8347 Devotion to God ensures beatification....

December 4, 1962: Book 88

Thus let yourselves be guided and led by Me by consciously entrusting yourselves to My guidance, by asking Me not to let you go and to walk every path with you so that you will not stray from the right path but always walk in accordance with My will. And believe that you will then also fulfil your earthly task, for in contact with Me My flow of strength of love will also radiate into you and you will change your nature into love, because its presence is the surest guarantee for this. Then you will also serve voluntarily, driven by love, and your soul will mature, it will repel everything of an anti-divine nature, for love crystallises the soul and enables it to absorb ever stronger radiation of love. Love, however, is light, and thus the soul can enter the kingdom of light unhindered upon its departure from this earth, for it has shaped itself in earthly life such that all coverings have fallen off it and it can now also receive the beatitudes of My kingdom in a high degree of light. Devotion to Me has then brought this about, for once a person surrenders to Me I will truly never let him go, and I will also shape his earthly progress such that it can bring him the highest success.... Then you will have to mature, because all resistance in you will have dwindled and thus the return to Me will also have been accomplished. Yet consciously handing yourselves over to Me requires a degree of faith which is achieved through actions of love.... It requires a.... even if only slight.... knowledge of My nature, which in turn can only be attained through loving activity.... For if you know about My being, which is love, wisdom and power, you are also urged to surrender to this being, and then you will have passed your test of will on earth, you will have voluntarily acknowledged Me again and long for union with Me.... Therefore it is My greatest and everlasting endeavour to give you this small realisation, to reveal Myself to you, to give you information about My being, from whose infinite love you yourselves originated. But this knowledge is not forcibly given to you.... Your free will must be willing to accept it, and thus your free will alone is decisive as to whether you find your way back to Me in earthly life or remain at a distance from Me, which is wretchedness. And therefore it is also possible that the earthly path as a human being will be travelled in vain, and yet I can do nothing else but time and again influence your will so that you listen to Me when I want to enlighten you, when I want to kindle a small light for you in which you are able to recognize Me Myself and My nature. You are capable of doing so, but whether you are willing is for you to decide, and no coercion whatsoever will be exerted on you, neither from My nor My adversary's side. But you need never fear that I will abandon you.... Until your death I will try to win you over for Myself in order to facilitate your entry into the kingdom of the beyond, so that you will not have to fear the deepest darkness from which you will find your way out with great difficulty if you don't sink even deeper. But I have to leave you free will, and now you will understand that I will take hold of you in order to never ever let you go if you entrust yourselves to Me voluntarily, if you request My guidance and I can now also take over the guidance which truly also ensures that you reach the goal. You humans should all just know and believe that I Myself am love which does everything for its creations in order to save them from the abyss, from a new banishment into matter.... You should only believe that you can trust Me unconditionally, that you are saved if only you adhere to Me.... For I also take all your weaknesses into account and will always provide you with strength to walk the earthly path with the right direction.... I will always walk beside you and you will be able to cover the ascent effortlessly, for you will walk it by My hand and you will always find the right support when the ascent seems difficult to you. But the goal is glorious, for all burden and toil, all tribulation, suffering and hardship will fall away from you as soon as you have reached the gate of eternity and the kingdom of light will receive you, where all glories await you and you will be blissfully happy....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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