8505 Teacher training....

May 22, 1963: Book 89

I will supply you abundantly with teaching material so that you also can instruct your fellowmen right and give them enlightenment when they demand it. And I will also truly prepare the right teachers for me, men who are so devoted to Me that they always only want to be active in My will and always and constantly entrust themselves to My guidance, who do nothing without Me and also always only desire and want to spread pure truth. Because this is a responsible office to be a teacher to fellowmen, because the maturing of the souls of those is also dependent on the spreading of truth, if they are of earnest will to fulfil their purpose of earth life. Who wants to teach, he must first himself stand in truth; he must possess a spiritual knowledge, which he himself completely masters, if he wants to pass it on comprehensibly to his fellowmen. And such knowledge can only I Myself give to a man, who is willing to utilize it according to My will.... And at the same time as knowledge I also give man the understanding for it; I train him to be a teacher, who now can work for blessing.... He certainly receives the knowledge with the heart, but also his intellect is so directed from Me that he grasps everything and can now also reproduce it right. And as soon as he is now active for me, as soon as he wants to teach fellowmen according to My will, also his thinking will be directed by Me right; My spirit can have an effect in him.... And then he will always instruct men so that they can understand everything themselves and always demand new instructions. And everyone will be able to get information from those who receive their teaching material from Me Myself.... And this is to be especially emphasized that you men then go to the spring out of which you are to draw, and the water of life will then also serve you for the salvation of your soul. Everything you receive in knowledge in the spiritual sphere must have its origin with Me.... And that is why you also have to check it for its origin. If I now teach you Myself, then you can be sure of it that you are allowed to pass on everything what you receive from Me, that I give you the order for it, because I want that pure, true spiritual knowledge is passed on to men, and because I also train the suitable men for it, who carry out this teaching order. And you can also unhesitatingly accept every explanation from them, for it will always correspond to truth, even if it is voiced by the person himself as it were as his own thought material, for then it is I Myself Who guides his thoughts, because he speaks for Me and in My name. You then do not need to fear that his own words contradict My word supplied to him, because if he is active for Me, then I protect him from weaving in wrong spiritual material. But you are not always allowed to assume the same when a man speaks who does not have the assignment from me.... Because My spirit must always be able to work in him, what requires certain preconditions. But My spirit will also have an effect where a man in love towards Me and towards the neighbour stands up for pure truth, if he earnestly wants it himself that he only expresses truth. I support every earnest will and see to it that man then himself recognizes truth and supplies no erroneous thought material to his fellowman. But if you are in possession of My word from above, then you have the most delicious teaching material, which enables you to your teaching office, because everything what you now pass on, you draw out of the source, out of the spring of life.... and everyone who hears it, he again receives My word from Me Myself, even if it is offered to him by a mediator.... But he then can be convinced of the purest truth of that what is given to him; he no longer needs to doubt and therefore can also mature in his knowledge, because My word has great power, because My word is the light, which breaks through darkness, and because it is a delicious food for the soul, which now can be fed and watered by Me Myself and therefore also receives the best what can ever be offered to it.... My love light from eternity....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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