power; He had to take upon Himself the agonies of a powerless soul, because this was the former sin, which had an effect in form of immense weakness, under which the soul suffered indescribably.... But His love was so great that He took everything upon Himself to make atonement to God for all who accept the work of redemption, who make use of the favours acquired on the cross and want to return home to the father from Whom they once voluntarily separated. The whole earthly way of life of the man Jesus was a (torment) for Him, because He saw in moments of bright seeing how He had to end it.... He foresaw all suffering and horrors and yet could not shake them off, for He was of the will to walk this path because He also recognized the final aim: the redemption of the fallen brothers from an immeasurable guilt, and the magnitude of this guilt also gave Him the willpower to walk the path until the end.... But the last day of His earthly life was so bitter that He almost lost strength and therefore prayed: "Father, let this cup pass from Me, yet not My will but Yours be done!".... And again and again the love for the unfortunate brothers was stronger, and by virtue of this love, which filled Him, He surrendered to His fate, which He certainly could have also turned away from Himself and therefore He only prayed more and more intimately that He might not fail. Yet the suffering He had to endure even before the crucifixion was immeasurable, the suffering He was only able to endure because love was so powerful in Him and He only used this love to persevere until the end. For He had to suffer as a 'human being', even though love itself was in Him, but it held back with its power until He pronounced the words: "It is finished...." And again and again His crucifixion has to be brought before people's eyes in order to let them recognize the great love of the man Jesus, for only a work of love could redeem the past guilt of sin, because it consisted of the beings transgressing against love.... For this reason a soul of light descended to earth, because only such a soul could
muster the degree of love and because God Himself could manifest Himself in this soul of love, Who was in it in all fullness, and therefore love Itself made this sacrifice.... But it was the work of a man, Who was able to suffer, because God could not suffer. For this reason His sacrifice on the cross was of unusual significance, and it must also be acknowledged in free will, for the man Jesus certainly offered the sacrifice for all people of the past, the present and the future, yet only the human being himself determines whether it signifies redemption for him from the former great guilt.... And so his attitude towards Jesus Christ is the most important thing, because his happiness depends on it, how he stands by Him and His work of redemption. And you humans cannot be urged enough not to reject Him but to profess Him and His act of salvation if you want to be released from your original sin and be able to enter the kingdom of light after the death of your body....
Translated by Doris Boekers
8966 Resurrection of Jesus....
April 19, 1965: Book 94
My resurrection is certainly doubted by people who do not believe in Jesus and His mission on earth, and they can also no longer be given any evidence that it really happened as My disciples reported. People who had experienced so many miracles from Me had become wavering in their faith in Me and My might.... there was no-one who still fully trusted in Me, everyone saw that I did nothing against the mob which wanted to take Me captive, and their hearts were overcome by fear that people would carry it out, that I did not defend Myself and let everything happen to Me.... that I no longer used My power until the end to restrain the henchmen from their plan. And that is why also no-one believed in My resurrection on the third day, and when men now learned about it, the thought was more understandable to them that one had fetched Me out of the grave to now let the legend come into being that I had risen from the dead. And even with My disciples I met with unbelief, because they did not know about the great importance of the work of redemption, and therefore they also did not know that everything had to come so as it happened. For those who did not believe in Me, that I descended from above as the son of God, I could not appear to them either, after all, this would have been a compulsion of faith which I could never apply. For everyone who experienced My death on the cross had to voluntarily confess Me and the act of salvation, otherwise he could not be granted forgiveness of original sin. But it was enough with My disciples that I showed them My stigmata, and they recognized Me and remembered My words: "I will rebuild the temple in three days...." But now this problem has become even more controversial, because no man had witnessed this My work of redemption, all must believe it, what is reported to them, and an even stronger belief is demanded of men of the present time, that I have risen from the dead.... that My body had spiritualized itself and only became visible to mine because they were to be strengthened in their intention to carry out My teaching of love and to make very special mention of My work of redemption. And all who were introduced through My spirit into deeper knowledge will also believe in this spiritualization of the body.... For these will also muster the understanding for the work of redemption which I accomplished in the man Jesus.... For they have been introduced to this knowledge through the spirit itself, and no-one can rob them of their faith, both in the work of redemption as well as in My resurrection. They will also know how to meet every objection that such is impossible, because they know it that the final aim of men on earth is to likewise spiritualize themselves, and the same can also happen with their body, for which the man Jesus has supplied you with proof. But who only thinks purely earthly, for him also proofs would not be enough, but which are no longer to be provided. And more and more the faith in Jesus Christ and His work of mercy will dwindle in men because the adversary, who always only sees his enemy in Jesus, Who wants to wrest the souls from him and this He will succeed in. But I will also again and again see to it that the right knowledge about the sacrifice on the cross and its reason is supplied to you men; I will always awaken men who stand up for Jesus Christ in deepest conviction, who always only listen to what the spirit imparts to them out of Me, and who therefore also have a firm faith in My resurrection, which can be shaken through nothing. And again and again I will convey knowledge through My spirit to those who are willing to believe, because I can give them nothing else but truth....
Translated by Doris Boekers